
  1. 自2003年开始,该公司才获准向中国本土公司提供咨询建议。

    It has only been allowed to provide advice to local companies since 2003 .

  2. 最后,在专家提供咨询建议的过程中,各种各样的异化现象时常发生。

    Finally , there are a variety of dissimilation phenomena in the expert consult course .

  3. 如果这些咨询建议能够被继续采用,这将是一项出色的投资。

    If any of the consulting advice stuck , this would have been a fantastic investment .

  4. 向专家咨询建议,他们会提供两三种供你选择。

    Ask the expert their advice and they 'll give you two or three to choose from .

  5. 4.咨询建议

    Step 4 Ask for advice

  6. 如果对药物的不良反应很严重,立即找医生咨询建议。

    If an adverse reaction to a drug is serious , consult your doctor for advice at once .

  7. 卡特彼尔称,就慈善投资业绩提供咨询建议的公司越来越多。

    Mr Cutbill says there has been an increase in the number of firms advising on the performance of philanthropic investments .

  8. 她有15个孩子还有很多很多孙辈、曾孙,她是一个慈母,大家都喜欢向她咨询建议。

    She has15 children , and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren : a kindly , motherly woman , everyone goes to her for advice .

  9. 该集团也已开始为贷款客户提供咨询建议,帮助他们让各自的项目更具环境可持续性,以降低未来遭遇环保监管的风险。

    It has also started advising borrowers on how to make their projects more environmentally sustainable to reduce their risk from future environmental regulation .

  10. 可能是由于脚踝扭伤。如果是脚踝破裂则需要向医生咨询建议。还可能由于其他因素导致,如果是关节炎,需要进行缓解治疗或者类固醇注射。最糟糕的情况下需要进行关节替换。

    It could be other factors , it could be arthritis which would involve palliative treatments and possible steroid injections and at the very worst possible , replacement joints .

  11. 几个月的咨询建议产生的效应是:工厂利润增长了近五分之一,一年多达数十万美元。

    The effect of a few months of consulting advice was that profits rose by almost a fifth , to the tune of several hundred thousand dollars a year .

  12. 除开设网络课程外,这些资金还将用于帮助学生制订学习计划,由教研人员或现有学生为他们提供咨询建议。

    In addition to building online classes , some of that money should go toward helping students make iterative plans for their education , with help from advisory staff or current students .

  13. 我们为客户提供专业领域内的深入服务和行业紧密结合的、有实际可操作价值的咨询建议。象征型购买行为的儒家文化价值观诠释&概念界定、度量、建模和营销策略建议

    We are also looking for the solution with Chinese culture under the international stand . Cultural Values Based on Confucianism and Symbolic Purchase Behavior : Conceptual Refinement , Measures , Model and Marketing Strategic Suggestions

  14. 他说:当我开始收到来自世界各地的电子邮件时,我简直不敢相信。人们不止是咨询建议,还会感谢我鼓励他们追逐梦想。

    I couldn 't believe it when I started getting emails from people all over the world not only asking for advice , but also thanking me for encouraging them to chase their goals , he said .

  15. 在712位DEXA扫描结果显示异常的病人中,有77位Z-score值低的病人被自己的咨询医师建议接受二次检查。

    According to the results , of the712 abnormal DEXA scans , 77 had low Z-scores and were recommended for secondary evaluation by the bone scan reader .

  16. 未来办公环境的咨询和建议。

    To offer information and advise on your future office image .

  17. 所以咨询员建议我们搬到郊区来

    So the counselor suggested that we move to the ' burbs .

  18. 咨询师建议团队成员在同一个地点协同工作并不使人惊讶。

    It is not a surprise that consultants advise to co-locate team members .

  19. 一定要向医生咨询医疗建议。

    Always consult your doctor for actual medical advice .

  20. 很多人喜欢我的照片,开始向我咨询旅行建议。

    A lot of people liked my photos and started asking me for travel tips .

  21. 用止痛片进行缓解治疗就可以,自己治疗就可以,但是需要咨询医疗建议。

    Palliative treatments are okay , that is pain killers , strapping but do seek medical advice .

  22. 这份咨询提案建议从加州分离,成立第51个州杰弗逊州。

    The advisory measure proposes its split from California at a creation of a 51st State , Jefferson .

  23. 因此一些咨询师建议调整投资组合的成分,通过低成本股市指数共同基金来实现更高的股市敞口。

    some advisers recommend tweaking your portfolio mix to have a bit more stock-market exposure via low-cost stock-index mutual funds .

  24. 在某些情况下,学生们向学校咨询贷款建议时,他们会跟贷款公司职员谈话。

    In some cases , when students call a school for loan advice , they talk to a lending company employee .

  25. 能够给内部及外部客户提供有关不同统计分析技术、方法以及统计分析结果的相关咨询、建议和解释。

    Provide consultancy advice and communicate with clients and research team on application and implication of different statistical analysis on research studies .

  26. 斯里兰卡国际佛教学院会指派给每一们学生一位学术顾问,他将会提供一些学习计划或者其他方面的咨询和建议。

    SIBA will assign each student an academic adviser who will provide supervision in matters of study plans and other relevant issues .

  27. 如果胶水是不溶于水的,或者粘性很强,联系胶水生产商,咨询特别建议。

    Contact the glue manufacturer for specific tips if the glue is not water soluble or if it is a commercial-strength adhesive .

  28. 许多风险管理咨询师建议,企业关注他们认为最可能发生的风险,而不管这些风险的随机程度。

    Many risk management consultants advise businesses to concentrate on those risks deemed most likely to occur , regardless of the randomness of their nature .

  29. 最后,提出了发展我国政府决策咨询的建议:完善我国的咨询市场竞争机制;

    At last , I put up some advice of developing domestic government decision consulting : Perfecting the mechanism of the consultation market of our country ;

  30. 米汉说,在我们的伊朗政策中,有需要国会去做的事,但国会议员不想只是做咨询和建议。

    Ms. Meehan says there is a role for Congress in our Iran policy , but members of Congress want a role larger than consultation and advice .