
  • 网络courtesy;Etiquette
  1. 关于电梯使用的,严格的建筑规范保障了大家的安全,日本文化对电梯的使用由礼仪礼貌的要求。

    Stringent building codes regarding the use of elevators keeps everyone safe , and the Japanese culture demands politeness and decorum when using those elevators .

  2. 在社交礼仪中,礼貌,尤其是语言礼貌,是建立和维持与他人关系的一种手段。

    Politeness , in particular , linguistic politeness , is a means of maintaining and establishing relationship with other people .

  3. 为此我们要循规蹈矩,称其为懂礼仪,讲礼貌,以便在这些频繁的接触中相安无事,无须论战而有辱斯文。

    We have had to agree on a certain set of rules , called etiquette and politeness , to make this frequent meeting tolerable and that we need not come to open war .

  4. 礼貌;礼仪有/没有礼貌嘴里塞满了东西跟人说话是不礼貌的。

    to have good / bad manners It is bad manners to talk with your mouth full .