
  • 网络advisory body;advisory service;GFMS;Enquiry agencies
  1. 论工程造价咨询机构参与项目全过程造价控制

    On cost control of whole process with participation of engineering costs advisory service

  2. 社会需要工程造价咨询机构,如何做好造价中介服务,文章结合实际案例,提出了需要社会各方转变观念,树立对造价咨询的正确认识。

    Cost advisory service is needed in society and as how to play this intermediary role well , the paper combines with practical projects to put forward that it needs all sides in society to change views and to build up correct understandings about cost advisory service .

  3. 有咨询机构帮助网络沉迷者

    There is counseling to help Internet addicts ? even online .

  4. 加入WTO工程造价咨询机构如何抢占市场

    How to Seize Market by Engineering Cost Advisory Body after Joining WTO

  5. 据伦敦咨询机构凯投宏观(CapitalEconomics)预测,第一季度俄罗斯经济有所萎缩。

    And it appears to have contracted in the first quarter , according to estimates by Capital Economics , a London-based consultancy .

  6. 本文作者爱丽诺·布洛斯罕是董事会咨询机构价值联盟和公司治理联盟(TheValueAllianceandCorporateGovernanceAlliance,http://thevaluealliance.com)首席执行官。

    Eleanor Bloxham is CEO of The Value Alliance and Corporate Governance Alliance , a board education and advisory firm .

  7. 根据人才发展咨询机构睿仕管理(RightManagement)对美国1023位员工的调查显示,现在只有21%的人经常离开办工桌吃午餐。

    Only 21 % of people now regularly leave their workstations for a midday meal , according to a poll of 1,023 U.S. employees by talent development consultants right management .

  8. 实际上,企业信誉咨询机构ReputationInstitute最近还将联想评为全球声誉最好的公司之一。

    it was , in fact , recently ranked by the Reputation Institute as one of the world 's most reputable companies .

  9. 本文作者爱丽诺•布洛斯罕现任董事会咨询机构价值联盟和公司治理联盟(TheValueAllianceandCorporateGovernanceAlliance)(http://thevaluealliance.com)的首席执行官。

    Eleanor Bloxham is CEO of The Value Alliance and Corporate Governance Alliance ( http : / / thevaluealliance . com ), a board advisory firm .

  10. 国际咨询机构Frost&Sullivan在2001年发表的《欧盟生物柴油市场研究》(StudyoftheEuropeanBiodieselMarket)说,到2007年,欧盟的生物柴油市场规模可达24亿美元。

    The2001 Study of the European Biodiesel Market by international consultancy firm Frost & Sullivan says the EU market for biodiesel could be worth US $ 2.4 billion by2007 .

  11. 正如经济咨询机构ChinaInsider所指出的,中国15至24岁人口的缩减速度大致达到日本的两倍。

    As China Insider , an economics consultancy , notes , the population of 15 - to 24-year-olds is shrinking about twice as fast as in Japan .

  12. 宏观经济咨询机构CapitalEconomics的保罗•戴尔斯指出,美国痛苦指数即失业率和消费者价格指数通胀率之和上个月创下了28年以来的高点。

    The misery index – the sum of the unemployment and consumer price inflation rates – hit a 28-year high last month , notes Paul dales of capital economics .

  13. 图德表示,这份报告是由澳大利亚咨询机构国际经济中心(centreforinternationaleconomics)编制,中方并未选择话题或作者。

    Mr Tudor said the report was prepared by the centre for international economics , an Australian consultancy , and the Chinese had not chosen its topic or author .

  14. IDC不仅是咨询机构,更是您最佳合作伙伴。

    IDC is more than a consulting agency , we are your partner !

  15. 位于东京的经济咨询机构JapanMacroAdvisors表示,2015年将是日本企业利润最丰厚的一年。

    Japan Macro Advisors , the Tokyo economist group , says that 2015 will be the most profitable year ever for corporate Japan .

  16. 咨询机构“控制风险”(controlrisks)朝鲜问题高级分析师安德鲁吉洛姆(andrewgilholm)表示,李明博的话偏于乐观。

    Andrew gilholm , senior North Asia analyst at the control risks consultancy , said Mr Lee was being highly optimistic .

