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  • 网络Trick or treat;trick-or-treating
  1. 然而这个恶作剧的关键在于,他们只有鹦鹉学舌般不断重复“不给糖就捣乱”这一咒语,才能获得这些宝贵的美食。但愿不会有大人拒绝给糖,却要求这些困惑的新手“捣乱”。

    But here 's the catch : They only receive these precious goodies by parroting out the magic words " Trick or treat . " And heaven forbid the giver of candy requests a " Trick " of these poor confused newbies .

  2. 在万圣节前夜,所有人都出来玩不给糖就捣乱时,我们发现有很多孩子生活在这里,而我们却从没见到过,因此感到十分惊讶。

    On Halloween , when everybody was out to trick or treat , we were surprised by how many children actually lived here whom we had never seen .

  3. Trick-or-treating不给糖就捣乱孩子们变装打扮后会去小区邻居家玩“不给糖就捣乱”的游戏。

    a witch . Children dress up and then visit the houses in their neighborhood asking for a " trick or treat . "

  4. 在万圣节不给糖就捣乱,以及圣诞节时会把礼物放在树下。

    trick-or-treating on Halloween and putting presents under a tree at Christmas .

  5. 万圣夜孩子们的主要活动是“不给糖就捣乱”。

    Trick-or-treat is a custom for children on Halloween .

  6. 你说过我们可以去玩不给糖就捣乱的!

    You said we could go trick-or-treating !

  7. 但是过几年,他们就会明白了,而“不给糖就捣乱”也成了他们在十月不可或缺的传统。

    But after a few years , they catch on , and trick-or-treating becomes a tradition they couldn 't imagine October without .

  8. 我曾带着这款手机到国外度假,参加婚礼,去水上乐园游玩,万节拍摄孩子们“不给糖就捣乱”的画面,还参加了几个派对。

    I 've taken it on an international vacation , to a wedding , to a water park , trick-or-treating and to a couple of parties .

  9. 许多青少年通过“不给糖就捣乱”为联合国儿童基金会筹集善款,他们不再索要糖果,而是拿着由联合国儿童基金会分发的爱心箱向邻居收集捐款。

    Many youth forgo their candy in favor of Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF , collecting not sweets , but money , in small boxes distributed by the United Nations Children 's Fund .

  10. 我的公主小戴好了再来一张我真高兴你终于要去城里过这个夜晚但我也有点伤心因为你今年不会带多莉特去“不给糖就捣乱”了

    My little princess Di . Okay , one more . Well , I 'm glad you 're finally getting a night out on the town , but I am a little sad that you won 't be taking Dorrit trick-or-treating this year .

  11. 爸爸多莉特已经好几年不玩“不给糖就捣乱”了

    Dad , Dorrit hasn 't gone trick-or-treating in years .