
qiú yǔ
  • pray for rain
求雨 [qiú yǔ]
  • [pray for rain] 旧时祈求龙王降雨的迷信活动

  1. 国王齐景公心里非常焦急,他想去祭祀山神求雨。

    Jing Gong , the King of Qi , was very worried . He wanted to offer sacrifices to the mountain deity1 to pray for rain .

  2. 伦敦人从来不求雨。

    Londoners never pray for rain .

  3. 景公听了晏子的这番话,就不再去向神求雨了。

    Convinced by Yan Zi 's words , Jing Gong no longer prayed to the deities4 for rain .

  4. 旧时天旱无雨,各地都有求雨之举。

    Old drought , no rain , rain in all parts move .

  5. 我绝不会相信伦敦人会求雨。

    I would never have believed that Londoners would pray for rain .

  6. 一种由妇女进行的波利尼西亚人的求雨舞蹈。

    A Polynesian rain dance performed by a woman .

  7. 求雨者据信有能力造雨的人

    One who is supposedly capable of producing rain .

  8. 干旱时舞龙,可以求雨;

    Playing in dry seasons will bring them rain ;

  9. 汉弗莱求雨舞是求下雨的

    Humphrey , rain dances make it rain .

  10. 他想去祭祀山神求雨。

    He wanted to offer sacrifices to the mountain deity to pray for rain .

  11. 农民们正向神求雨。

    The farmers are praying for rain .

  12. 这这是求雨舞为了让雨停下来的舞

    It 's. .. It 's a rain dance , to stop it from raining .

  13. 这一群人就赶去庙里,求辛法师帮忙求雨。

    A whole crowd went to the temple and asked Master Xin to bring rain .

  14. 而且如果我是一个求雨的巫婆,那么那口神秘的井呢?

    And if I 'm a water witch , then where 's the secret well ?

  15. 传教士们祈祷求雨,明知这种祈祷从未灵验过。

    Preachers pray for rain , knowing full well that no such prayer was ever answered .

  16. 后来,人们把龙当作神灵。于是,形成了祀龙求雨习俗。

    Later , people took the dragons as gods , and therefore formed a dragon invocation .

  17. 人们常常求雨,形成了求雨习俗。

    To achieve favorable weather , people often prayed for rain and formed a pray-for-rain practice .

  18. 当地人在这里求雨?

    Locals pray for rain here ?

  19. 在封建时代,有在旱灾时求雨的风俗。

    During feudal times , it was a custom to put up prayers for rain during droughts .

  20. 据说当地的人遇到干旱,经常会到这里来求雨。

    It is said that in times of drought , locals would come here to pray for rain .

  21. 如今,墙上已经有70多道求雨者留下的黑色涂鸦了。

    The walls of the cave bear over 70 records of prayers offered , marked in black paint .

  22. 好了,很高兴见到你,密歇根来的求雨的巫婆,但是如果我是你,下次我会带上手套的&为什么?

    Well , great to meet a Michigan water witch , but I 'd wear gloves next time .

  23. 反迷信与社区信仰空间的现代历程&以1934年苏州的求雨仪式为例

    The Modern Course of Anti-superstition and Community Belief Space-Focusing on the Ceremony of Rain Praying in Suchou in 1934

  24. 经过了七天虔诚的求雨,依然是烈日当空,连一片云也没有。

    After seven days of sincere prayer for rain , the sun was still scorching without a cloud insight .

  25. 上古的求雨仪式是“交感巫术”的生动展现。

    In ancient times , the ceremony of praying for rain was a vivid display of a " Sympathetic Magic " .

  26. 从此,草龙求雨成为叶榭民间的一种习俗,并影响到周边地区。

    Making straw dragons to call for rain has become a custom in the Yexie area and has spread to the surrounding regions .

  27. 后来,纳西族人每当遇到乾旱的年景,也会到祭自然神的神泉,以祭水来求雨降落。

    When there was draught , the Naxi people would come to holy spring to worship the God of the Nature for rain .

  28. 于是全村的人都蜂涌到寺庙里,向佛祖如来、太上老君、城隍土地爷叩头求雨。

    Whole villages marched in concert to the temples and knelt down before Buddhas , Taoist images and local gods and prayed for rain .

  29. 例如,为了求雨,中非赞德人在被指控推迟或阻止下雨的人身上倒水;

    To bring rain , for example , the Zande of Central Africa poured water over a person accused of delaying or preventing rain .

  30. 龙舞已从祈神、求雨而升华为人们表达豪情壮志、展现群众智慧的舞蹈形式。

    The dragon dance , accordingly , has been elevated from asking for God and rain to expressing people 's courage , pride and wisdom .