首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 论湖湘巫鬼民祀对湖湘迁谪文学的影响

    On Hu Xiang Worship Influences of Hu Xiang Migration Literature

  2. 汉中地区的巫鬼遗风与民间信仰

    The relic of the necromancy and ghost and folk faith in HanZhong district

  3. 有一个使女迎着面来,他被巫鬼所附,用法术,叫他主人得大财利。

    She earned a great deal of money for her owners by fortune-telling .

  4. 二者风格之异源于郑地商旅文化不同于陈地部族巫鬼文化。

    The different beautiful styles originate from the differences of their societies and cultures .

  5. 深受商州地域文化影响的巫鬼化民俗。

    Shang Zhou regional culture leading to features of " Witchcraft and evils " folklore ;

  6. 鲁迅作品中的巫鬼世界是一个完整的系统。

    There is an integrated system of witchery and ghost world in Luxun 's works .

  7. 但是,政治祛魅的时代并不是巫鬼信仰绝迹的时代。

    However , the witch beliefs do not vanish in the times of political disenchantment .

  8. 第二章从成因和形态来分析西南地区的巫鬼文化。

    Chapter II analyzes the witch-ghost culture in the southwest of China on its reason and pattern .

  9. 第五章对巫鬼文化的本质进行了探讨,并提出了个人对于本课题的一些思考。

    Chapter V discusses the nature of witch-ghost culture and offers some personal thoughts on this issue .

  10. 唐代长江流域信巫鬼、重淫祀习俗考

    Tang Dynasty 's Custom of Believing in Witches and Ghosts , Practicing Sacrifice in Yangtze River Area

  11. 鬼后有人&论中国现当代启蒙作家对巫鬼文化的认识

    Man Behind Ghosts : Recognition to the Wizardry in Writings of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Enlightenment Writers

  12. 第四章讨论了西南地区巫鬼文化的特点及流变。

    Chapter IV discusses the characteristics and the changes of the witch-ghost culture in the southwest of China .

  13. 所有这些都更使独特的礼品或任何巫鬼,是一定要记住。

    All of these and more make unique gifts that any witch or ghost is sure to remember .

  14. 西南地区巫鬼之风浓厚,这在我国众多文献中都有所呈现。

    In the southwest of China , the custom of witch and ghosts has been very popular , which can be seen in many documents in our country .

  15. 民间淫祠在唐代社会非常盛行,主要表现为各种名目繁多的生祠、祭庙以及巫鬼信仰。

    The obscene folk temples were current in Tang Dynasty and which mainly shown as a multitude items as temples for living , sacrificial temples and belief in wizards and ghosts .

  16. 鲁迅、沈从文从巫鬼文化中借鉴了许些现代性的审美因素,其巫鬼文学书写在语言、意象、结构等方面为现代文学增添了新的美学因子。

    The two workers drawed lesson from some modern aesthetic factors . Their works about ghost and witch added new aesthetic factors to modern literature in language , image , structure and other aspects .

  17. 对以巫鬼信仰为文化核心的乡土世界的表现只是表层,其深层涵义是探索和建构一种理想的人性形式和生存方式。

    The representation of the local world with witch beliefs as its core is . just the superficial layer , and the deeper layer lies in exploring and constructing an ideal humanity form and existence mode .

  18. 这些作家试图从民间独特的巫鬼信仰中,寻找到重新确认民族属性,拯救民族文化,安抚现代人心灵、医治现代文明病的路径。

    These writers strive to seek a path in the unique witch beliefs to reconfirm the national property , save the national culture , appease the soul of modern people , and heal the diseases of modern civilization .

  19. 巫鬼信仰是中国社会较为普遍的民间信仰和行为,它贯穿于整部中国古代文化史的始末,甚至在当代社会仍旧残存着其隐喻的内核。

    The sorcery and ghost culture is the universal faith and behavior in Chinese community , and it is pierced through the whole history of ancient Chinese culture , whose metaphor core is even still surviving in the contemporary community .

  20. 它的产生,与其故楚地区巫鬼文化的传统有关,其音乐远源可追溯到先秦时期的楚声;

    Its birth was relevant to the tradition of the culture of witchcraft and ghost in the past area of Chu , and its music origin can trace back to the voice of Chu in the time of previous Qin Dynasty .

  21. 广州地区居民继承古越族巫、鬼信仰传统,十分崇尚神灵信仰。

    Residents of Guangzhou inherited the tradition of the ancient tribe named " Yue " that wizards and gods were advocated , and religious faiths were advocated extremely .

  22. 东晋南朝之际,崇巫尚鬼是江南民间信仰的重要内容,这种信仰心理反映在信仰行为上,出现了对鬼神的淫祀。

    During the period of the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties , worshipping witchcraft and valuing ghost is the important content of Jiangnan folk belief psychology , which , on the behaviour , showed the excessive worship to the god and the ghost .

  23. 第一章主要是针对本课题的相关概念进行界定,包括巫、巫鬼、巫鬼文化。

    Chapter I defines all relevant concepts on the topic , including witches , witch and ghost and witch-ghost culture .