
  1. 他给她买了漂亮的衣服和好玩的玩具。

    He bought her beautiful dresses and fun toys .

  2. 我们坐船去玩玩好吗?给了她很多好玩的玩具。

    Shall we go for a sail ? They give her many nice toys .

  3. 就拍一些好玩的玩具和人们购物的场景吧。走吧。

    Just get shots of interesting toys and shoppers shopping . Let 's go .

  4. 给了她很多好玩的玩具。

    They give her many nice toys .

  5. 多么好玩的玩具啊!

    What an interesting toy it is !

  6. 不。男孩子喜欢好玩的玩具。

    No. Boys like funny toys .

  7. 好多好玩的玩具。

    Lots of lovely toys .

  8. 每当有一个特别的声音的时候,就会有一个好玩的玩具在婴儿的旁边出现。

    Make a fun toy appear on one side or the other whenever there 's a particular sound .

  9. 斐迪南福煦,法国军队中一位将军,他被人们赞誉具有最原始的和微妙的思想之一,他说:飞机是个好玩的玩具,但是毫无军用价值。

    Ferdinand Foch , a French army general credited with having one of the most original and subtle minds in the French army , said , Airplanes are interesting toys , but of no military value .