
  • 网络traditional Chinese arts
  1. 除了京剧、刺绣等中国传统艺术的现场表演外,文博会上澳大利亚Wongawilli乐队的表演也吸引了很多人的眼球。

    Apart from live shows of traditional Chinese arts like Beijing Opera and embroidery , the ICIF saw a performance of the Australian band Wongawilli , one of the most eye-catching events at the fair .

  2. 中国传统艺术与平面构成

    Traditional Chinese Arts and 2-D Construction

  3. 剪纸是一门历史悠久的中国传统艺术。

    As traditional Chinese art , paper cutting has a long history .

  4. 腾讯音乐娱乐集团副总裁侯德洋表示,拥有8亿注册用户的QQ音乐与故宫博物院的这次合作,旨在鼓励国内年轻音乐人的原创性和创造力,并让年轻观众们关注中国传统艺术。

    According to Dennis Hau , group vice-president of Tencent Music Entertainment Group , this collaboration between QQ Music , which has about 800 million registered users , and the Palace Museum , aims at promoting originality and creativity among young Chinese musicians as well as drawing young audiences to traditional Chinese art forms .

  5. 论中国传统艺术与设计的和文化底蕴

    On Harmony Cultural Inside Information of Chinese Traditional Art and Design

  6. 水墨艺术是中国传统艺术的典型代表。

    Ink art is a typical representative of Chinese traditional arts .

  7. 从硕人其颀到多愁多病&试论中国传统艺术中女性形象之演变

    On the Transformation of the Feminist Image in Traditional Chinese Art

  8. 中国传统艺术符号在现当代艺术中的运用

    The Exertion of Traditional Chinese Artistic Symbols in the Contemporary Art

  9. 论意象思维在中国传统艺术形式的定位

    The Location of the Imagery Thoughts in Chinese Traditional Art Forms

  10. 总结各门艺术的特点、技法、规律及当下启示,亦重视艺术的相通之处与旨归,贯穿其对中国传统艺术精神的心得体会。

    Through it , the spirit is Chinese traditional arts experiences .

  11. 意境:中国传统艺术美的存在方式

    Artistic conception : the being of beauty in traditional art of China

  12. 第三章追述了中国传统艺术中对黑色的应用分析。

    The third part traces the history of black application in Chinese traditional art .

  13. 论中国传统艺术中的诗性智慧

    On the Poetic Wisdom of Chinese Traditional Art

  14. 京剧是中国传统艺术。

    Beijing opera is a traditional Chinese art .

  15. 略论喀斯特环境与中国传统艺术文化

    A preliminary study on the karst environment and the traditional art and culture of China

  16. 民国时期,中国传统艺术的绘画,进入了一个特殊的阶段。

    During the Republican Period , the Chinese traditional arts have gone into a special stage .

  17. 天人合一的文化精神对中国传统艺术设计的影响

    Chinese Traditional Art Design Influenced by the Idea That Man is an Integral Part of Nature

  18. 剑与中国传统艺术

    Sword and Chinese Traditional Art

  19. 中国传统艺术抽象由个性向模式化的共性过渡,走向类型化的共性终结。

    Traditional Chinese artistic abstraction has experienced a transition from individuality via modeled generality to molded universality .

  20. 在语文教材中,古诗文尤其是古诗词成为把中国传统艺术精神传承给现代学生的一个载体。

    In Chinese teaching materials , the ancient poems carry the traditional artistic spirits to modern students .

  21. 许许多多的小孩都参与了中国传统艺术和手工艺的学习班。

    Lots children were got involved in different kinds of workshops of Chinese traditional arts and craft .

  22. 具有中国传统艺术特质的漆艺散发出的特有质感与民族感迎合了现代人生活多样性的情感需要。

    Lacquer art with Chinese traditional art exudes texture and ethical sense to the modern living diversity emotional need .

  23. 在潘剑锋的艺术创作中,他始终将自己深厚的中国传统艺术功底与自己随心而动的创意相互融合。

    In Pan 's art , he always combines his freewheeling originality with his solid background of traditional Chinese art .

  24. 内向思维对中国传统艺术理论产生了广泛而深刻的影响,铸成了中国传统艺术理论鲜明的主体精神。

    Introversive thinking has exerted profound and far-reaching influences upon traditional Chinese artistic theory , hence its clear-cut subject spirit .

  25. 浅议中国传统艺术理论对当代室内设计的启示&以南齐谢赫六法为例

    Discussion on Inspiration of the Interior Design from Traditional Chinese Artistic Theory & Take Example for Six Theories of Xie He

  26. 剪纸艺术是中国传统艺术一个重要的分支,它的独特的艺术形式仍为现代人们所喜爱。

    The art of scissor-cut is an important branch of Chinese traditional arts , which is popular even in the present .

  27. 它们不仅反映出石库门的时代及地域文化特色,更反映出中国传统艺术的博大精深。

    They not only reflect the times and geographical Shikumen cultural characteristics , but also reflects the profound Chinese traditional arts .

  28. 汉代画像砖作为一种中国传统艺术,在中国美术史上占据着重要地位。

    As a kind of traditional Chinese art , Han Dynasty sculptural bricks occupy an important position in art history of China .

  29. 总结道家思想在中国传统艺术和设计中的表现,不但从横向进行比较研究,也从纵向出发。

    Summary of Taoism in Chinese traditional art and design performance , not only from a comparative study of lateral , starting from vertical .

  30. 中国传统艺术对西方绘画深刻的影响,在其由传统向现代转型的过程中得到了较好的体现。

    Chinese tradition art to western drawing profound influence , Obtained good manifesting in it by the tradition to in the modern reforming process .