  17. 总部位于美国的咨询机构世界钢铁动态(WorldSteelDynamics)认为,未来数年,中国的钢铁产量和需求将继续远超其它国家。

    In the next few years , World Steel Dynamics , a US-based consultancy , believes that growth in production and demand in China will continue to outpace by a long way that in other countries .

  18. 来自麦肯锡咨询机构(McKinsey)的报告显示在此方面,亚洲女性大大落后了。

    A report from McKinsey , a consultancy , shows that Asian women lag far behind .

  19. CSC的Catalyst和IBMRational的RUP都是基于严格定义的基础性原则,最好的工业实践,以及来自他们各自的咨询机构的广泛经验的。

    Both CSC Catalyst and RUP are based on well-defined foundational principles , industry best practices , and the extensive experience of their respective consulting organizations .

  20. 新兴市场咨询机构EmergingGlobalAdvisors的创始人罗伯特•赫德斯称,人们都说跨国公司为希望投资高速成长市场的投资者们提供了第二条道路。

    The myth of multinationals , says Robert holderith , founder of emerging global advisors , is that they provide investors an alternative path into explosive growth markets .

  21. 咨询机构凯投宏观(CapitalEconomics)的一份最新报告指出,即便美国企业界只派发10%的现金储备,也有望将年度可支配收入增加近2%。

    Even if firms only paid out a modest 10 % of their liquid assets , it could raise annual disposable income by nearly 2 % , according to a new report by capital economics .

  22. 堪培拉accesseconomics咨询机构的总监克里斯理查森(chrisrichardson)表示,同中国在新型矿产交易获取的“钱流”将会对澳大利亚产生深远影响。

    Chris Richardson of access economics , a Canberra consultancy , worries about a " torrent of money " hitting Australia from fresh minerals deals with China .

  23. 从纽卡斯尔综合性工程技术学院(NewcastlePolytechnic)毕业后,他曾短期供职于伦敦一家咨询机构,设计从梳子到电视等众多商品。

    After graduating from Newcastle Polytechnic , he worked briefly for a London consultancy , designing everything from combs to televisions .

  24. 本文作者艾尔o拉马丹、克里斯托弗o罗克海德和戴夫o彼得森是PlayBiggerAdvisors公司联合创始人。这家总部位于旧金山的咨询机构致力于指导科技公司高管如何打造市场领先的公司。

    Al Ramadan , Christopher Lochhead and Dave Peterson are co-founding partners at Play Bigger Advisors , a San Francisco-based firm that coaches technology executives to build market-leading companies .

  25. 沃斯曾经为联邦调查局(FBI)设计过人质谈判策略,后来创建了以谈判策略见长的商业咨询机构黑天鹅公司(BlackSwan)。

    Voss used to handle hostage negotiations for the FBI and has since founded Black Swan , a business advisory firm that specializes in negotiations .

  26. 就在咨询机构亚太航空中心(centreforasiapacificaviation)发布上述预测的前一天,新加坡航空(singaporeairlines)公布了历史上最大的客运量月度下降数字。

    The prediction from the centre for Asia Pacific Aviation , a consultancy , comes a day after Singapore Airlines recorded one of its worst monthly falls in passenger loads .

  27. 它们在3G方面显然正苦苦挣扎,北京电信咨询机构BDA的董事长邓肯克拉克(DuncanClark)表示。

    They are clearly struggling in 3G , said Duncan Clark , chairman of BDA , a Beijing telecom consultancy .

  28. 咨询机构JDPower驻上海汽车业分析师迈克邓恩(MikeDunne)表示:中国对于发展电动汽车似乎是认真的。

    China appears to be serious about going electric , says Mike Dunne , motor analyst at JD Power , the consultancy , in Shanghai .

  29. 华盛顿咨询机构pfcenergy预计,委内瑞拉现在需要将近每桶95美元的油价水平,才能确保宏观经济稳定,这一价位是2000年时的3倍。

    PFC energy , a Washington consultancy , estimates that Venezuela needs an oil price of nearly $ 95 a barrel to assure macroeconomic stability , three times what they needed in 2000 .

  30. 中国的汽车制造商们正努力向价值链和品牌定位链的上游进军,咨询机构JDPower的迈克尔•邓恩(MichaelDunne)表示。

    Chinese carmakers are trying to move up the value chain and the brand-positioning chain , says Michael Dunne , of JD Power , a consultancy .