
  • 网络Xerox;FUJI XEROX;Xrx
施乐 [shī lè]
  • [list]给以快感

  1. 施乐公司展开了一项逆向工程。他们把日本的机器拆开,调查了日本的工厂以弄清楚他们如何能生产出如此了不起的产品。

    Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering . It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats .

  2. 施乐和朗讯是另外两家由女性经营的大科技公司。

    Xerox and Lucent are two more high-tech companies run by women .

  3. 包括AT&T、IBM、西门子和施乐等在内的27家公司今年未能继续上榜。

    There are 27 companies that are dropped from the list this year , including AT & T , IBM , Siemens and Xerox .

  4. 问题是垄断科技公司也有这种情况,比如IBM和施乐

    But it turns out the same thing can happen in technology companies , that they get monopolies , like old IBM and Xerox .

  5. 他历任施乐帕克研究中心(XeroxPARC)、AliasWavefront和硅谷图形公司(SiliconGraphics)的研究员,目前供职于微软研究院(MicrosoftResearch)。

    He has been a researcher at Xerox PARC , alias | wavefront , silicon graphics , and currently Microsoft Research .

  6. 介绍了施乐公司、麦当劳公司、丰田公司、联想公司、IBM公司的基于知识管理的人力资源管理方法。

    Finally , introducing the methods of HR management based on KM carried out in Shile , Mcdonald 's , Toyota , Lenovo , IBM and Motorola co.

  7. 是施乐集团的首席技术,Sophie,is,the,Chief,Technology,Officer,执行官和主席,负责施乐的全球,研究中心,我记得好像有五个。

    Sophie and President of the Xerox Innovation Group , in which she is responsible for Xerox 's worldwide research center , which I think there 're five .

  8. 晚年,他致力于帮助福特汽车(FordMotors)和施乐(Xerox)等公司的高层们改进他们的管理风格。

    In his later years , he helped executives at companies like Ford Motors and Xerox improve their management styles .

  9. 马尔卡希领导施乐实现了扭亏,并将指挥棒交给了公司内部的乌苏拉尔•伯恩斯(UrsulaBurns)。

    Ms Mulcahy led a turnround of Xerox and passed the baton to company insider Ursula Burns .

  10. 在美国,英特尔(Intel)、苹果(Apple)和施乐(Xerox)等科技公司在20多年前就开始聘用人类学家了。

    In the US , anthropologists have been hired for more than two decades by technology groups including Intel , Apple and Xerox .

  11. 时任施乐公司帕洛阿尔托(PaloAlto)研究中心工程师的AlanKay挺身而出,给他们上了一课。

    It took Alan Kay , an engineer working at Xerox 's Palo Alto Research Center , to show them .

  12. 最佳非执行主席:施乐公司(Xerox)前CEO、拯救施乐于危难之中的安妮•马尔卡希。

    The non-executive chair of choice : Anne Mulcahy , the former CEO of Xerox ( XRX ) , which she rescued from the brink .

  13. 当年,51岁的伯恩斯和前任CEO安妮•马尔卡希并肩作战,她们发挥各自的才华和令人称赞的领导能力,一个主攻工程技术,一个主攻销售,最终成功地挽救了施乐。

    Burns , 51 , and Anne Mulcahy , her predecessor as CEO , rescued Xerox by pairing their respective talents , engineering and sales , and their complimentary leadership styles .

  14. 正是有了垄断收益,谷歌才能资助不亚于美国电报电话公司(AT&T)传奇的贝尔实验室(BellLabs)或施乐帕克研究中心(XeroxPark)的实验室,这些实验室做出的突破创新数不胜数。

    Google 's monopoly returns enable it to fund the equivalent of AT & T 's legendary Bell Labs , or Xerox Park , which made so many breakthroughs .

  15. 富士施乐位于深圳的工厂生产复印机和打印机。该公司2006年便非常有预见性地推出了一个针对该工厂工人的企业社会责任(CSR)项目。

    Fuji Xerox , which makes copiers and printers at its Shenzhen plant , presciently started a corporate social responsibility programme aimed at employees at the factory in 2006 .

  16. 美国电报电话公司的贝尔实验室和施乐帕洛阿尔托研究中心(XeroxPARC)的辉煌历史已经过去了,但是不知怎的IBM的研究文化却幸存下来。

    AT & T 's Bell Labs and Xerox PARC have left their glorious histories behind them , yet somehow IBM 's research culture has survived .

