
  • 网络water aerobics
  1. 水中健美操训练能提高会员的力量素质及柔韧素质,表现于仰卧起坐、站位体前屈测试指标在训练后明显提高,且差异非常显著。

    Water Aerobics training can be referred to members of the quality of the power quality and flexibility , performance in the sit-ups , stations and Reach test data after training markedly improved , and the difference is very noticeable . 4 .

  2. 水中健美操训练能使会员的心肺功能以及平衡能力都在训练后均得到显著改善。

    Water aerobics training will able to significantly improve members of the cardiopulmonary function and balance in both before and after training . 3 .