
What is All about Struggle against Landlords ? The Junker and German Political Modernization
You played cribbage with a weasel once ?
What is Fight The Landlord ?
A national tournament of " Fight the Landlord , " a popular strategic card game in China , has been officially launched .
This is the first nationwide " Fight the Landlord " competition since the game was first recognized as a sport earlier this year .
Participants of the national " Fight the Landlord " tournament will be selected through a mass election , which will conclude in June 2017 .
The causes of such an event in which millions of people fought one another , peasants turned on landlords , brothers on brothers and wives on husbands , cannot be the fault of one man .
When the struggle against the landlords of Stone Wall Village ended , an immediate settlement of accounts was begun .
Abolition of the landlords also meant weakening of the paternal system , the break-up of the traditional family and the authority of men over women .
After the struggle against the landlords , the cadres urged the village to organize a Farmers Association and then to elect officers from among the155 members of whom thirty were women .