
tíng kào
  • stop at;stop;calling;call at;berth;touch at;pull off
停靠 [tíng kào]
  • [call at;touch at;stop at] 船只、火车等短时间地停在某处

  • 返航中曾在几个港口停靠

停靠[tíng kào]
  1. 我们沿途要在一些港口停靠吗?

    Will we be calling at any ports on the way ?

  2. 愈来愈多的船舶将停靠上海港。

    There will be more and more vessels calling Shanghai .

  3. 停靠在1号站台的火车是开往利兹的。

    The train now standing at platform 1 is for Leeds .

  4. 自上个月以来那艘航空母舰就一直停靠在那儿。

    The aircraft carrier has been docked there since last month .

  5. 这艘船停靠在细沙滩上。

    The ship has come to rest on the fine sand .

  6. 火车从滑铁卢站出发,途中会在阿什福德站停靠上人。

    Trains will operate from Waterloo with a pick-up stop at Ashford .

  7. 他们的第一个停靠港将是开普敦。

    Their first port of call will be Cape Town .

  8. 这是一次短暂停靠,上上客,加加水。

    This is a brief stop to take on passengers and water .

  9. 一路上,汽船在好几个港口停靠。

    The steamer calls at several ports along the way .

  10. 船会停靠在那里,映衬在一片波澜不兴的湛蓝海水之中。

    The ship would lie there mirrored in a perfectly unmoving glossy sea .

  11. 轮船临时停靠在夏威夷。

    The ship made an unscheduled stop at Hawaii .

  12. 警察在迪耶普附近让他将自己的梅赛德斯车停靠路边。

    Police pulled over his Mercedes near Dieppe .

  13. 船停靠这个主要港口以装载其常规货物——香蕉。

    The boat calls at the main port to load its regular cargo of bananas .

  14. 按计划在到达巴士拉之前它会停靠在亚丁或其他港口。

    It 's due to put in at Aden and some other ports before arriving in Basra

  15. 我们已建成一个凸式码头供远洋货轮停靠之用。

    We have completed a pier to accommodate oceangoing freighters .

  16. 这是一个任何吨位的船舶都可停靠的安全港口。

    It is a safe port for vessels of any size .

  17. 6艘万吨货轮可以同时在这个码头停靠。

    Six 10000-ton freighters can berth at this dock .

  18. 下一个停靠站离这里很远。

    The next stop is much further on .

  19. 那艘船停靠在码头边。

    The ship lies alongside the wharf . ; The steamer lies at the pier .

  20. 公共汽车停靠在路边上,让一些乘客上车。

    The bus pulled over and picked up some passengers .

  21. 在港内一个经过疏浚的码头停靠了一个月。

    In a berth dredged in the harbour she lay for a month .

  22. 从上海开来的十四次列车停靠在二号站台。

    Train No.14 from Shanghai stops at platform no.2 .

  23. 当我们在交通灯处等候的时候,另一辆汽车和我们并排停靠在一起。

    As we were waiting at the traffic lights , another car drew up alongside ours .

  24. 五辆汽车排成一行停靠。

    Five cars stood abreast .

  25. 那艘船停靠在港口外,等着让一个受过专门训练的人将它领进港口。

    The ship stops outside the harbour so that a specially trained person may pilot her in .

  26. 当时我们的船停靠在这个港口。

    At that time , our ship was tied up at this harbor .

  27. 联合国教科文组织警告称,如果威尼斯不永久禁止游轮停靠,威尼斯将会陷入更大的生存危机。

    Unesco warned that Venice ’ s survival will be even more in peril if the lagoon city doesn ’ t issue a permanent ban on cruise ships .

  28. 意大利政府计划让游轮在工业港口马尔盖拉停靠,并计划在环礁湖外建造一个游轮码头。

    The plan was for the ships to be diverted to the industrial port of Marghera while plans were made for the construction of a cruise terminal outside the lagoon .

  29. 意大利众议院已经于4月份通过了这项禁令,但是游轮要改在马尔盖拉港停靠还需要修建大型基础设施。

    The decree was approved by the lower house of the Italian parliament in April , but major infrastructure work will be needed to make it possible to redirect cruise ships to Marghera port .

  30. 我的一个朋友在游船上工作。由于潮水当时涨得很高,船停靠在墨西哥的一个港口,游客们不得不踩着一条很窄的跳板才能上岸。

    The cruise ship my friend was working on socked at a Mexican port during a very high tide . Everyone on board was forced to use the ship 's narrow gangplank as a passageway to the dock far below .