
  • 网络business planning;Business strategy
  1. 这些思想观点在现代商务策划活动中具有理论价值和实践指导意义。

    These thoughts have theoretic values and are of practical guiding significance in modern business planning activities .

  2. 随着网络经济与知识经济的飞速发展,各种商务策划业、管理咨询业等相关行业、中介机构应运而生,项目投资策划实践有余理论不足的现状显露无遗。

    With the rapid development of Internet economy and knowledge economy , all sorts of industries of business planning and management advising have come out . Under the circumstances , the present situation that too few theories in PIP , is very noticeable .

  3. 《市场调查与预测》课程教学的研究与实践探讨&以商务策划管理专业为例

    An Exploration of the Teaching of the Course " Market Investigation and Forecast " and Its Practice

  4. 构建经贸专业实践教学新形式:商务策划实训教学体系

    The New Forms of Practical Teaching and Learning in Economic and Trade Department & Business Scheme Training System

  5. 浙江工贸职业技术学院的商务策划实训体系整合了市场调查、商务策划、虚拟公司三大块,是一种新型教学体系。

    The business scheme training system in Zhejiang Industry & Trade Polytechnic consists of three parts : market research , business scheme and virtual company , which is a discussion of 2004 in Zhejiang Educational Government Department .

  6. 当东条英机成为日本战时首相,Kishi作为其经济商务部长策划整个覆盖全球的战争。

    When Tojo became Japans wartime prime minister , Kishi served as his minister of commerce and economy , planning for total war on a global scale .

  7. 我还想介绍一下,商务部正在策划一个活动,在2011年要进行出口产品质量提升年的活动。

    In addition , the Ministry of Commerce is planning a campaign , Year of Export Quality , for2011 .

  8. 他们有着多年的设计经验,特别擅长于高星级酒店,商务楼的策划设计,并累计成功案例百余家。

    They have years of experience in design , particularly good at high-star hotels , commercial buildings of the planning design successful .

  9. 昆明顶立广告文化传播有限公司:顶立始创于2004年,公司专业从事各类文化活动和商务活动的策划、组织和管理。

    Kunming Dingli Cultural Communication Co. , Ltd. : Founded in2004 , the top legislature , the company specializes in all kinds of cultural activities and business planning , organization and management .

  10. 为各单位提供中、高档商务用车,会议策划。

    Provide top grade business cars and conference planning for the customers .