
hào kè
  • be hospitable;keep open house;hospitality
好客 [hào kè]
  • [hospitality;keep open house] 社交上或商业上热诚、大方地接待和款待客人或陌生人

好客[hào kè]
  1. 如果你想表现得好客的话,你需要保证客人们重视感觉很舒适。

    If you want to be hospitable , you should make sure your guests are always comfortable .

  2. 他们的热情好客人人皆知。

    Their hospitality is proverbial .

  3. 我们将永远记得他的慷慨好客。

    We will always remember his generous hospitality

  4. 无论何时无论对谁他都是很好客的。

    His hospitality was instantaneous and all-embracing .

  5. 肯尼思满怀友善好客之情。

    Kenneth overflowed with friendliness and hospitality

  6. 当地人热情好客。

    The locals are hospitable and welcoming

  7. 来到佐治亚州的每位游客都被当地人的善良、可爱和热情好客所深深打动。

    Every visitor to Georgia is overwhelmed by the kindness , charm and hospitality of the people .

  8. 他们被当地人的好客吸引住了。

    They were charmed by the hospitality of the local people .

  9. 这个镇子里的居民非常好客。

    The residents of this town are very hospitable .

  10. 当地人以殷勤好客闻名。

    The natives are noted for their hospitality .

  11. 那人十分好客,无论是他的朋友还是同事,他都盛情接待。

    The man is very hospitable ; he keeps open house for his friends and fellow-workers .

  12. 他这个人热情好客。

    He is a warm and hospitable man .

  13. 中国人是世界上最好客的群体之一。

    Chinese people are among the most hospitable people in the world .

  14. 热情好客一直是中国文化和传统的重要组成部分。

    Being warm and hospitable has long been an important part of Chinese culture and tradition .

  15. 美国人的好客从家里开始。

    American hospitality begins at home .

  16. 他们热情好客,却常常迟到

    Their fervency is hospitable , but often arrives late .

  17. 译文:我要感谢你们无与伦比的盛情款待。中国人民正是以这种热情好客而闻明世界的。

    I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world .

  18. 教会区(Mission)那依旧活跃、古怪又好客的个性;

    the Mission 's still-feisty , freaky , welcome-all-comers character ;

  19. 不管你是远方的客人,还是自己家里的亲戚朋友,XX人十分热情,好客。

    No matter you are dear guests , or their home 's relatives , XX people very enthusiastic , hospitality .

  20. 新西兰人,更确切地说Kiwis,(新西兰人自称几维人),友善好客。

    New Zealanders , or rather the Kiwis , are friendly and hospitable .

  21. 体育与好客天性将在CromlixHouseHotel酒店完美相融,这座有15间客房的度假村由邓布兰(Dunblane)一座维多利亚风格的楼房改建而成,是本地名人、网球冠军安迪·莫瑞(AndyMurray)的产业,预计在4月份开张。—

    Sports and hospitality will meet at Cromlix House Hotel , a 15-room resort that the tennis champion and local hero Andy Murray plans to open in April in a Victorian mansion in Dunblane . -

  22. UNLV新加坡提供旅馆管理和好客管理学士学位,和行政好客管理硕士学位。

    UNLV Singapore offers bachelor 's degree programs in hotel administration and hospitality management as well as an executive master 's degree in hospitality administration .

  23. 那里的人们特别善良、友好而好客。

    The people there are especially kind , friendly and hospitable .

  24. 香港的谦恭延伸到了不同寻常的好客之中。

    Hong Kong 's courtesy extends itself into outrageously generous hospitality .

  25. 这次经历让我对中国人的热情好客钦佩不已。

    This aroused my admiration toward the friendliness of Chinese people .

  26. 应该记住,美国人好客;

    The important thing to remember is that Americans welcome guests ;

  27. 这些野蛮人通常是友善,谦恭和好客的。

    These savages were usually friendly , courteous , and hospitable .

  28. 他这身装束似乎显示了他的好客。

    His very clothes seemed to partake of his hospitable nature .

  29. 一位好客的服务员教了我几句意大利语。

    A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian .

  30. 好客:每天的客房服务都很有效率,无可挑剔。

    Hospitality : The daily room servicing was efficient and faultless .