
  1. 原始巫舞以神秘的宗教体验,唤起族群意识和情感认同。

    Ancient witch dance aroused group ethnic consciousness and affective commitment by religious experience .

  2. 巫舞历史悠远,影响深广。

    The soccer dance had a long history and profound influence .

  3. 这是由于它直接来自原始巫舞之故。

    This is due to their direct lineage from primitive sorcery dance .

  4. 这些基本上概括了巫舞的常见内容。

    These are represe-ntative of the most common types of Wu dances .

  5. 由远古的图腾崇拜和巫舞发展演变而来。

    From ancient totem worship and witch evolved from the development of dance .

  6. 宗教舞蹈直接渊源于原始社会的巫舞。

    The religious dance originated from the Wu ( Sorcery ) Dance of the primitive society .

  7. 有跳神舞、巫舞、霸王鞭、唱大本曲等。

    It has the god dance , sorcery dance , Bawangbian , singing songs on the God Ben .

  8. 干戚之舞初为军事巫舞,后演绎成为重大祭礼必备武舞,具有严格的乐舞程序和礼教功能。

    This dance began with dance for military affairs , and gradually became the dance for grand sacrificial rites .

  9. 本文根据汉画像的图像志材料,论述了汉画像中巫舞的几种形式,并对其文化意义进行了阐释。

    Based on the materials of images , The article probes the several types of koradji dance and illustrates its cultural significance .

  10. 通过考察我们发现,原来庞朴先生早就谈到巫、无、舞三字来源于同一项巫风文化活动,其中巫作为主体、无作为对象、舞作为手段。

    Pang Pu first probed into the relation of the three words witchcraft , nonexistence and dance , which come from the same witchcraft culture , with one as subject , one as object , and another as means .