
  • 网络urban furniture;city furniture
  1. 城市家具除了具有使用功能之外,还具有精神功能。

    City furniture besides has the use function , also have the function of spirit .

  2. 杭州西湖城市家具

    City Furniture Design for Hangzhou West Lake

  3. 三是城市家具的管理和维护。

    The third one is to operate and safeguard urban furniture .

  4. 我国南方二三级城市家具市场消费潜力调查

    Investigation about Consumption Potential of Furniture Market in the Sub-cities

  5. 城市家具中信息导视系统的设计

    Sign Design of City Furniture

  6. 基于互动设计理念的城市家具研究&以杭州市城市家具为例

    Research of Urban Furniture based on Interactive Design Idea Taking Hangzhou 's Urban Furniture as the Example

  7. 城市家具的地域性设计

    Regional Design of City Furniture

  8. 城市家具的环境意识&日本的公共设施设计

    Environment Consciousness in Urban " Furniture " & Talking of the design of Japan 's public facilities

  9. 从符号学出发的城市家具设计

    Semiology on Urban Furniture Design

  10. 二是找到提升城市家具的方法、原则。

    The second one is to find out the method and principle of promoting " urban furniture " .

  11. 城市家具是被集中和使用于城市中的物体,是现代城市环境中的重要元素。

    Urban furniture is concentrated and applied to cities , which is the important element of modern urban environment .

  12. 四是城市家具在环境系统中的理论提炼,尝试运用到实践,再提升到理论高度。

    The fourth one is to apply theory of urban furniture to environment system , and then promote the theory .

  13. 五是让城市家具在认识上达到一定的高度。

    The fifth one and the last one is to promote the cognition of urban furniture to a certain height .

  14. 并具体从尺度、环境整体和互动结合等几个方面阐述了城市家具中导视系统设计的原则与方法。

    And finally discusses the design principle and the method from the aspects of the propriety , environmental unity and interaction .

  15. 期望能够成为一个为路人提供休息和聚集之处的城市家具。

    The concept of Minimal Surface Pavilion was conceived as urban furniture providing a place to sit and to gather for passerby .

  16. 对比您有什么经验教训的未来在这里的文章,让您可以留顺应变化领域内的花园城市家具。

    Compare what you have learned here to future articles so that you can stay responsive to changes in the area of Garden City Furniture .

  17. 本文从符号学的角度来分析城市家具的设计,是对设计如何满足现代社会发展需求的探索,从功能到符号,从符号到设计,设计不再是绘画的附属,而是建立符号系统的过程。

    From function to semiology and semiology to design , design can never be an appendage of painting but a process of constructing a semiotic system .

  18. 室外公共坐具属于城市家具的范畴,与城市家具有着一定的共性,同时它又属于家具的范畴,但又与室内家具有着不同的特点。

    That the outdoor public seats belongs to urban furniture has a certain amount of commonalities , while it belongs to the category of furniture but has some differents .

  19. 城市家具作为与城市建设相配套的辅助设施,是中国城市化建设中不可或缺的一部分,在人们的生活中起着越来越重要的作用。

    As an auxiliary facility of urban construction and an inevitable part of Chinese urbanization construction , urban furniture plays a more and more important role in our lives .

  20. 目的就是如何升级城市家具,让城市家具从现有的粗略型向追求品位方面转化;如何系统化的管理和运作城市家具。

    The aim is how to upgrade urban furniture , transform urban furniture from current rough type to pursuing taste , and how to manage and operate urban furniture systematically .

  21. 因此,城市家具设计既要考虑到城市外在形象和文化传承的表达,也要考虑到使用者市民的使用的方便性快捷性和信息传达的快速性和准确性。

    Therefore , urban furniture design should take into account not only the external city image and the expression of cultural heritage , but also the convenience and immediacy for users .

  22. 本课题意在环境系统中,梳理出相关城市家具的概念、目的、分类、规律等,找到一个清晰明确的方法,来解决中国目前城市家具中存在的问题,提升城市家具。

    This topic aims at combing the conceptions , objectives , classifications , laws and so on of urban furniture to seek out a definite way to solve the problems in current urban furniture , advance urban furniture .

  23. 本课题从环境艺术系统角度来分析城市家具设计,指出其相关问题,找到能解决问题的相关的理论依据,尝试让理论运用到城市家具实践中,反过来再提升理论。

    This topic analyzed urban furniture design from the angle of environment art system to point out relevant problems , find out relevant theoretical evidence , attempting to apply theory to the practice of urban furniture , and then promote theory .

  24. 本文从强调城市家具不但具有家具的功能属性,还具有城市信息的传递和导视这一视觉属性的角度出发,论述了信息导视系统的合理化设计对城市家具在环境中视觉作用的影响。

    This article asserts the fact that the city furniture not only owns the basic functions of the furniture , but also has the functions of information transmission and sign guide , then elaborates the influence of rationalized sign design of city furniture in environment vision .

  25. 我国城市套房家具设计多元化的研究

    The Diversification in Designing of Suite - furniture in Chinese Cities

  26. 我国城市街道家具与设施设计的现状及思考

    On the Current Situation of Domestic City Street Furniture and Fitting Design

  27. 城市户外家具是城市环境和景观的重要组成部分。

    Outdoor furniture is important components of the urban environment and landscape .

  28. 西安城市街道家具与传统元素结合的设计探索

    Exploration of Xi'an City Street Furniture Design with Combination of Traditional Element

  29. 城市户外家具的人性化设计初探

    A Survey of Humanized Design of Urban Outdoor Furniture

  30. 本文阐述了城市户外家具独特的设计原则,为其以后的设计实践提供理论支持。

    This article elaborates the special principles of the urban outdoor furniture design for further researches .