
lǐ mào
  • formal hat;a hat that goes with formal dress;top hat that goes with formal dress
礼帽 [lǐ mào]
  • [top hat that goes with formal dress] 举行典礼时所用之帽,与礼服同用

礼帽[lǐ mào]
  1. 男士都头戴高顶礼帽,身穿晚礼服。

    The men all wore top hat and tails .

  2. 虽然天气越来越热,他们仍全部戴着高顶礼帽,穿着燕尾服。

    They were all in top hats and cutaways despite the growing heat .

  3. 他是奥彭那幅名画中位于前景的戴圆顶硬礼帽的那个人物。

    He is the bowler-hatted figure in the foreground of Orpen 's famous painting .

  4. 他对自己那种怪异的文体加以夸耀这恰似一个野人从别人的垃圾箱里捡出一顶礼帽时那种洋洋得意的样子。

    He flaunts his queer style as a savage might flaunt a top-hat retrieved from somebody 's dustbin .

  5. 出席观看拳击的每个白人都把自己那份钱放在水泥地板上的礼帽里。

    Each white man who attended the fight dropped his share of the pot into a hat that sat on the concrete floor .

  6. 一天,莫奈穿上他最好的西装,戴上一顶漂亮的礼帽,配上一件漂亮的亚麻衬衫和一条丝绸领带。

    One day Monet dressed himself in his very best suit along with a fine top hat , a good linen shirt and a silk tie .

  7. 一些乘客穿上了当时的服装,有些女乘客戴上了皮毛帽子,有些男乘客身穿西装,头戴圆顶礼帽,在英国南部海岸的南安普敦登上了这艘MS巴尔莫勒尔号游轮。

    Some donned period costume , including furs and feathered hats for women and suits and bowler hats for men , to board the MS Balmoral at Southampton on the southern English coast .

  8. 如圆顶硬礼帽,下降了Fedora的使用和普及在1950年代后期和60年代初。

    Like the bowler hat , the fedora fell out of usage and popularity during the late1950s and early1960s .

  9. 他在一面空白的墙上展示施坦威大事记,开头是公司创始人亨利•E•施坦威(HenryE.Steinway)的肖像,他戴着大礼帽,拿着手杖。

    He turned an empty wall into a timeline of Steinway history , beginning with a portrait of Henry E. Steinway , the company 's founder , in a top hat and holding a cane .

  10. 身穿端庄的红褐色长外套、黑色裙装和裤袜,头顶JaneCorbett礼帽,这位29岁的美人走在丈夫威廉以及威廉的弟弟哈里旁边。她看上去十分激动能够见到支持她的粉丝们,还接受了好几束花。

    Dressed in a full-length modest maroon coat , black dress , tights and a hat by Jane Corbett , the 29-year-old beauty - alongside her husband , William , and his brother , Harry - looked thrilled to meet her fans and accept bouquets of flowers .

  11. 他的礼帽被那个女孩一坐给弄皱了。

    His hat was crushed when the girl sat on it .

  12. 萨曼莎非常大胆的没有戴礼帽。

    SamCam took a fashion risk by not wearing a hat .

  13. 他们戴着皱巴巴褪了色的圆顶礼帽。

    They had on faded derby hats with dents in them .

  14. 你不认识头戴白色礼帽的那位先生吗?

    Don 't you know the gentleman in a white hat ?

  15. 我父亲就是那边戴大礼帽的那个人。

    My father is the man in the top hat over there .

  16. 别坐在我的礼帽上,你会把帽子压扁了!

    Don 't sit on my hat or you 'll squash it !

  17. 他上班总是戴着一顶黑色硬礼帽。

    He wears a bowler to go to his office .

  18. 高顶大礼帽现在已不多见。

    A top hat is a rare sight these days .

  19. 礼帽盖伊:我的奴隶,抓住那个男孩!

    Bowler Hat Guy : Now my slave , seize the boy !

  20. 但是每逢周日,他就会穿上灰色西装,戴上礼帽;

    But on Sundays he put on his gray suit and hat .

  21. 霍利斯知道这些人对礼帽非常怀疑。

    Hollis knew that these people had grave doubts about Top Hat .

  22. 他穿好衣服,取下那顶压扁了的软礼帽。

    He took down his soft crush hat after he had dressed himself .

  23. 他们身穿漂亮的黑色衣服,头戴礼帽,显得很优雅。

    They looked so elegant in their smart black numbers and their hats .

  24. 如今没有多少男人戴大礼帽了。

    No many men wear top hats these days .

  25. 正式拍照时,须摘下礼帽。

    Top hats should be removed for official photographs .

  26. 例如何时、何地大礼帽是礼节必需的等教导。

    Instruction as to when and where a silk hat is de rigueur .

  27. 他经常带一顶旧的、破烂的礼帽。

    He generally wore an old , shabby hat .

  28. 要和有助于你礼帽修养的人交往。

    Associate with such as will improve your manners .

  29. 他站在那里,手里拿着礼帽。

    He stood there with his hat in han .

  30. 他的大礼帽里藏着一面小镜子。

    And the little mirror in his silk hat .