
  • 网络provincial assembly;conference board
  1. 咨议局的成立是清朝预备立宪的产物。

    The establishment of the Provincial Assembly is a product of preparing constitutionalism in the Qing Dynasty .

  2. 咨议局,作为近代中国地方议会政治的重要基础,是清末立宪运动的产物,在晚清的政治舞台上发挥了重要作用。

    The Provincial Assembly , as the important foundation of the local parliamentary system in the modern China , was the product of the constitutional movement in the late Qing Dynasty , and played a significant role on the political stage of that age .

  3. 试论清末广东咨议局的性质

    On the nature of GuangDong Advisory Bureau in the late Qing Dynasty

  4. 由于特殊的原因,广东咨议局在许多方面显得与众不同。

    Owing to some special conditions , GuangDong Advisory Bureau was very different from others .

  5. 第二章描述辛亥革命前江苏立宪派的政治活动,主要包括领导江苏资产阶级的反帝爱国斗争、组织立宪团体、开展地方自治、筹设领导江苏咨议局、倡导国会请愿等。

    The second chapter states the political activities of the Constitutionalism Group of Jiangsu before the 1911 Revolution .

  6. 论湖北咨议局从主张立宪到参与武昌首义的转变

    On the Transformation of Hubei Office of Advice and Discussion from Performing Constitutionalism to Participating in the First Uprising of Wuchang

  7. 然而对福建咨议局的研究是粗浅的,抛砖引玉是另外一个目的。

    My study about the Tzu-I-chu of Fujian province is superficial , so another aim of mine is casting a brick to attract jade .

  8. 湖南咨议局采用多数决的方式集体决定问题,其议决案对巡抚具有一定的拘束力。

    The Assembly of Hunan Provincial take majority decision by way of collective decision , the decision will have certain binding on the governor .

  9. 从结构上看,湖南咨议局具备现代地方议会的特征。

    From a structural point of view , the Assembly of Hunan Provincial has some local characteristics of the local council with modern features .

  10. 本文是以湖南咨议局为例,关于清末咨议局的一项实证研究。

    Taking the Assembly of Hunan Provincial as an example , this paper is an empirical study about the Provincial Assembly in late Qing Dynasty .

  11. 湖南咨议局是一个独立的官方机构,其议员通过复式选举民选产生,且在形式上地位平等。

    The Assembly of Hunan Provincial is an independent official institution ; its members are elected through the double election , and in the form of equal status .

  12. 1909年,作为清政府“预备立宪”骗局产物之一的咨议局相继在各省成立。

    In 1909 , as a result of the swindle of pre-establishment of constitution by the Qing Dynasty , Advisory Bureaus were established in each province one after another .

  13. 由蒲殿俊任议长的四川咨议局一成立,就把争路权作为自己的一项主要任务。

    The Consulting and Discussing Office of Sichuan in which Pu Dian - jun served as a speaker regarded the right fighting for the railway as their main task after its establishing .

  14. 第三节,介绍了新思想在江苏省的传播,教育的普及程度以及由此而带来的绅民权利意识的觉醒,为江苏咨议局的筹备和运作中民间参与主体的积极性作了背景准备。

    Section three is about the spread of new ideas in Jiangsu Province . The popularization of education and awakening of elites ' rights conscience led to the active preparatory work for a Provincial Assembly .

  15. 在此基础上,首先进行的是以厅州县为初选区选举省咨议局议员,虽然这次选举的是咨议局议员,但它使下层社会民众第一次有了参政的机会;

    Although this level of election was to elect provincial councilor , it made the lower people have the chance of participate in government and political affairs for the first time in the history of China .

  16. 第一章导言部分首先对研究咨议局的学术史进行回顾,进而阐述本文研究的问题,接着介绍本文的选题依据、资料状况。

    In chapter one , the introduction reviews the academic paper concerning the Provincial Assembly , and then discusses the issue of the research of this paper , and introduces the basis of the selected subject , material condition .

  17. 从选举、活动等方面可以看出,广东咨议局既代表了封建官僚和资产阶级上层的利益,是清朝“装饰门面”的产物,又在某种意义上具有“代议机关”的性质。

    Its election and activities showed that while representing the interests of feudalist bureaucrats and upper class capitalists , and as something for appearance of the government , GuangDong Advisory Bureau also served as a kind of representative organization in a sense .

  18. 第四章则从行政方面进入,通过分析江西咨议局的议案执行效果,督抚、议员与咨议局这三者之间的关系,对咨议局的地位进行讨论。

    The fourth chapter of the paper concentrates on the administrative part . Based on the discussion of executive effect of the bill , and of the relationship among governor-general , provincial governor , senator , and provincial assembly , it discusses the status of the provincial assembly .