
tínɡ zhì shí qī
  • plateau
  1. 这种在收入下降或停滞时期实现储蓄增长的手段,正是经济呈v型复苏的希望无法成真的原因所在。

    The means of achieving increased savings in a period of declining or stagnating income is why hopes for a V-shaped recovery in the economy will not be fulfilled .

  2. 在对海外金融机构百仕通(blackstone)以及摩根士丹利(morganstanley)进行了一系列损失惨重的投资之后,中投在去年经历了一段明显的停滞时期,今年该公司开始密切关注大宗商品领域。

    After a series of disastrous investments in offshore financial institutions Blackstone , Morgan Stanley CIC went through a period of apparent paralysis until this year , when it began looking closely at the commodities sector .

  3. 就美国科学界来说,这段停滞时期持续了四年左右。

    This hiatus in American science lasted about four years .

  4. 这个国家进入了经济停滞时期。

    The country enters a period of stagnation .

  5. 第二个时间段,1949-1976年,中国本土标志设计集中发展和停滞时期;

    The second phase , from 1949 to 1976 , the centralized development and stagnancy period for Chinese native logo design .

  6. 戈夫先生推崇的瑞典非选择性地区免费学校在国际排名经历了一个停滞时期。

    Sweden , admired by Mr Gove for its independent , non-selective , state-funded free schools , has had a sticky period in international rankings .

  7. 从20世纪50年代后期至70年代后期,我国民俗体育不可避免地受到左倾思想的严重干扰,民俗体育的发展处于停滞时期。

    From the late 1950s to the late 1970s , it was inevitably given the interference of the thought of the extreme-leftist . The development of the folk sports is at a standstill period .

  8. 但自从我国经济转轨开始之后,由于体制和结构等原因,产业竞争力下降,市场化程度不高等问题日益凸现,自身经济也陷入相对停滞时期。

    As the transition begans , for institution and structure reasons , the property competition capacity dropped , and problems as the low market degree showed off , the economy development slumped into stasis period .

  9. 在中国奇幻文学遭遇发展停滞的瓶颈时期,奇幻文学的转型成为迫在眉睫的问题。

    It is urgent that the mystery fantasy fiction of China should have its own revolution when fantasy literature of China undergoes its bottleneck period .

  10. 作为社会主义时期的核心价值观念,解放思想、与时俱进、勇于变革、勇于创新、永不僵化、永不停滞是新时期各项事业不断向前发展的精神动力。

    As the core values of the socialist period , emancipating the mind , with the times , the courage to change , the courage to innovate , never rigid , never stagnant is the spiritual power of the sustainable development of the each thing .

  11. 通过诱导细胞周期素依赖性蛋白激酶抑制物(cki)表达,抑制细胞周期素(cy-clin)和细胞周期素依赖性蛋白激酶(cdk)表达使细胞周期停滞于某一时期。

    It can induce the expression of cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors ( CDKIs ), that may suppress cyclin and cyclin dependent kinases ( CDKs ), so it makes cell stagnate some phase in cell cycle .

  12. 与之相对应的是,阿根廷的基础农业几乎仍然停滞在殖民地时期的水平上。

    Oppositely , the foundation of its agricultural industry still remains on the level of colonization period .

  13. 我把这个过程分为肇始期、繁荣期和停滞期三个时期,并阐述每个阶段各自不同的接受特点。

    This process can be divided into three periods : the period of beginning , prosperousness and stagnation . And it illustrates different characteristics of the acceptance during each period .

  14. 然而,证券市场的繁荣发展投资者带来的不仅仅是化腐朽为神奇的欢呼,甚至在停滞低迷的黑暗时期在这个群体的心里留下挥之不去的阴霾。

    However , prosperity and development of securities market brings investors not only the cheers of the miraculous , but also lingering haze in their hearts even in the dark period of stagnation .