
tínɡ ɡōnɡ sǔn shī
  • Shutdown losses;loss from shutdown;loss on idle time
  1. 前面两条被规类为停工损失,中间两条为速度损失,最后两条是质量损失。

    The first two are categorized as downtime losses , the second two as speed losses , and the third two as quality losses .

  2. 在上述整合优化软件中,充分考虑了如停工损失、人员分流、产品销量和装置能力等较多的现实工厂情况,使得整个决策措施更适合工厂实际。

    Losses caused by shutdowns , workforce changes , sales volume and installed capacity have been taken into full consideration in the above-mentioned software so that the decision taken can be more practical .

  3. 增产改造应遵循求新、节能、投资低、减少停工损失等原则。库存量过低,又会发生停工待料或者订单丢失等,同样会给企业造成经济损失。

    But the revamp oriented to the increase of production should abide to the principles of creating the new , energy conservation , low investment and reduction of losses caused by shutdowns . while low inventory would lead to production halt and orders loss .

  4. 卡纳瓦罗是意大利国家队队长,当他们敲澳大利亚在2006年德国世界杯的一个有争议的停工时间损失。

    Cannavaro was captain of Italy when they knocked Australia out of the2006 World Cup in Germany with a controversial stoppage-time penalty .

  5. 如甲将乙的电缆挖断,丙、丁等等受有的停工利润损失。

    If the cable of B damaged by A , C , D , etc. whose work stoppage by the loss of profits is a case in point .

  6. 以后,他若是能起来,能扶杖出外行走,那打他的就可算无罪,但要赔偿他停工的损失,并且要把他完全医好。

    If he rise again , and walk abroad upon his staff , then shall he that smote him be quit : only he shall pay for the loss of his time , and shall cause him to be thoroughly healed .

  7. 由于停工,公司损失了数千美元。

    The company has lost thousands of dollars because of the stoppages .

  8. 一九九九年所发生的纠纷导致三宗停工事件,损失工作日只有299天。

    Disputes in 1999 involved three work stoppages and resulted in a loss of only 299 working days .

  9. 发包人没有及时检查的,承包人可以顺延工程日期,并有权要求赔偿停工、工等损失。

    Where the developer fails to timely conduct inspection , the contractor may extend the relevant project milestones , and is entitled to claim damages for work stoppage or work slowdown , etc.