
  1. 斗地主斗什么?容克与德国政治现代化

    What is All about Struggle against Landlords ? The Junker and German Political Modernization

  2. 你有一次跟黄鼠狼斗地主?

    You played cribbage with a weasel once ?

  3. 什么是斗地主?

    What is Fight The Landlord ?

  4. “斗地主”全国锦标赛近日正式启动,“斗地主”是我国流行的策略纸牌游戏。

    A national tournament of " Fight the Landlord , " a popular strategic card game in China , has been officially launched .

  5. 这是自今年年初“斗地主”被首次认证为竞技运动项目以来的首届“斗地主”全国大赛。

    This is the first nationwide " Fight the Landlord " competition since the game was first recognized as a sport earlier this year .

  6. “斗地主”全国锦标赛的参赛者将通过“海选”选出,“海选”活动将于2017年6月截止。

    Participants of the national " Fight the Landlord " tournament will be selected through a mass election , which will conclude in June 2017 .

  7. 亿万人陷入内战,农民斗地主、兄弟阋墙、夫妻反目,这一切不可能是由一个人的错误造成的。

    The causes of such an event in which millions of people fought one another , peasants turned on landlords , brothers on brothers and wives on husbands , cannot be the fault of one man .

  8. 石壁村的群众斗倒地主王常盈之后,接着对其财产进行了清算。

    When the struggle against the landlords of Stone Wall Village ended , an immediate settlement of accounts was begun .

  9. 斗倒地主也削弱了封建家长制,打破了旧家庭传统观念。

    Abolition of the landlords also meant weakening of the paternal system , the break-up of the traditional family and the authority of men over women .

  10. 斗倒地主以后,工作组的干部又在村里发动群众组织“农民协会”,从一百五十五名会员中(其中妇女会员三十人),选出了若干名村干部。

    After the struggle against the landlords , the cadres urged the village to organize a Farmers Association and then to elect officers from among the155 members of whom thirty were women .