
  • 网络good start
  1. 今天是一个好开始。

    Today is a good start .

  2. 当然我没法给出一个囊括所有可能的列表,但这个列表会是一个好开始,保证帮你争取不少时间。

    This is , of course , not an all-inclusive list , but it 's a good start to reclaiming some time back .

  3. 他们现在已经准备好开始谈判。

    They are now ready to open negotiations .

  4. 完成这些简单步骤之后,我们完全准备好开始在XML加密应用程序中使用JCA/JCE。

    After these simple steps , we are all set to use JCA / JCE in our XML Encryption application .

  5. 如果您已经阅读了前面的内容,那么已经准备好开始构建第一个AppEngineforJava应用程序。

    If you 've read this far , then you 're ready to start building your first App Engine for Java application .

  6. 现在Ant构建文件已经准备好开始添加表示自动化过程的新Ant目标了。

    Now the Ant build file is ready for adding new Ant targets that represent the automation procedure .

  7. 现在您已经准备好开始使用WSAS插件开发Web服务。

    Now you 're ready to start using the WSAS plug-in to develop a Web service .

  8. 只需抓取一些TB级日志文件,一个商品服务器集群,然后准备好开始工作。

    Just grab a terabyte of log files , a cluster of commodity servers , and get ready to roll .

  9. 此时,我们应当已经准备好开始用CDT开发应用程序。

    At this point , we should be ready to start developing our application with CDT .

  10. 您可以进行测试,使用一个可用的基本SOA自评估工具确定您是否准备好开始SOA旅程,并确定实现改进的机会有多大。

    You can test drive this using a preliminary SOA self assessments available to help you determine your readiness to start your SOA journey and your opportunities for improvement .

  11. 如果是在Linux或MacOSX上运行Eclipse,则已经准备好开始使用CDT开发C++应用程序。

    If you 're running Eclipse on Linux or Mac OS X , you 're ready to start using the CDT to develop a C + + application .

  12. 现在我们已经准备好开始了,在项目浏览器中用鼠标右键再次点击Web1.java文件,选择Webservices>CreateWebService菜单项。

    Now that we 're ready to start , right click on the Web1.java file in the Project Explorer again , and select the Web services > Create Web Service menu item .

  13. 如果看到>符号,则FluidSynth已经准备好开始生成声音。

    If you see the > symbol , FluidSynth is ready to start generating sounds .

  14. 请注意,此流程不是静态的,而是动态的:收集了足够的需求后,团队就基本上准备好开始初级HLD的工作了。

    Note that this process isn 't static but dynamic : When sufficient requirements have been gathered , the team is almost ready to begin a preliminary HLD .

  15. 这个拖动处理程序将被卸载,只留下最初的onmousedown处理程序,准备好开始下一轮的拖放过程。

    The drag handlers are uninstalled , leaving the original onmousedown handlers behind , ready to start the next drag-and-drop sequence .

  16. 认为设备、材料、机器、人力及常驻机构调动至现场的工作已完成并且现场准备好开始土建施工后,开具金额等于总po金额的15%的发票。

    15 % of the total Po amount shall be invoiced upon agreement that mobilization of the equipments , materials , machinery , manpower and the resident offices to the site has been completed and the site is ready to start civil construction .

  17. 我已经准备好开始赢回我的人生。

    I 'm ready to live the life that I deserve .

  18. 准备好开始您难忘的东海岸到西海岸的比赛!

    Get ready to start your unforgettable coast to coast race !

  19. %1安装程序准备好开始替换系统文件。

    % 1 Setup is ready to begin replacing system files .

  20. 现在已经准备好开始一些可快速完成的内核配置。

    Now you are ready to start some shake-and-bake kernel hacking .

  21. 动作快点,我们好开始上课。

    Hurry up so that I can start the class .

  22. 但现在我终于准备好开始新的生活了。

    But now I 'm finally ready to move forward .

  23. 把大家集合起来,我们好开始音乐节目。

    Gather the people together so we can begin the musical program .

  24. 您现在已经准备好开始构建这个报告了。

    You are now ready to begin building the report .

  25. 你们准备好开始这美好的一学年了吗

    Are you ready for a great year ? Yes !

  26. 咒骂神明不是旅程的好开始。

    Blasphemy is a bad beginning for such a journey .

  27. 准备好开始这场世界美食之旅了吗?

    Ready for a gourmet sampling from around the globe ?

  28. 我们已经准备好开始创建一些代码。

    We 're ready to start creating some code .

  29. 现在已准备好开始为断言构建本体了。

    Now you 're ready to start building the ontology for the assertions .

  30. 准备好开始我们的英语课了吗?

    Are you ready to start our English lesson ?