
  1. 这就如同90岁高龄的老人向两岁的孩子咨询问题。

    That 's like a90-year-old man asking a two-year-old for advice .

  2. 高中学生心理咨询问题研究

    Research on the Consultation of Senior Students ' Psychological Problem

  3. 咨询问题存在性别、年龄差异。

    The sort of counseling problems had differences in sex and grade .

  4. 出境留学生入学相关医学健康咨询问题的探讨

    Probe into Effective Health Consultation to the Students Who Will Study Overseas

  5. 在浅析咨询问题基础上,提出了咨询台今后工作的趋势。

    The paper has put forward the trend of consultation counter in the future .

  6. 大学生心理咨询问题分析

    Analysis on Mental Counseling Contents of College Students

  7. 在线咨询问题的统计分析与思考

    Statistical Analysis and Thinking of Online Consultant System

  8. 心理健康热线5202例次咨询问题分析

    The analysis of the telephone counseling contents of 5202 person times in psychological hot line

  9. 不同年龄人群门诊用药咨询问题调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Medication Consultation Problems of Different Age Groups in the Outpatient Department

  10. 结论咨询问题、来访者构成在4年间发生了相应的变化。

    The counseling issues and the percentile of different clients were greatly changed during four years .

  11. 通过物质&场模型、参数转换、冲突矩阵很快将咨询问题求解出来。

    In a word , through material-field model , parameter transformation and conflict matrix , a problem is solved quickly .

  12. 其中一个结果是,呼叫中心的工作人员可以更快更有效地回答咨询问题,所以现在重复呼叫的次数要少得多。

    One result is that the call centre staff can answer enquiries faster and more effectively , so there are now far fewer repeat calls .

  13. 采用平均劳动时间的方法来确定咨询问题的成本,可以简化成本计算,有效地在图书馆之间进行资金补偿。

    It will be simplified and compensate the fund among library effectively to adopt the method of average working time to confirm the cost of each question .

  14. 您将发现许多关于该语言的出色教程、该语言的当前版本和过去版本,以及您可咨询问题或索取特性的论坛。

    You 'll find some great tutorials about the language , current and past versions of the language , and forums where you can ask questions or request features .

  15. 结果:526例记录完整的用药咨询问题中,排前三位的问题分别是药物的用法用量、药物不良反应、药物相互作用,所占比例依次为37.3%、22.6%、13.3%。

    Results : Among the problems in 526 consultations , the usage and dosage direction , adverse reaction and interaction were the first three elements , counting for 37.3 % , 22.6 % and 13.3 % respectively .

  16. 文章从人员配置、宣传推广、软件选择、咨询问题类型、服务评估等方面对8个美国高校图书馆的实时参考咨询试验项目进行了研究分析与经验总结。

    This paper analyzes the eight pilot chat reference services programs offered by academic libraries in USA from the perspectives of staffing , marketing , software selection , question types , service evaluation , and summarized their experiences .

  17. 结果高中生咨询问题中,情绪问题比例最高,其次为学习问题、人际关系等问题,咨询问题存在性别、年级差异。

    Results The emotion problem is the most serious problem of the counseling problems of high school students , and in the next place is studies , interpersonal relations . The sort of counseling problems exist difference in students ' sex and grade .

  18. 近些年来,随着经济的飞速发展,生活节奏的逐渐加快,各种导致学生心理紧张的因素大量增加,高校心理咨询问题的重要性也日益凸显出来。

    Recently , along with the fast development of the economy and the quick living rhythm , there are more and more factors that make the students nervous . So the importance of the psychological counseling in university has caught people 's attention .

  19. 媒体代表可以出席会议,请通过电话或到NASA其他分点咨询相关问题。

    Media representatives may attend the conference , join by phone or ask questions from participating NASA locations .

  20. 药品连锁店CVS公司(CVSCaremark)发现,许多客户更喜欢向更为年长、更有经验的药剂师咨询健康问题。

    Drug chain CVS Caremark ( CVS ) is learning that many of its customers prefer to consult with older , more experienced pharmacists about health issues .

  21. 湖南区域图书馆联合在线咨询的问题与对策

    Problems and Solutions of the Joint Online Consultation of Hunan Library

  22. 她正在前台咨询一些问题。

    She is now asking something in the reception desk .

  23. 你可以通过电子邮件向招聘办公室咨询任何问题。

    And you can probably e-mail the admissions office with any questions .

  24. 针对大会流程,我提出咨询性问题。

    For the Assembly Organization , I propose a point of organization .

  25. 数字参考咨询服务问题浅析

    An Analysis of Problems of Digital Reference Services

  26. 虚拟参考咨询系统问题分析&以北京师范大学虚拟参考咨询系统为例

    Analysis of the Problems in Virtual Reference System

  27. 对工程咨询业问题的分析及发展的探讨

    Study on development and problems of construction consultation

  28. 好像是要咨询私人问题。

    Seemed like some kind of personal consult .

  29. 虚拟参考咨询隐私问题的研究

    On Library Privacy for the Virtual Reference

  30. 如果涉及到用户手册或售后服务咨询的问题,请将166XL返回本公司。

    We recommend that your166XL be returned to the factory only after referring to the manual and consulting with Customer Service .