
  • 网络The Global Language Monitor;glm
  1. 全球语言监测机构(GlobalLanguageMonitor)称,Twitter是2009年最流行词汇。该机构位于得克萨斯州奥斯汀,跟踪英语语言的趋势。

    ' Twitter ' was the most popular word of 2009 , according to the Global Language Monitor , an Austin , Texas , group that tracks English-language trends .

  2. 全球语言监测机构主席鲍尔•JJ•佩雅克回应了这一批评,称其统计方法在技术上是可行的。

    Paul JJ Payack , president of the Global Language Monitor , brushed off the criticism , saying his method was technically sound .

  3. 该词跻身美国语言追踪组织“全球语言监测机构”第六届年度十大电视热词排行榜,并击败“金融风暴(FinancialMeltdown)”,名列榜首。

    It topped " financial meltdown " in the6th annual list of Top10 Telewords compiled by U.S.tracking group , the Global Language Monitor .

  4. 全球语言监测机构采用一种运算法对媒体和网络上出现的词汇进行了跟踪统计,据其介绍,如果位居第二的“bailout”一词于9月中旬之前就出现在媒体上,那么它就有可能位居榜首。

    Global Language Monitor , which uses an algorithm to track words and phrases in the media and on the Internet , said " bailout " came second in its list but would have been higher if it had hit the media earlier than mid-September .

  5. 全球语言监测机构主席保罗JJ帕亚克认为,正因为如此,美国公众在2011年才更愿意见到佩林抛头露面。他补充称,“媒体急需‘布什体’的接班人,而莎拉佩林正是最佳人选”。

    Global Language Monitor president Paul JJ Payack said Americans were thus likely to see and hear more of Palin in 2011 , adding that " the media needs an heir to ' Bushisms ' and Sarah Palin is the candidate of choice here . "

  6. 全球语言监测机构通过印刷和电子媒体来测定出使用量最多的单词和词组。

    The GLM uses the Internet and print sources to identify the most used words and phrases .

  7. 全球语言监测机构说:“‘政治上正确’这个词本身现在在政治上也正确了”,“但在运用时要小心”。

    " The term politically correct , itself , is now politically correct ," the GLM said , adding " be careful how you use it " .

  8. 总部位于得克萨斯州的全球语言监测机构使用一种数学模型来监控纸质、电子媒体以及网络中的词汇,以了解语言使用的趋势及其对文化的影响。

    The Texas-based Global Language Monitor uses an algorithm to search printed and electronic media and the Internet for trends in word usage and their impact on culture .

  9. 语言研究组织全球语言监测机构日前公布“2009年政治错误用语”排行榜,用以描述致命性流感病毒的“猪流感”一词居榜首。

    " Swine flu ," the word used to describe the killer viral infection , has been named the most politically incorrect word of2009 by Global Language Monitor , a group that studies word usage .

  10. 心形表情符成为最火英文单词全球语言监测机构称,一个代表“爱”的心形表情符成为了2014年的年度热词。

    Heart Emoji is Top English " Word " The heart emoji , an electronic picture meaning love , has been identified as the top word used in 2014 , according to the Global Language Monitor .

  11. 全球语言监测机构总部位于美国德州,自2000年以来每年年末都会根据英语国家中媒体和网络上的单词曝光率,总结当年十大热门词汇。

    The Texas-based Global Language Monitor has gathered the Top 10 words at the end of each year since 2000 , according to citations in the media and on the Internet from throughout the English-speaking world .

  12. 根据全球语言监测机构的最新预测,随著美国为下届总统大选热身,“佩林体”和“奥巴马乱”有望成为2011年热门词汇。

    " Palinism " and " Obama-mess " are likely to be among the top global words of2011 , as the United States gears up for its next presidential elections , according to a language monitoring group .

  13. 全球语言监测机构根据纸媒、电子媒体、和社交媒体选出年度热词和热门短语。该机构本周三称,公爵夫人效应是2012年的最热门时尚词汇。

    The Global Language Monitor ( GLM ), which tracks print , electronic and social media for top words and phrases , said on Wednesday that " The Duchess Effect " was its top fashion word for 2012 .

  14. 全球语言监测机构根据纸媒、电子媒体、和社交媒体选出年度热词和热门短语。该机构本周三称,“公爵夫人效应”是2012年的最热门时尚词汇。

    The Global Language Monitor ( GLM ) , which tracks print , electronic and social media for top words and phrases , said on Wednesday that " The Duchess Effect " was its top fashion word for 2012 .

  15. 全球语言监测机构本周一表示,由于英语国家统一了本个时代中头几年的读法,明年的英文读法可能会被公认为“二十十一”。

    The coming year will also likely be commonly deemed " Twenty-Eleven " as the English-speaking world moves away from disagreement over how to pronounce the first years of the decade , the Global Language Monitor said on Monday .

  16. 全球语言监测机构运用一种运算法则,跟踪语言及其在媒体、社交网站和互联网上的运用,考虑其出现的频率、语境和短期及长期趋势。

    The Global Language Monitor used an algorithm that tracks language and its uses across media , social-networking sites and the rest of the Internet , taking into consideration frequency of appearance , context and short - and long-term trends .