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  • integrated training;combined training
  1. 视觉刺激仪、凸透镜和三棱镜综合训练对儿童近视眼AC/A的影响

    Effects of combined training with CAMP vision simulating apparatus , convex lens and triple prism on AC / A in adolescent with myopia

  2. 因此,如何使学生学会学习,即使学生学会主动使用学习策略成为目前共同关注的问题。3·3·3认知策略训练就是这样一种综合训练模式,是国家教育委员会重点项目的研究成果。

    Consequently , learning how to learn is becoming a common problem . 3 · 3 · 3 cognitive strategy training was a combined training and the result of a key item of State Education Commision .

  3. NTG系列电子信息技术综合训练系统的研制

    Development of NTG Series Comprehensive Training System of Electronics and Information Technology

  4. 本文依托于高校工业控制系统综合训练平台实验室建设项目中PLC远程实验室系统建设而展开研究。

    This paper mainly describes the design and realization of the PLC remote laboratory system construction , which is based on the laboratory construction project " industrial control system comprehensive training platform " .

  5. MIT组接受MIT语言综合训练,对照组仅接受语言训练。结果经过3个月的治疗,MIT组听理解能力、复述能力、呼名和书写能力改善明显优于对照组(P<0.01)。

    Result Three after month treatment , the patients ' ability of comprehension , repeating , calling names and writing in the MIT group were more greatly improved in comparison with the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. 根据船上的军事官员说,DDG-169驱逐舰上的水兵进行了综合训练,侧重于快速反应、检查,并进行了模拟攻击。

    According to onboard military officers , sailors on the destroyer , coded DDG-169 Wuhan , carried out comprehensive exercises focusing on rapid response , inspections , and simulated attacks .

  7. 电子装备综合训练仿真系统设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Synthetic Training Simulation System of Electronic Equipment

  8. 结构力学综合训练方案的教学实践

    Teaching practice of the comprehensive exercise plan for structural mechanics

  9. 女子中长跑综合训练法的应用研究

    Experimental Study of Synthetic Training of Women Middle and Long Distance Running

  10. 军队护理专业军事医学综合训练体系的构建

    Establishment of a Military Medicine Integral Training System in the Nursing Profession

  11. 设置综合训练课程提高学生实践能力

    Arranging Integrated Training Course and Increasing Students ' Practical Ability

  12. 积极综合训练对妇科肿瘤患者的心理干预效果

    Effect of Positive Composite Training on Mental health of Gynecologic Tumor Patients

  13. 基础护理实践技能综合训练应用研究

    Study on comprehensive training on practice skills of fundamental nursing

  14. 刑事技术教学综合训练初探

    A Preliminary Analysis on the Synthetic Train of Criminal Technique

  15. 综合训练是未来军用机飞行员训练的必由之路

    Future Military Pilot Training Will Base on Synthetic Training Aids

  16. 一种新型多型飞机飞行控制系统综合训练模拟器

    A Novel Training Simulator of Multi-type Aircraft Flight Control System

  17. 那么如何进行高效率的综合训练呢?

    So how to conduct a highly efficient comprehensive training ?

  18. 射击与通信实践环节的综合训练

    Comprehensive Training in the Practice of Firing and Communication

  19. 战术、技术、技能的发挥要靠综合训练来检验。

    The tactics , techniques and skills depend on the integrated training efforts .

  20. 虚拟海上实验环境,实现航海综合训练

    Realizing the Comprehensive Training in Navigation by Simulating the Experimental Environment on Sea

  21. 运载火箭发射综合训练系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Synthetic Simulation System for Carrier Rocket Launch Training

  22. 下肢残肢功能综合训练系统机构与控制系统设计

    Mechanism and Control System Design of Rehabilitation Training System of Lower Residual Limbs

  23. 某导弹发射综合训练模拟系统的软件设计

    Software System of the Integrated Missile Launch Training Simulator

  24. 单项训练与综合训练相互结合的原则;

    Of combining the singular training with synthetic training ;

  25. 炮兵指挥信息系统综合训练质量评估

    Research on Evaluation of Comprehensive Training Quality on Command Information System of Artillery

  26. 培养和训练的重点放在专业综合训练及毕业设计上。

    It is especially showed in professionally comprehensive training and the graduating design .

  27. 我校化学综合训练实验室的建设与改革初探

    Construction and Reform of Comprehensive Chemistry Training Lab

  28. 一种提高实验教学效果的单片机控制技术综合训练方案

    A Synthetical Training Scheme of One-hip Computer 's Control Technology for Improving Experimental Teaching

  29. 某型机综合训练模拟系统方案的设计

    The Plan of The Comprehensive Training Simulation System for A Certain Type Of Helicopter

  30. 排球拦网的综合训练方法研究

    Study on synthetical training method of volleyball block