
wū pó
  • witch;sorceress
巫婆 [wū pó]
  • [witch;sorceress] 用妖术为人祈祷求神的女人

巫婆[wū pó]
  1. 传说整座村庄遭到了巫婆的诅咒。

    Legend has it that the whole village had been cursed by a witch .

  2. 巫婆在王子身上施了魔法。

    The witch charmed the prince .

  3. 我的曾祖母年纪很大,看上去像个巫婆。

    My great-grandmother was old and witchy looking .

  4. 巫婆过去要被处以火刑。

    Witches used to be burned at the stake .

  5. 巫婆白天是没有法力的。

    Witches ain 't got no power in the daytime . "

  6. 巫婆把王子变成了青蛙。

    The witch changed the prince into a frog .

  7. 巫婆说:“或许我可以做的到,但你必须一字不落地告诉我下咒的时候说的那句咒语。”

    The wizard says , " Maybe , but you will have to tell me the exact words that were used to put the curse on you . "

  8. 巫婆医IV偏重于解开玛雅之谜;

    Medicine Woman IV focuses on the ultimate Mayan mystery ;

  9. n.巫婆,女巫一般认为,巫婆通常都是用她们的能力去做坏事。

    witch It was thought that witches generally used their power to do evil .

  10. 如果是Markowitz先生,他拿着一支大钢笔,一支记号笔,正在给一个巫婆做记号——能够想象这幅图画吗?

    If it 's Mr. Markowitz , he 's holding a big pen , a marking pen and he 's marking a witch , mark a witch - get the picture ?

  11. 这个老巫婆想同兰斯洛特(Lancelot)爵士结婚,这位最崇高的圆桌武士,亚瑟最亲密的朋友!

    The old witch wanted to marry Sir Lancelot , the most noble of the Knights of the Round Table and Arthur 's closest friend !

  12. 有一天,她正在上舞蹈课,一个坏巫婆用她的魔棍把Rella公主变成了一只青蛙。

    One day while dancing in class , an evil witch used her magic wand and turned Princess Rella into a frog .

  13. 然而在罗马尼亚南部Chitila河边,一些巫婆聚集于此,往结冰的河里投掷玉米庆祝主显节。

    Yet on the Chitila River in southern Romania , other witches gathered around a fire Thursday and threw corn into an icy river to celebrate Epiphany .

  14. “谢谢你,老巫婆!”兵士说。

    " Thank you , old witch ," said the soldier .

  15. “你取到打火匣没有?”巫婆问。

    " Have you got the tinder-box ?" asked the witch .

  16. 出现的不是白雪公主,而是一个邪恶的巫婆。

    Instead of Snow White , an evil witch showed up .

  17. 巫婆用冬青木来做魔杖。

    The holly wood was used by witches to make wands .

  18. 在中世纪的欧洲,人们佩戴豆子以驱除巫婆。

    In medieval Europe , beans were worn to repel witches .

  19. 这个老巫婆使村里所有的动物都中了魔法。

    The old witch charmed all the animals in that village .

  20. 于是她便游了回去找巫婆帮忙。

    She swims back down to ask the witch for help .

  21. 两个人回到巫婆的房里。

    And then they ran back into the witch 's house .

  22. 一个巫婆是如何用咒语把他束缚起来。

    How a wicked witch had bound him by her spells .

  23. 但如果事情做错了,她就是巫婆

    But if I do something wrong , she is vicious .

  24. 看到了巫婆的花园里种了几颗漂亮的莴苣。

    She sees some nice lettuce in the witch 's garden .

  25. 你也会救人吗?你这个巫婆!

    Like you saved the others ? You 're a witch !

  26. 巫婆骨瘦如柴的躯体因猛烈的感情激动而震颤着。

    The skeleton frame of the witch shook beneath strong convulsions .

  27. 一位老巫婆对蟹堡王下了诅咒。

    An old hag puts a curse on the Krusty Krab .

  28. 不过我没有杀那老巫婆。

    But I didn 't kill that little con artist bitch .

  29. 于是士兵拔剑砍下巫婆的头。

    So he drew his sword and cut off her head .

  30. 那条狗正往巫婆的房子跑去。

    That dog 's headed right for the witch 's house .