
  • 网络parking orbit
  1. 近地停泊轨道实为一种地球卫星轨道;

    The parking orbit is a certain kind of orbit of the Earth satellite .

  2. 文章研究了在小推力作用下,小卫星由椭圆停泊轨道进入共面圆工作轨道的点火信息求解方法;

    Burning information under low thrust is studied for a small satellite transfering from a elliptic parking orbit to its circular working orbit .

  3. 典型的月球探测器飞行轨道包括地球停泊轨道段、地月转移轨道段、月球卫星轨道段和着月轨道段。

    A typical orbit of lunar probe includes earth parking orbit segment , earth-moon transfer orbit segment , lunar satellite orbit segment and moon-landing orbit segment .

  4. 在给定飞行时间、着月时间、着月入射角及停泊轨道等约束条件下,建立飞月轨道数学模型;

    In this paper , obtained the translunar trajectory for direct striking the moon , which satisfied some constraints including translunar flight time , lunar landing date .

  5. 小型月球探测器由地球停泊轨道向地月转移轨道射入时,要求采用自旋稳定来建立发动机的点火姿态。

    Spin stability is taken for the small lunar explorer to build up the solid motor firing attitude when it was injected from the Earth berth orbit to the Earth Moon transfer orbit .

  6. 研究探测器从停泊轨道出发飞向月球并击中月球的轨道自动寻优设计问题。

    The purpose of this paper is to solve the problem of designing optimized trajectory , based on the task that the prober is launched from the anchorage orbit and lands on the moon .

  7. 然后,由停泊轨道向动平衡点目标周期轨道转移,利用该系统的不稳定流形逃逸以实现低能量的星际飞行。

    Then the spacecraft transfers from parking orbit to target periodic orbits associated with librations point , and escapes from unstable invariant manifold associated with the system to achieve interplanetary flight with low energy .

  8. 月球探测器的运动通常可分为3个阶段,这3个阶段分别对应3种不同类型的轨道:近地停泊轨道、向月飞行的过渡轨道与环月飞行的月球卫星轨道。

    The motion of lunar probe consists of three stages including three different type of orbits : parking orbit near the Earth , transfer orbit forward to the Moon and the final orbit around the Moon .

  9. 讨论了探测器从低高度圆型地球停泊轨道出发,沿速度方向施加脉冲推力进入登月轨道,不加制导自由飞行击中月球的轨道设计问题。

    In this paper , the problem of orbital design of landing moon detector is discussed which starts from near earth circular parking orbit , produces thrust in velocity direction , entries landing moon orbit , and hits the moon with on guiding and free flight .

  10. 然后基于时间最优及燃料最优的原则对补给节点、分段运输轨道、运输停泊轨道进行优化设计,得到满足空间后勤要求的行星际空间探测轨道,建立了空间后勤补给轨道链网络。

    After that we based on the principles of time optimal and fuel optimal to design the supply nodes , staging transportation track , transportation parking orbit , obtained the interplanetary space exploration orbit which met the space logistics requirements , established the network of space logistics supply orbit chain .

  11. 当“天问一号”在停泊调相轨道上再次到达近火点时,需要再次刹车,进入停泊轨道,并在该轨道上进行多次调整,保证着陆器和巡视器在预先设定的时间、地点着陆火星。

    When the Chinese probe reaches the periareion for the second time , it will brake again to perform an orbital maneuver and make sure the lander and rover of Tianwen-1 can complete the landing on Mars at the scheduled time and place .

  12. 我们已经在环ragnar停泊点的轨道上。

    We appear to be in geosynchronous orbit directly above the Ragnar anchorage .