
  • 网络consulting method
  1. 《现代咨询方法与实务》系注册咨询工程师(投资)执业资格考试教材,它在解决产品(或服务)价格不易估计的互斥型投资方案的选择问题时,给出最低价格法。

    The book Modern Consulting Method and Practice is the appointed teaching material for registered consulting engineer qualification examination ( investment ) . It suggests the Lowest Price method in evaluating mutually exclusive investment projects when the price of product ( or service ) is not easily estimated .

  2. 现代咨询方法在TDC型高效磁选机开发中的应用

    Application of Modern Consultation Method in Development of TDC High Performance Magnetic Separator

  3. 根据专家咨询方法进行关键战略因素辨识和SWOT矩阵分析,构建其评价体系;

    According as the consultative way by expert and SWOT matrix , the article differentiates the pivotal strategic factors and designs evaluation system .

  4. 用于DFM的工艺咨询方法的研究

    On the Techniques for DFM Oriented Manufacture Advisory

  5. 实践证明,将现代咨询方法应用于TDC型高效磁选机的设计是成功的。

    It is shown in practice that application of the modern consultation method in design of TDC , the magnetic separator can give high performance in operation .

  6. 培养学生学习适应性的团体心理咨询方法

    A way to develop learning adaptation for students by group counseling

  7. 基于模糊理论的面向并行工程工艺咨询方法研究

    A Study on CE-Oriented Manufacturing Advisory Method Based on Fuzzy Theory

  8. 我们找到了符合当地文化的、心理社会咨询方法。

    We developed a culturally-sensitive psycho-social counseling approach .

  9. 心理咨询方法在医务科接待工作中的应用

    The Mental State Consultation Method Receives The Application in the Work in The Medical Section

  10. 采用专家咨询方法研究了我国电力系统设施及功能的地震易损性,详细论述了所使用的方法及其步骤,给出了设施易损性和功能易损性的调查结果。

    The seismic vulnerabilities of facilities and functions of electric systems are studied using Delphi method .

  11. 绘画治疗是一种有效的心理治疗和咨询方法,尤其对儿童青少年学生更为明显。

    Art therapy was an effective psychological treatment and counseling approach , especially for the young students .

  12. 运用团体咨询方法对改善大学生人际关系有积极作用。

    Currently , the approaches of group consultation are of positive role to improving interpersonal relationship among college students .

  13. 本研究首先概略地介绍了认知行为疗法的基本理论观点、咨询方法和适用症。

    Summarily basal theories , methods and adaptive symptom of behavioral-cognitive therapy were introduced in the study at the beginning .

  14. 为了支持并行设计与制造,研究曲面可视方向信息的咨询方法。

    In order to support concurrent design and manufacturing , the research focuseses on sculptured surface interrogation method for visibility direction information .

  15. 本文应用理论分析法、频度统计法和专家咨询方法,构建了一套由24个指标构成的两型化程度评价指标体系。

    In this paper , build a set of 24 indicators consisting of Two-oriented Society evaluation index system with theoretical analysis method , frequency statistical method and expert counseling method .

  16. 提出了全面建立网络思想政治教育体系,它包括虚拟群体教育方法;舆情监控引导方法;传统手段更新方法;网络心理咨询方法。

    Proposed establishment of a comprehensive network of the ideological and political education system , it includes a virtual community education methods ; public opinion of case monitoring method ; more traditional means to guide the new method ; network mental consulting methods .

  17. 认为有必要在德育中有限制、有条件地引入心理咨询方法等新因素来补充、丰富德育方法,以改善传统德育方法,并使之更符合现代社会的要求。

    The writer thinks that it 's necessary to bring in some new factors such as psychological counseling method with limitation to replenish and enrich moral education method . In this way , we can improve the traditional moral education method and make it fit demand of the modern society .

  18. 我们将提供专家咨询的方法来对付他们。

    We will provide advice from experts about ways to deal with them .

  19. 方法采用现况调查、典型调查、专家咨询等方法进行研究。

    Methods The methods of cross-sectional study , type survey and expert consultation were used .

  20. 方法采用理论研究、临床调研、专家咨询的方法对指标框架进行初步拟订;

    Methods The research was based on literature review and the evaluation indicator frame for maternity care .

  21. 团体咨询的方法和讲授法均可以提高大学生的心理健康水平,但团体咨询的方法更有效。

    Group counseling and instruction both could promote the psychological health of college students , but group counseling was more effective . 3 .

  22. 文中通过频度统计-资料调研-专家咨询的方法,建立了炼油行业清洁生产评价的一般性指标体系。

    General clean production evaluation index system of oil refining industry was established based on frequency of statistics , data research and expert advice .

  23. 文中介绍了水轮发电机组故障诊断规则基于双参数方法的规则表示方法及其推理诊断评价和咨询评价方法。

    Uncertainty issues in the diagnosis rule presentation and reasoning methods are fundamental in the research and development of the fault diagnosis expert system for the hydraulic turboset .

  24. 采用调查、专家咨询等方法,全面回顾与总结了“八五”期间上海市体育事业的发展成就。

    By investigation and specialists'consultation , the paper presents the all-round review and summary of the achievements in Shanghai sports development during the period of the eighth Five-Year Plan .

  25. 要拯救一段面临搁浅的感情,试一个夫妇心理咨询新方法:先处理卧室里的问题,然后在考虑别的。

    To save a relationship that seems in danger of running aground , try something new in couples therapy : tackling bedroom issues before diving into the rest of it .

  26. 作者通过文献查阅、焦点小组访谈和专家咨询论证方法研制区级卫生监督机构绩效评估指标体系。

    The methods of literature review , focus group discussion and specialist consultation have been employed to develop the indicator system of performance evaluation of district - level health supervision agency .

  27. 根据不同地类,选取不同建设用地节约集约控制指标表达方式,并通过调查表,实地走访和电话咨询等方法得到各县市现状指标值。

    According to the different class , different selection of construction land saving and intensive control index , and through counseling methods of questionnaire , interviews and telephone , we have town status index .

  28. 在择业心理指导活动中,应用了认知转变、自信心训练、放松训练、组员互动、分组讨论、经验分享等团体咨询的方法和技术。

    Among the activity , some group-therapy methods and techniques were applied , such as cognitive change therapy , self-confidence training , relaxing experience , member interaction , group discussion , experience sharing , etc.

  29. 在相关理论框架和分析工具的基础上,通过阅读大量相关文献,利用数理统计与专家咨询的方法确定了政府投资项目决策风险因素。

    On the basis of the relevant theoretical frameworks and analytical tools , this paper makes use of the method of mathematical statistics and expert advice to determine the decision-making risk factors of government invested projects .

  30. 本研究旨在以心理分析的方法为主导,发展出一种结合了结构化教学、艺术治疗、粗大感觉训练、家庭支持式咨询等方法的整合治疗模式。

    This research aims at developing an integrated therapeutic method on high-functional autistic children , in which psychoanalysis is dominant method and the structured teaching , art therapy , basic sensory training are the support part .