  17. 但在印度,“xerox”只是意为“复印”的动词,不代表施乐公司,还有很多人认为“互联网”就是一个美国公司。

    But then in India " xerox " is a verb that means photocopying , and many think the Internet is an American company .

  18. 于是他开始催促乔布斯和苹果的其他同事去施乐PARC考察一番。

    So he began urging Jobs and other Apple colleagues to go check out Xerox PARC .

  19. 1979年乔布斯第一次拜访施乐PaloAlto研究中心,在PC成形之初,PaloAlto研究中心起到了关键作用。

    Central to the development of the personal computers was the pioneering work being done at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center , which Steve first visited in 1979 .

  20. 说不定有人认为我有这样的遭遇只是因为我特别倒霉而已,让我再跟你说说另一个女人,施乐(Xerox)前副总裁兼CEO安妮•麦卡伊的故事。

    Lest you think that I am just particularly unlucky , let me share the story of another woman , Anne Mulcahy , the former chairman and CEO of Xerox ( XRX ) .

  21. 于是,施乐PARC的工程师们开始研发友好的用户图形界面,以取代电脑屏幕上那些拒人于千里之外的命令行和DOS提示符。

    So Xerox PARC 's engineers began to develop user-friendly graphics that could replace all of the command lines and DOS prompts that made computer screens intimidating .

  22. STD是一个由来自迪吉多电脑公司的几位计算机技术专家组成的摇滚乐队。施乐、苹果以及太阳公司给他们提供了内部知识,M-bone多址传播主干网。

    STD was a rock band made up of computer technologists from Digital Equipment Corp. , Xerox , Apple , and Sun , giving them inside knowledge of a technology called Multicast Backbone ( M-bone ) .

  23. 在美国科技行业,这种结构曾经更为常见,贝尔实验室(BellLabs)和施乐帕克研究中心(XeroxParc)的研究人员就曾获得资金和时间去展开雄心勃勃的研究项目。

    Such structures were once more common in the US technology industry , where researchers at Bell Labs and Xerox Parc were given funding and time to pursue ambitious research projects .

  24. 两个月前出任施乐首席执行官的乌苏拉伯恩斯(ursulaburns)说,该交易将使施乐转型为一家业务广泛的技术和服务供应商。

    Ursula burns , who took over as chief executive of Xerox two months ago , said that the deal would transform the company into a broad supplier of technology and services .

  25. 施乐本来有机会把规模扩大10倍,独占整个行业,就像90年代的IBM或微软

    Xerox could have owned the entire computer industry , could have been company 10 times of its size , could have been IBM , Could have been IBM in the 1990 " s , .... could have been the Microsoft in the 1990 " s.

  26. 从1907年建立之初,施乐(Xerox)公司就是一家专注于发明创造并很快进入世界500强的公司,在办公设备市场中掀起了一场真正的技术革命。

    Since its establishment from the beginning of 1907 , Xerox is among the world top 500 enterprises concentrating on inventions and creativity . It revolutionized the market of office equipment .

  27. 但过去一年还诞生了一家名为Conduent的公司,听起来更像一款私密的护肤膏,而非施乐(Xerox)旗下的业务流程服务集团。

    But the past year has seen the birth of Conduent , which sounds more like an intimate skin balm than the business process services group that was part of Xerox .

  28. 因此,盖茨事后坦率地承认,“我们基本上就是说,‘嘿,我们也看好图形界面,我们也见识过施乐Alto啊。’”

    As he freely admitted later , " we sort of say , ' Hey , we believe in graphics interfaces , we saw the Xerox Alto , too ' . "

  29. 他写道:安妮•马尔卡希(AnneMulcahy)于2001年成为施乐(Xerox)首席执行官。就在上任5个月之后,她告诉华尔街,该公司的业务模式存在问题。

    When Anne Mulcahy became CEO of Xerox in 2001 , after just five months on the job she told Wall Street the company 's business model was flawed , he writes .

  30. 图形用户界面--也就是GUI--的发展,也受到了当时施乐PARC另一个先锋概念“位图显示”的推动。

    This graphical user interface - or GUI , pronounced " gooey " - was facilitated by another concept pioneered at Xerox PARC : bitmapping .