
shā táng
  • granulated sugar;suger
砂糖 [shā táng]
  • [granulated sugar] 一种颗粒像砂粒那样大的糖,分赤、白两种。赤砂糖含少许糖蜜,白砂糖纯度则高一些

砂糖[shā táng]
  1. 本文经试验研究,分析了影响耕地白砂糖SO2含量的物理化学反应机理。

    The physical and chemical mechanism that influences the sulfur dioxide content in the plantation white granulated sugar is analyzed through the experimental investigation .

  2. 而中间的馅儿则是由蜂蜜,砂糖,糖果,松果和碎果仁儿混合而成的。

    Its stuffing sandwiched between the crusts is a mixture of honey , granulated sugar , confect , pinecones and crushed kernels .

  3. 砂糖块是砂糖晶体的聚合体。

    A lump of sugar is an aggregate of sugar crystals .

  4. pH对白砂糖转化糖浆色值的影响

    The Effect of the pH Value on the Color of Invert Syrup

  5. 我国的白砂糖产品SO2残留量普遍较高。

    The residual content of the sulfur dioxide in granulated white sugar in our country is commonly high .

  6. 结果表明,Ca、Mg、K、Fe、Mn、Cu等6种元素在赤砂糖中含量比在白砂糖中含量高出4~400倍。

    The results show that contents of Ca , Mg , K , Fe , Mn and Cu is higher in white Sugar than in raw Sugar .

  7. 本文介绍了食糖质量标准中二氧化硫(SO2)的质量要求以及降低白砂糖中二氧化硫含量的方法。

    This paper introduces the quality standard of SO2 content and the ways to decrease its content in white granulated sugar .

  8. 结果表明,饮料最佳工艺配方为:添加高F值寡肽3%,白砂糖8%,柠檬酸0.15%;

    The results of the experiment indicated the optimum formula of the drink was high F ratio oligo-peptide 3 % , sugar 8 % and citric acid 0.15 % .

  9. 以制得的高F值低聚肽溶液为基料,研制肽饮料和酸奶,肽饮料最佳配方为高F值低聚肽溶液1.2%,果汁4%,砂糖6%,柠檬酸0.15%。

    The formula of nutritive beverage was composed of 1.2 % high F value oligo-peptide solution , 4 % fruit juice , 6 % sugar and 0.15 % citric acid .

  10. 结果表明:乙醇溶液浸泡、加入β-CD、白砂糖能较好地减轻辣椒汁辣味,并保留维生素C含量。

    The results indicated that it was able to abate hot taste and keep vitamin C well to soak hot pepper in ethyl alcohol solution and to add β - CD and white sugar to hot pepper juice .

  11. 根据白砂糖颗粒的固有特点及其流态化特性,首次应用马尔科夫(Markov)过程建立了描述白砂糖流态化的随机数学模型。

    A stochastic mathematic model described in white sugar fluidization was first set up using Markov process according to the characteristics of the particles and specific properties of fluidization for white sugar .

  12. 诱导茎尖成苗的培养基为MS+6-BA0.5mg/L。繁殖脱毒苗所用的MS培养基为1/4大量元素+1/2微量元素,并用1/2食用白砂糖代替蔗糖,可使快繁成本降低48.7%。

    The MS media for seedlings virus-free culture are 1 / 4 macro-elements + 1 / 2 micro-elements and using edible sugar instead of sucrose , so the cost of media could be decreased to 48.7 % .

  13. 通过正交实验探讨了发酵条件,结果表明,最优的发酵条件是:花生乳40%,白砂糖7%,接种量4%,发酵温度42°C。

    The suitable proportion of blending were found by orthogonal experiment in the test . The results showed that the optimum proportion of blending were 40 % peanut milk , 7 % sucrose , 4 % fermentation adjuncts and fermented at . 42 ° c.

  14. 糖厂的生产实践证明,糖浆气浮新技术可以大幅度地降低糖浆中SO2的含量,从而降低白砂糖SO2含量,提高其食用安全性。

    The practice in cane sugar factories has proved that the new technology for syrup floatation clarification can decrease SO2 residual remarkably in white granulated sugar and improve its edible safety .

  15. 研究了白砂糖流化床空间分离高度(TDH)的主要影响因素,提出了白砂糖流化床TDH的设计原则。

    Main influencing factors of TDH were studied and design principle of TDH was discussed for fluidized bed of white sugar .

