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  1. 一种把纤维(棉花的或羊毛或尼龙等)用做缝韧或编织的好线。

    A fine cord of twisted fibers ( of cotton or silk or wool or nylon etc. ) used in sewing and weaving .

  2. 确保控制好线和救生筏,这样你就不会丢失。

    Make sure you always control your line and your clear life raft , so you don 't lose the life raft itself .

  3. SEM图像表明铜纳米线的直径与模板的孔径基本一致,纳米线粗细均匀,具有很好的线栅结构。

    SEM images indicate the ordered wire-grid structure of Cu nanowires , the diameter of which is consistent with that of the pores .

  4. 在此基础上,设计了一种线阵CCD非接触测量系统,并给出了一种移植性好的线阵CCD驱动方案。

    A untouched measurement system of linear CCD was designed on the base . There is a Linear CCD Driving method which is easy to transplant in the design .

  5. GTAW(钨极气体保护电弧焊)是一种能够很好控制线能量,进行高质量薄板焊接的方法。

    GTAW is that controls linear energy easily and has high quality welding of sheet metal .

  6. 科蒂斯,设好封锁线。

    Curtis , I want you to set up a perimeter .

  7. 他准备好钓线,投进海中。

    He prepares his lines , and drops them into the water .

  8. 我们首先划好定位线、打孔。

    Firstly , mark the positioning line and drill holes .

  9. 他在下料之前先用铅笔和尺在木板上划好了线。

    He scored the board with a pencil and ruler before sawing it .

  10. 起先,我相信自己能够接好信号线。

    At first , I believed that I could reconnect the signal wire .

  11. 如果消息属实,舒尔林已经构思好故事线了。

    If truth be told , Scheuring supposedly already has a storyline in mind .

  12. 组装门式脚手架,升降平台,拉好隔离线,周边放置告示牌。

    Door assembly of scaffolding , the take-off and landing platform , lay the line of separation , placed around notice boards .

  13. 硫化物夹杂因其塑性好、线膨胀系数大、对轴承钢疲劳寿命影响较小。

    As sulfid has better plasticity and bigger coefficient of linear expansion , and it has less effect on fatigue life of bearing steel .

  14. 奥巴马希望国会能够提出一项气候变化法案,打破当前僵局。他想让共和党人看到,他允许近海开采石油,但前提是保护好海岸线。

    Obama , who wants Congress to move a stalled climate change bill , has sought to reach out to Republicans by signalling he is open to allowing offshore drilling , providing coastlines are protected .

  15. 机器在实验室里组装,接好了线,各个部分单独工作,直到1943年12月,整个机器才运到布莱切利。

    In the laboratory the machine was assembled , wired and made to work in separate sections which did not come together until the whole machine was installed and working at Bletchley in December 1943 .

  16. 高硅铝-硅合金具有耐磨性好、线膨胀系数小、抗腐蚀性和铸造性能好等优点,特别适用于制造轻质、耐磨耐高温的零件,是汽车、摩托车发动机活塞的理想材料。

    The high Si-containing Al-Si alloys are widely used in the automobile and motorcycle engine piston , because they have wear resistance , low linear expansion coefficient , good corrosion resistance and excellent casting capability . They are especially used for the manufacture of lightweight , wear-resistant high-temperature parts .

  17. 它兼具固体激光器和气体激光器的优点,具有量子效率高、光学性能好、输出线宽窄(可达MHz)的突出优点。

    They have both the advantages of gas lasers and solid lasers , which possess some desirable features such as high quantum efficiency , good optical quality and narrow-line-width ( several MHz ) .

  18. 关于HDPE瓶,其实没什么太多好说的,因为只要将那些杂物去掉,再采用一条好的清洗线就足够保证产品的纯度了。

    As far as HDPE bottles , not much to say , simply because also if there is some contamination left , a good washing line will take care of all of it and the product at the end will be absolutely pure .

  19. 好,别挂线,等一分钟。我们进来了。

    Okay , hang on one minute . we 're moving in .

  20. 预先埋好的电话线,并没有和屋子里的主线连接。

    Buried phone line not connected to the house 's main line .

  21. 把地毯边镶好以免绽线。

    Bind the edge of the rug so that it will not ravel .

  22. 汤姆打头里走,他们好不容易走到通道的另一头,然后系紧捻好的风筝线,又继续往前走。

    They toiled their way to the farther end of the tunnel , then made their spliced kite-strings fast and moved on .

  23. 一条好的拼接线会消减甚至避免纹理差异造成的拼接后影像上的重影、模糊效果。

    A good cut line may reduce or even avoid the ghost and fuzzy effect in the image mosaic caused by texture difference .

  24. 他们的进攻看起来不错,我觉得这也是他们的优势,他们很年轻,有很好的前锋线。

    They looked excellent going forward and for me that 's what they should go for , because it 's a young , exciting forward line .

  25. 这两个荧光探针结构简单、选择性好、检测线低,相信对铝离子荧光探针的研究会有一定的促进作用。

    These two fluorescent probes own simple structure , high selectivity and low detection limit , and may accelerate the research work of aluminum fluorescent probes .

  26. 好的生产线布局将为高效率的作业从根本上打下良好的基础,因此设计一个良好的生产线布局至关重要。

    A well-designed layout line will fundamentally lay a good foundation for efficient operating production , so designing a good layout of production lines is essential .

  27. 好,套线排插上电源脚的线有无脱落,节目板的插头有无插好或者更换节目板试试。

    Good set of exclusive plug in the power line without the foot off the line , show whether the plug board plug board is good or try to change the program .

  28. 只有尽一切技术手段使得半高宽在系统提示的范围之内,才有可能获得好的谱线。

    Good wave spectrum lines only could be acquired with all those techniques which ensure the value of full width at half maxium to be within the given range of the system .

  29. 铟封作为一种软金属封接工艺,能够很好的实现线膨胀系数相差较大的材料间的非匹配封接,因此广泛应用于玻璃器件与金属器件的真空封接过程中。

    As a kind of soft metal sealing technology , indium sealing can realize the unmatched packing of materials with different coefficient of thermal expansion , which is widely used in the vacuum sealing process of glass-parts and metal-parts .

  30. 结果:MPR和3D重建图像能很好地显示骨折线、骨折片移位及关节脱位,3D重建可立体显示骨折的空间关系。

    Results : MPR and 3D imaging could show the fracture line and displacement of fractured osseous fragments and dislocation of joint clearly . 3D images can display anatomy and spatial relationship of structures .