
  • 网络Berthing time;Lay-Time
  1. 这就缩短了船只在港口的停泊时间。

    That reduces the time a ship spends in port .

  2. 分析影响干散货船运输效益的两个主要随机变量:非生产停泊时间、燃油价格。

    This paper analyzes two major random variables affecting apparently economics of the bulk car - riers transporting : non-production waiting time and fuel price .

  3. 集装箱装卸效率直接影响船舶靠港停泊时间,倒箱操作是影响装卸效率的主要因素。

    Ships ' berth time at port depends on the efficiency of containers loading and unloading , re-stow is primary factor that influences the stowage .

  4. 通过统计数据,指出它们的分布特点,并通过假设检验,得到非生产停泊时间符合爱尔朗分布,燃油价格符合威布尔分布的结论。

    By statistical analysis , their distribution charac - ters are deduced that the non-production waiting time follows the Erlang distribution , while the fuel price fol - lows Weibull distribution .

  5. 通过掌握不同客户的绩效信息,例如船只停泊时间和重新装卸量百分比,码头管理人员在协商最佳合同条款时将处于更有利的地位。

    Armed with performance information by client , such as vessel turn time and the percentage of re-handles , terminal managers will be in a more competitive position to negotiate optimal contractual terms .

  6. 船停泊的时间太短,因此船员们无法获准岸上休假。

    They ship did not dock long enough for the crew to get shore leave .

  7. 停泊可以预定短期或长期,价格根据地方情况,船舶大小和停泊时间长短变化。

    Moorings can be booked for short or long periods , with prices that vary in accordance with locality , vessel size and of course length of stay .