  16. 配料:小麦粉、植物起酥油、白砂糖、山梨醇、全脂奶粉、碳酸钙、膨松剂、香兰素、维生素D3。

    Ingredients : Wheat flour , Vegetable Shortening , Refined Cane Sugar , Sorbitol , Whole Milk Powder , Calcium Carbonate , Baking Powder , Vanilla Flavor , Vitamin D3 .

  17. 综合三批产品配方确定西番莲柑桔含果汁饮料的最佳配方为:5%西番莲汁,15%柑桔汁,5%白砂糖,0.05%-0.08%CMC-Na+0.05%黄原胶,适当强化Vc。

    Passionflower with Wenzhou Orange formula is : The Passionflower juice 5 % , The Wenzhou Orange juice 15 % , sugar 5 % , stabilizer use CMC-Na ( 0.08 % ) + Xanthan Gum ( 0.05 % ), appropriate complement Vc .

  18. 按L9(34)正交表设计实验方案,筛选出饮料配方为枳木具:水为1:3,脱脂乳4%,白砂糖5%,柠檬酸0.2%。

    The results show that the perfect prescription of milk drink is 4 % of skim milk , 5 % of granulated sugar and 0.2 % of citrin acid .

  19. 采用正交试验,确定了黑豆黑芝麻酸奶的最佳工艺条件:全脂乳量12%、白砂糖量8%、黑豆黑芝麻比1:1.5、接种量2%、发酵时间4h、发酵温度42℃。

    Orthogonal test is used to determine black bean , black sesame yogurt the best technology conditions : whole milk 12 % , 8 % sugar , the ratio of black bean to black sesame 1:1.5,2 % inoculum , fermentation time 4h , the fermentation temperature 42 ℃ .

  20. 结果表明,鲜牛奶85.0%,复合稳定剂0.16%,巧克力香精0.07%,食用色素0.106%,AK糖0.02%,可可粉0.4%,白砂糖2.0%(均为质量分数,下同)。

    The results showed that the proportion of fresh milk , stabilizer , chocolate flavor , edible pigment , acesulfame-k , cocoa powder and sugar , was 85.0 % , 0.16 % , 0.07 % , 0.106 % , 0.02 % , 0.4 % and 2.0 % respectively .

  21. 海带提取液中添加5%砂糖、7%葡萄糖和控制pH5.0,可制得口感良好的海带营养液;

    Adding granulated sugar ( 5 % ) and glucose ( 7 % ) to the extracted liquid of kelp and keeping up pH 5.0 , the delicious kelp nutrient liquid will be obtained .

  22. 研究了莲蓉中各配料用量对月饼品质的影响,得出莲蓉馅料的最佳配方为:莲子粉100g:白砂糖80g:水100g:花生油50g:面粉10g。

    Effect of the amount of ingredients in lotus seed paste filling to the quality of moon cake is studied . The best formula for the lotus seed paste filling is lotus powder 100g : sugar 80g : water 100g : peanut oil 50g : flour lOg .

  23. 选取蜂蜜、白砂糖、柠檬酸进行调味,最终确定黄粉虫氨基酸保健口服液的配方以及生产的工艺流程;

    Honey , sugar and citric acid are used for seasoning .

  24. 白砂糖振动流化干燥&冷却机的设计特点及生产应用研究

    Design and Application of Vibro Fluidized Drying Cooling Unit for Sugar

  25. 白砂糖多层流化床冷却实验研究

    Experiment investigation of the cooling of white sugar with multistage fluidized beds

  26. 提高亚硫酸法糖厂白砂糖质量的研究与实践

    Study and Practice on improving quality of white sugar produced with sulfitation

  27. 当达到饱和时,水将无法吸收更多的砂糖。

    Once the water reaches saturation , it can 't take anymore .

  28. 那是酒精砂糖的混合物。

    The sticky is mucous mixed with alcohol and sugars .

  29. 近红外光谱技术用于白砂糖质量的实时监测研究

    Real-time Monitoring the Quality of Granulated Sugar by Near Infrared Spectroscopic Technique

  30. 戴夫:或许一些传统绩优股,像是塑料跟砂糖。

    Dave : Probably old stalwarts like plastics and sugar .