
  • 网络Counseling Psychology;counselling psychology;consulting psychology;Educational and Counseling Psychology
  1. 自我同一性是美国心理学家埃里克·H·埃里克森提出的重要概念,随后,这一概念被广泛地应用于社会心理学、人格心理学、发展心理学、教育心理学、咨询心理学和文化心理学。

    The important concept of ego-identity is introduced by Erik . H.Erikson . After that , the concept of self-identity has been applied to social psychology , personality psychology , developmental psychology , educational psychology , counseling psychology and cultural psychology .

  2. 国外咨询心理学的新进展与公元2000年展望

    New Development in Counseling Psychology : Toward Year 2000

  3. 越来越多的咨询心理学者开始学习家庭治疗和婚姻咨询,甚至认为是否会用这种方法被看作是一种职业的象征(ProfessionalSymbol)。

    Now , more and more counselors and therapists begin to use family therapy approach and it is thought of as a Professional Symbol that whether can use this approach or not .

  4. 咨询心理学理学硕士;

    Master of Science in counseling psychology ;

  5. 在社会学、教育学和咨询心理学中互动都被纳入研究视野,产生了一系列理论成果。

    As a research view , interaction is widely used in Sociology , Education and Psychology Consultation and has made series of theory achievements .

  6. 这种医学模式的咨询心理学没给中国的心理咨询业带来繁荣却带来了灾难。

    The reason is that the psychological counseling and therapy have been considered as a concept of " medical model " for a long time .

  7. 咨询心理学的专家可能会从事学校辅导员,婚姻和家庭治疗师,戒毒诊所辅导员,或或开设私家诊所。

    Specialists in counseling psychology may apply their skills as school counselors , marriage and family therapists , therapists in drug rehabilitation clinics , or private practitioners .

  8. 存在决定意识抑或物质决定意识&试论中国咨询心理学的发展道路社会各界对于心理健康服务的需求为我国心理学带来新的发展机遇,心理学家有责任积极参与这项工作。

    The increasing demand for people 's mental health service brings a good opportunity for advancing clinical and counseling psychology in China . Chinese psychologists have responsibility to devote themselves to completing this task .

  9. 方法:运用质化方法,依据咨询心理学相关理论,分析329例来访者的个案记录,总结个案的问题来源、性质及表现特点。

    METHODS : By using the method of quality research according to the theories related to counseling psychology , the case records of 329 clients were analyzed , the source , nature and manifesting characteristics were summarized .

  10. 应用心理学专业开设的咨询心理学课程应根据中国文化特点、社会需求、专业定位确定课程目标,优化课程内容,强化学生应用技能的培养;

    As one of the subjects of the applied psychology , the course of consulting psychology should follow the Chinese native cultural , social and professional traits to target its educational objective and teaching contents by emphasizing the students ' practical abilities .

  11. 他研究了法庭审问学,在实践中努力从情感层面切入审问话题,并学习了领导力、咨询和心理学课程。

    He studied forensic interviewing , worked on relating to subjects on an emotional level , and pursued courses in leadership , counseling and psychology . Eventually , Mr.

  12. 他的父母担心他无法面的失败,就让他咨询他的神经心理学医生dustingordon,然后和他的同伴一位博士后研究员以及他的导师schretlen,一起商量。

    His parents feared he was setting himself up for failure and asked him to check with his doctors , neuropsychologist Dustin Gordon , then a post-doctoral fellow , and his supervisor , schretlen .

  13. 这来自于发表在《咨询和诊断心理学》杂志上的一篇研究报道。

    That 's the finding from a study in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology .

  14. 《咨询与临床心理学》2005年的研究发现,那些拥有志同道合的减肥者是最成功的,因为他们有一样的健康目标。

    A 2005study in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology foundthat individuals were most successful with weight loss when they " buddied " up with like-minded people with the same healthy goals asthey had .

  15. 为运动员和商务人士提供咨询服务的运动心理学顾问约瑟芬•佩里博士(JosephinePerry)表示:“人们在一次六小时的骑行中可以更加轻松自在地进行社交,不像在酒会上强行拉关系。这样子尴尬感会少很多。”

    Dr Josephine Perry , a sport psychology consultant who advises sport professionals and business people , says : " People network in a much freer way on a six-hour bike ride than if it 's something that is forced upon you like a drinks reception . It 's much less awkward . "

  16. 阿尔钱伯斯,疗愈咨询博士,咨询心理学硕士,商学士,心理咨商文凭。

    Al-Chambers Al Chambers has a PhD in Therapeutic Counselling , a Masters in Counselling Psychology , a Diploma in Counselling and a degree in Business .