
  • 网络etiquette service
  1. 现因业务发展急需有志于从事酒店、夜总会、酒吧、俱乐部、休闲中心、礼仪服务业的人员加入。

    Because business grows need are currently engaged in hotels , clubs , leisure center , the etiquette service personnel to join .

  2. 寓关爱护理和礼仪服务于整体护理中生态关怀是指对自然生态环境及其组成要素的关爱之情。

    Putting both loving care and etiquette service into holistic nursing care Ecological concern is the loving care for the ecosystem and its elements .

  3. 提供郑州本地市场最优的各项礼仪服务,如礼仪、队、炮等。

    Provide the best amenity services in local market of Zhengzhou .

  4. 开展礼仪服务提高服务质量

    To unfold proprieties service to enhance quality of service

  5. 心理服务的内容包括微笑服务、礼仪服务、善解人意的服务、针对性服务及承认顾客总是对的等。

    Psychological service includes smiling service , ceremony service , understanding the customers , countering service and the belief that the customers are never mistaken .

  6. 规范、恰当的礼仪服务是高质量的旅游服务的前提和基础。礼仪教育是培养学生职业素质、礼仪服务技能的主要手段。

    The standard and appropriate manners serve as the precondition and bedrock of high quality travel service , and manner education is an essential way to cultivate professional quality and formal service techniques .

  7. A礼仪公司服务质量管理与顾客满意度研究

    Research on Improve Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of A Etiquette Company

  8. 服务规范具体包括服务环境、服务礼仪、服务行为、服务技能、服务纪律、服务投诉等内容。

    Service environment , service etiquette , service behavior , service skills , service discipline , service complaint are the components of service standard .

  9. 目的规范化服务礼仪,做好护理服务。

    Objective To standardize etiquette performances in order to imporove nursing service .

  10. 加强护士礼仪培训提高护理服务质量

    Practice of ceremonial training of nurses

  11. 把握礼仪规范倡导文明服务&从图书馆馆员礼仪素养谈起

    Adhering to Etiquette Norms and Advocating Civilized Service & A Discussion about Librarians ' Etiquette Qualities

  12. 篇论文最后很详细地阐述了商务礼仪如何在酒店服务中更好的为顾客服务,以及它的意义。

    Eventuallyhow to take advantage of business etiquette for better consumer service in hotel is explained in details , so is the meaning .

  13. 相反,不好的商务礼仪会导致酒店服务质量的下降,并直接影响酒店利益。

    By contrast , bad Business Etiquettes will lead to the decline of quality of hotel service , and directly influence the interest of hotel .

  14. 礼仪文化产业包括礼仪服务业和礼仪用品制造业,其中礼仪服务业包括礼仪培训业、庆典礼仪业、礼仪用品销售业及礼仪中介业等。

    Etiquette culture industry including etiquette service and manufacture industry . Etiquette supplies services and manufacturing industries , service industries , including one of etiquette training business etiquette , wedding etiquette business etiquette and ritual supplies sales intermediary industry and so on .

  15. 礼仪文化产业通过礼仪文化产品和服务的消费过程,以产业化方式将礼仪文化的传播、教化等功能予以强化,并在市场经济条件下予以实现。

    Rite of passage ritual of cultural industries and cultural products and services consumption process to the industrialization of culture , ritual ways of communication , education and other functions to be strengthened , and economic conditions in the market to achieve .