
  1. 考古学家在罗塔尔的沿海城市发现了一个大块的挖掘导管入坞设备。

    Archaeologists have discovered a massive , dredged canal and docking facility at the coastal city of Lothal .

  2. 城市发现:城市文化遗产的保护与传承&第四届长江三角洲建筑与规划研究生论坛

    City Discovery : Protection and Inheritance of City Cultural Heritage The Fourth Forum of Architecture and Planning in Yangtze River Delta

  3. 如今,许多后工业城市发现自己正置身于一个二十年前还几乎无法想象的处境:面临沦为自身成功的牺牲品的风险。

    Many post-industrial cities now find themselves in a position almost unimaginable only a couple of decades ago : they risk falling victim to their own success .

  4. 这份报告在几个主要的城市里发现了它描述为“无法容忍的空气污染情况”。

    The report found what it described as'unacceptable levels of air pollution'in several major cities .

  5. 所有城市里发现的东西都放在洞穴的一个角落里。

    All the things found in the city were put in a corner of the cave .

  6. 在一个城市里发现了巨大、建得十分好的浴室,也许是一个公共浴室。

    Found at one city is an enormous well-built bath , which may have been a public bath .

  7. 智慧的城市能够发现这些问题,并寻找实现部门之间交互和根据调整资源的方法。

    Smarter cities recognize these limitations and look for ways to enable inter-department interaction and the coordination of resources as necessary .

  8. 然而,由于飞涨的租金及其他生活开支,许多年轻的中国城市居民发现很难存下钱。

    However , driven by soaring rents and other living expenses , many young city-dwellers in China find it hard to save money .

  9. 如今,他重点关注7座城市来发现使之成为文化、政治和技术进步中心的条件。

    Now , he focuses on seven cities to uncover the circumstances that turned them into hubs of cultural , political and technological progress .

  10. 他们的投资项目可以在很多城市中发现包括上海,杭州,温州到成都和重庆附近的内陆地区。

    Their investment can be found in many cities ranging from Shanghai , Hangzhou near Wenzhou to Chengdu and Chongqing in the inland region .

  11. 通过应用自组织研究重新认识城市,发现城市的发展规律和应用这些规律来改造城市。

    To use self-organization theory as built-up standpoint to recognize the development and evolvement of urban village and make it growing up with a standard regulation .

  12. 然而就在他庆赞自己伟大的发明之时,他偶然间来到现代化的城市,发现人们家中的锅、碗、瓢、盆等各种器具一应俱全;

    As he celebrates happily his great invention , he comes to a modern city and finds pot , bowl , ladle and basin in people 's house .

  13. 然后,通过引入对比组城市,发现对比组城市的全要素生产率及其分解结果因技术的落后而明显低于资源型城市。

    Then , through the introduction of comparing group , the author finds that the total factor productivity and the decompositions are lower than resource-based cities due to technological backwardness .

  14. 据历史学家估计,这座城市大约发现于公元650年,其复杂的墓地布局和精美的园林设计都证明这里曾一度是个繁荣的部落。

    Archeologists estimate that the city was founded sometime around 650 AD , and its complex network of burial grounds and sophisticated landscaping prove that it was once a thriving community .

  15. 他在一个比较大的城市被发现(并且这个城市是巴基斯坦一个军事基地的大本营),在美国士兵和间谍们是如何确切知道他的位置这一问题上引起了麻烦。

    That he was found in a relatively large city that is home to a Pakistani military base raises troubling questions about what the country 's soldiers and spooks actually knew about his location .

  16. 我可以拿出一整天的功夫来盛赞济南,但是也许上面这些描写就足以让你探索这个美丽的城市并发现自己心爱的济南了。

    It would be possible to go on praising Jinan all day long but perhaps these thoughts are enough to at least encourage you to explore this fine city and discover your own beloved Jinan .

  17. 假设你在城市的街角发现一辆亮黄色的自行车。

    Suppose you find a bright yellow bike on a street corner in the city .

  18. 保罗泰保将伦敦中心与多塞特(dorset)和康瓦尔内(cornwall)非常热门的城市相比较发现,当地人已经买不起房了。

    Tabor compares prime London to some of the most sought-after country hotspots in Dorset and Cornwall , where the locals can no longer afford to buy their own properties .

  19. 另外的城市将被发现,比这里好。

    Another city will be found , better than this .

  20. 其中63%的药物或副产品是在该城市的分水岭发现。

    Sixty-three pharmaceuticals or byproducts were found in the city 's watersheds .

  21. 自从他来到这座城市,他发现它已发生了很大变化。

    Great changes have taken place since he came to the city .

  22. 在全世界很多大城市中都发现有光化学烟雾。

    Photochemical smog is found in many large cities all over the world .

  23. 在所有我访问过的城市,我发现情况都如此。

    I found this to be true in all the cities I visited .

  24. 首先,新市民小说比较引人瞩目的是它们对于城市风景的发现。

    Firstly it is worthy of attention that New Citizen Fiction finds the city landscape .

  25. 即便在当今社会,许多来自大城市的人们发现自己被这种生活方式所吸引。

    Even in this modern society , many people from big cities find themselves attracted by this lifestyle .

  26. 此外,它还显示这种形成的频率很高&类似于在城市环境中发现的情况。

    Additionally , it reveals that the frequency of this formation is high & similar to that reported in urban environments .

  27. 作为一个外国人,我游历了中国的很多城市。我发现北方和南方的食物风格很不同。

    David : As a foreigner , I traveled around China and noticed that the cuisine in the north and south is very different .

  28. 近日,一部原本不为人所知的由德国作曲家约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫创作的咏叹调最近在德国东部城市魏玛被发现。

    A previously unknown aria by German composer Johann Sebastian Bach has been discovered in the eastern town of Weimar , a researcher said on Wednesday .

  29. 当我们走出城市,我们发现自己两旁的身材越来越高的树木,形成一个巨大的伞盖上述元首。

    As we walked out of the city , we found ourselves flanked by taller and taller trees , which formed a huge canopy above our heads .

  30. 用市辖区人口规模代表城市规模,发现规模和城市化质量之间没有正比关系,许多小规模的城市城市化质量超过了大城市。

    There is no corresponding relation between urbanization quality and city size , and the quality of many small scaled cities is higher than that of big cities .