
  • 网络comprehensive transportation corridor
  1. 基于多目标决策的综合运输通道组合运能优化

    Combined capacity optimization of comprehensive transportation corridor based on multi-objective decision making

  2. 综合运输通道客运交通结构优化方法研究

    Research on Passenger Transport Structure Optimization of Comprehensive Transportation Corridor

  3. 完善综合运输通道和强化铁路为地方服务的功能。

    Integrated transPOrtation and serving the development of local economy .

  4. 基于用户的综合运输通道结构配置

    User-Based Structure Configuration of Comprehensive Transportation Corridor

  5. 东北经济区综合运输通道建设与区域可持续发展研究

    Study on the construction of comprehensive transport passageways and regional sustainable development in Northeast China

  6. 就我国综合运输通道协调发展过程中存在的系统内部及外部协调问题进行研究。

    In this paper , the coordinated development problems of Chinese comprehensive transportation systems were studied .

  7. 首先提出了综合运输通道组合运能的定义及综合运输通道组合运能多目标决策模糊优化模型。

    In the paper the combined capaeity of CTC was defined and a fuzzy optimization model of the multi-objective decision-making for the CTC combined capacity was proposed .

  8. 然而目前尚未有运输通道客运交通多种方式的合理分工的解决方法,没有成型的理论体系,因此,对综合运输通道客运交通结构优化进行研究具有重要理论和现实意义。

    However , there is no solution to make division of work of various modes of transportation in transportation corridor reasonable , also no forming theoretical system .

  9. 为预测综合运输通道客运需求结构变化,以陆桥运输通道为例,对不同运输方式旅客出行调查数据进行了统计分析。

    In order to estimate the travelers demand construction of comprehensive transportation corridor , the travelers structure of Europe-Asia transportation corridor ( EATC ) in China was investigated .

  10. 针对区域综合运输通道交通供给和需求量大,出行方式多,各出行方式竞争激烈的特点。

    Regional comprehensive corridor takes on the characteristics of heavy transport demand and supply and many travel modes ; meanwhile , competition is severe among different travel modes .

  11. 目前对于综合运输通道客运交通结构的研究较少,本论文对以往成果进行有效整合并进一步研究,为完善我国客运通道结构体系做出努力,以期为交通运输部门提供科学的决策参考依据。

    In the thesis , previous research is integrated effectively , the theory of passenger transportation corridor is improved , and the case study results provide a scientific basis for decision making .

  12. 本文对综合运输通道的含义、功能及运输通道优化选择等问题进行了详细论述,首次应用博弈理论建立了运输通道选择优化数学模型,为运输通道的选择提供了理论依据。

    The gambling and chess theory has been applied to establish the mathematics model of transport channel selecting optimization for the first time , providing a theoretical foundation for the transport channels selection .

  13. 区域综合运输通道出行结构的配置问题,其本质是一个决策问题,决策的指标包括经济效益、财务效益、可持续发展和系统最优。

    The essential of the trip structure configuration of regional integrated transportation corridor is a decision problem , the indexes of which include economic benefit , financial benefit , sustainable development and system optimum .

  14. 为了避免各出行方式之间存在恶性竞争,扰乱运输市场的正常秩序,建立了区域综合运输通道协同的多目标非线性规划数学模型。

    In order to avoid vicious competition among different travel modes so that transportation market is disturbed , multi-objective and nonlinear programming model is built up , which is based on the maximization of unity of traveler .

  15. 根据综合运输通道中各运输方式的技术经济特点,在考虑旅客和货主对运输服务特性偏好的基础上,对通道内客货流在不同运输方式/线路上的分配进行了探讨;

    Reviewing the technical and economic characteristic : of the variety transport means and considering the interest of shipper and passenger , the paper discusses the reasonable structure of the freight and passenger flow in comprehensive transportation corridor .

  16. 为了对区域综合运输通道内的客运市场进行细分,论文引入了因子分析法对影响市场细分的变量进行降维处理,降低因子数量和因子之间的相关性。

    In order to segment passenger market of regional comprehensive transportation corridor , Factor analysis is introduced to reduce the dimensions of the variables that affect market segmentation and reduce the number of factors and correlation of different factors .

  17. 指出区域综合运输通道客运系统是服务城市群和都市圈范围内,在某一狭长地带行成的具有多用交通方式共同协作,为区域提供旅客运输服务的交通运输走廊。

    This paper points out that the passenger system of regional comprehensive transportation corridor is corridor that serves within the scopes of urban agglomeration and metropolitan region , which is composed by different kinds of transportation modes within a narrow area . 2 .

  18. 综合运用运输通道布局理论,研究确定了甘陕运输通道的总体布局。

    The paper also gives the overall arrangement of the Bi-provincial Transportation Network with the help of the transportation channel theory .

  19. 论文研究对于补充和完善我国综合运输理论、通道交通资源优化配置理论具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    The study has important theoretical and practical significance for adding and improving integrated transport theory and optimization configuration theory of channel transport resource .

  20. 界定了综合运输网中通道需求规划的相关域,包括通道的吸引范围、集散点及其对外交通需求预测等。

    The paper identifies the area about corridor demands planning in comprehensive transportation net , involving the attractive area of corridor , accumulating and dispersing node and external traffic demands prediction .

  21. 论文从系统性和可操作性出发,应用交通规划及相关理论,对综合运输网中通道的规划理论进行了深入研究,建立了通道规划的基本理论框架。

    On the basis of practicability , the paper studies on the corridor planning in comprehensive transportation net by applying the traffic planning and relative theories , bearing the basic framework of corridor planning theory .

  22. 节点综合重要度在运输通道线路布局中的应用

    Application of Node Synthetical Importance in Transport Corridors Distribution

  23. 本文在综合分析东北经济区运输通道发展现状与特点的基础上,对东北经济区综合运输通道对社会生态系统的正面与负面影响作了战略性与历史性的评价。

    Based on discussing the current developing situation and characteristics of the transport passageways in northeast China comprehensively , the paper evaluated and discussed their positive and negative impacts on social-ecosystem in northeast China historically and strategically .

  24. 论文基于此背景研究区域综合交通运输体系中综合运输通道客运系统出行行为、结构配置、结构的合理性和协调性等相关问题。

    Based on this background , this paper does reasearch on travel behavior anlysis , structure configuration , rationality and coordination of the structure and some other related questions within passenger system of the comprehensive transportation corridor . 1 .

  25. 随着运输方式多样化和综合化的发展,高效协调的综合运输大通道已成为交通运输发展的必然趋势。

    With the development of diversification and unification of transport mode , highly efficiently integrated transportation corridor has become the inevitable trend .