
  1. 好漂亮的衬衣啊,哥儿们!

    Nice shirt , man !

  2. 好漂亮!

    How beautiful !

  3. 女儿看后说道:“哇!好漂亮啊!是谁把他们修好的?”

    Daughter look and said : " Wow ! Is nice ! Who are they repaired them ? "

  4. 难道说“早安,luisa”或“好漂亮的连身裤”有那么困难吗?

    I mean , would it have been so hard to say " Morning , Luisa " ? Or " Nice overalls " ?

  5. 格斯几乎总在我早上出门前对我说你看上去好漂亮。我觉得最初他应该是从Siri那里得知,这句话永远不会错。

    Gus almost invariably tells me , You look beautiful , right before I go out the door in the morning ; I think it was first Siri who showed him that you can 't go wrong with that line .

  6. 格斯几乎总在我早上出门前对我说“你看上去好漂亮”。我觉得最初他应该是从Siri那里得知,这句话永远不会错。

    Gus almost invariably tells me , " You look beautiful , " right before I go out the door in the morning ; I think it was first Siri who showed him that you can 't go wrong with that line .

  7. 第一个女孩说'好漂亮的鹅呀!

    ' What a beautiful goose ! 'said the first girl .

  8. 好漂亮的鞋子,你愿意将它放在我的鞋柜上吗?

    Nice shoes , want to go back to my pad ?

  9. 包装得好漂亮,拆了好可惜。

    It 's so beautifully wrapped that I almost feel bad .

  10. amazing:令人惊异的,好极了首先,你看起来好漂亮啊!

    Serena : First of all , you look amazing ! -

  11. 好漂亮啊!花儿都开了。

    How beautiful ! All of the flowers are in bloom .

  12. 哗!好漂亮呀!哗!那么多的礼物!

    Wow ! How beautiful ! Wow ! So many gifts !

  13. 好漂亮的结婚戒指,你丈夫呢?

    What a beautiful wedding ring . Where 's your husband ?

  14. 怎么样啊好漂亮啊

    What do you think of that ? It 's gorgeous .

  15. 尹蒂威尔克斯,好漂亮的衣服呀!

    Why , India wilkes , what a lovely dress !

  16. 首先,你看起来好漂亮啊!

    Serena : First of all , you look amazing !

  17. 好漂亮的浴室,你弟弟在哪?

    Beautiful bathroom . now , where is your brother ?

  18. 好漂亮的扇贝,是你在跟我说话吗?

    A beautiful scallop , is you talking to me ?

  19. 哇!好漂亮!非常感谢。

    Wow ! How beautiful ! Thank you very much .

  20. 哦!好漂亮的车,如此宽敞的内部空间。

    Oh ! What a beautiful car , and such a spacious interior !

  21. 爸爸,过来看这些鱼。他们好漂亮。

    Dad ! Come and look at the fish . they 're beautiful .

  22. 你的头发好漂亮啊。

    Ji-yeoun , you look pretty with that hair .

  23. 剧情片段菲比:好漂亮哦,我好喜欢。

    Phoebe : Oh that looks so good , oh I love it .

  24. 喔哦,妈妈,你的头发好漂亮!

    Wow , Mom , your hair looks great .

  25. 杰,好漂亮。

    Oh , Jay , it 's so beautiful .

  26. 安妮:好漂亮的小汽车,刚买的吧?

    Annie : what a smart car ! Have you just bought it ?

  27. 哦,好漂亮的小伙子!

    Dad : Oh , what a good-looking boy !

  28. 好漂亮的小栗子不过别吃喔。

    That 's a nice IittIe conker . don 't eat it though .

  29. 客人4:啊,好漂亮的狗呀。

    Guest4 : Oh , what a beautiful dog .

  30. 嗨,凌风!那有个好漂亮的风筝哦。

    ANN : Hi , Ling Feng ! That 's a nice kite !