
  • 网络diamanti;Alessandro Diamanti
  1. 这是一个欢乐的节日,迪亚曼蒂说。

    It 's a festival of joy , Diamanti says .

  2. 费城:软椒盐卷饼面团饼已经存在很久了,迪亚曼蒂说。

    Philadelphia : Soft pretzels The doughy pretzel has come a long way , Diamanti says .

  3. 由于数百人同时做饭有大量的烟雾,迪亚曼蒂说。

    There is plenty of smoke with hundreds of people cooking at the same time , Diamanti says .

  4. 你拿着你的小酒和零食,出去和朋友聊天,迪亚曼蒂说。

    You take your drink and snack and you go out and chat with friends , Diamanti says .

  5. 迪亚曼蒂喜欢甜的那种,有时涂着花生酱、果酱或香蕉、巧克力和奶油。

    Diamanti likes the sweet variety , sometimes filled with Nutella , jam or bananas and chocolate with cream .

  6. 日本:盒饭迪亚曼蒂说,吃这种便携式日本料理的最佳时间和地点是在春天盛开的樱花树下。

    Japan : Bento boxes Diamanti says the best time and place to eat this portable Japanese meal is under a blooming cherry tree in the spring .

  7. 意大利那不勒斯:披萨披萨可能是最接近全球食品的了,但迪亚曼蒂说没有哪是像那不勒斯那样制作的。

    Naples , Italy : Pizza Pizza may be the closest thing to a global food , but Diamanti says there 's nothing like the way it 's prepared in Naples .

  8. 约旦:咖啡迪亚曼蒂在约旦的旅行公司工作了15年,从小就爱咖啡,这混合着小豆蔻且有一点苦味。

    Jordan : Coffee Diamanti spent 15 years working with travel companies in Jordan , and grew to love the coffee , which is mixed with cardamom and has a bitter taste .