
dòu zuǐ
  • squabble;bicker;tiff;quarrel;talk glibly;barney
斗嘴 [dòu zuǐ]
  • (1) [quarrel;bicker]∶争吵

  • (2) [talk glibly]∶互相耍嘴皮子,开玩笑

斗嘴[dòu zuǐ]
  1. 我以前没见过你跟女人斗嘴。

    I 've never seen you in a domestic squabble before .

  2. 小男女斗嘴斗气,有了一种别样的关系。

    Vindictive little men and women squabble , with a different kind of relationship .

  3. 布兰德摇了摇头。他已经厌烦了和这个男人斗嘴。

    Brand shook his head . He was tired of bandying words with the man

  4. 我那个4岁大的孩子常和他的小伙伴们斗嘴。

    My four-year-old squabbles with his friends

  5. 这两个孩子总是为些小事斗嘴。

    The two children were always bickering with each other over small matters .

  6. 别再斗嘴了。

    Stop bickering !

  7. 就算是吵架也好,斗嘴也好,开心也好,出气也好,你永远是我心中最好的死党。

    Although we fight , we bicker1 , delight or even anger , you are my best friend forever in my heart .

  8. 不幸的是,齐普自林肯高中毕业后并未变成熟多少。罗斯和瑞秋继续为分手而斗嘴。

    Ross and Rachel continue to bicker about their break-up .

  9. 他俩从一块儿读书起就没停过斗嘴。

    They 've been sparring-partners ever since they were at school together .

  10. 我不打算跟吉米斗嘴。

    I 'm not going to bandy words with jimmy .

  11. 你们为什么就知道在这里斗嘴啊?

    Why are you always at each other 's throat ?

  12. 他们斗嘴而且上彼此情形,当然。

    They bickered and got on each other 's cases , sure .

  13. 我不仅每周要忍受你们的斗嘴。

    Not only do I have to put up with your bickering .

  14. 每当争吵或斗嘴时,她不会一走了之。

    She won 't leave during an argument , or on bad terms .

  15. 约翰时常为了琐细的事跟他的兄弟斗嘴。

    John often squabbles with his brother about trivial .

  16. 不过我不是常跟你说,别跟埃德加斗嘴吗?

    But how often have I asked you not to answer Edgar back ?

  17. 马克:你们两个已经像老夫老妻一样斗嘴了。

    Mark : You two are already squabbling like an old married couple .

  18. 他们把我们派到这里,不是要我们相互斗嘴争吵。

    They didn 't send us here to bicker .

  19. 他们由于无聊而老是斗嘴争吵。

    Their boredom made them quarrelsome and cantankerous .

  20. 我爸妈忙着斗嘴

    My parents were so busy fighting each other

  21. 话音刚落,他们又开始斗嘴了。

    Then they started it over again quarreling .

  22. 孩子们的斗嘴惹恼他们的父母。

    Children 's squabbles annoy their parents .

  23. 医生们看他们斗嘴,笑了。

    Doctors were watching on , amused .

  24. 杰克喜欢和每一个人决战到底。嘿,小心点儿,伙计们。杰克不管跟谁都要斗嘴。

    Jack enjoys going toe-to-toe with everyone .

  25. 死海维尔和比尔在斗嘴,争论谁的爸爸更强壮。?

    The Dead Sea Will and Bill were quarrelling about whose father was the stronger .

  26. 这是我们相识以来第一次真正斗嘴

    For the first time in our entire relationship , we had a real fight .

  27. 房间里有几个男工隔着老远,在和女工们斗嘴。

    Several of the men in the room exchanged compliments with the girls at long range .

  28. 我和弟弟虽然喜欢斗嘴,但我们的感情非常好!

    Though I like to exchange words with my little brother , we love each other .

  29. 是的,她有个疯狂的妈妈,总是和我斗嘴。

    Yeah , she 's got this crazy mother who 's always , like , sparring with me .

  30. 一项最新研究发现,夫妻双方在必要的时候斗斗嘴有益于身体健康。

    A good fight with your spouse could be good for the health , a new study has found .