
  • 网络Urban environmental management
  1. 3S技术在城市环境管理中的应用

    Application of " 3s " Technologies to Urban Environmental Management

  2. 美国的城市环境管理及对北京的启示

    Inspiration to Beijing from the American experience in urban environmental management

  3. GIS的发展及其在城市环境管理中的应用

    Development Of GIS And Its Application In City Environmental Management

  4. 北京城市环境管理模式转变研究

    Study on Changing the Municipal Environment Management Pattern of Beijing

  5. 城市环境管理综合决策信息系统开发预研究

    Developmental Preliminary for the Integrated Decision Information System of City Environmental Management

  6. 决策支持系统应用于城市环境管理

    Application of Decision Support System in Urban Environmental Management

  7. 城市环境管理的生态预算模式研究

    Study on the Eco-Budget Procedure in Urban Environment Manangement

  8. 结构方程模型在城市环境管理中的应用

    Application of Structural Equation Model in Urban Environmental Management

  9. 生态城市环境管理经济方法体系研究

    Study on the urban eco-economic environmental management system

  10. 污染源管理是环境管理业务的基础工作,实现环境污染源信息管理、分析统计、表达的可视化是城市环境管理与环境决策信息化走向纵深发展的重要标志。

    The management of pollution source is a basic task of environmental management , the realization of information management ;

  11. 由转运站构成的转运系统的管理是城市环境管理的重要部分。

    The management of transfer system being made up of transfer station plays an important role in urban environment management .

  12. 城市环境管理中的环境文化与环境道德&城镇垃圾分类收集的施行

    Environmental Culture and Morality in the Urban Environmental Management & Implementation of Collection of Classified Refuse from City and Town

  13. 因此利用已有的城市环境管理信息系统已经难以满足矿业城市环境管理的实际要求,迫切需要一种新的技术手段来解决。

    Therefore we need a new technique to solve it because the present environment management information system cannot meet the practical demand .

  14. 建立矿业城市环境管理信息系统应用于矿业城市环境保护中,具有十分重要的意义。

    There 's very important meaning that set up the management information system of the mining urban environment , which applys to mine environmental protection .

  15. 关于实施沈阳可持续发展项目提高城市环境管理规划能力的探讨

    A Discussion on How to Implement the Project of Managing Sustainable Development in Shenyang To Improve the City 's Capacity of Urban Environment Planning and Management

  16. 传统的政府单一主导型城市环境管理体制本身存在诸多问题,无法应对越来越严重的环境问题。

    The city environment management system of the traditional government single predominates has many problems , it can 't settle the more and more serious environment problems .

  17. 另外,据北京城市环境管理委员会统计,94%的垃圾都填埋处理。

    Moreover , according to statistics released by the Beijing municipal commission of city administration and environment , 94 percent of the garbage was disposed in landfills .

  18. 最后针对城市环境管理体制中存在的突出问题提出政策建议,指出重点要从明确各级政府各部门的环境职责、完善城市环境决策机制、强化监督机制等方面促进城市的可持续发展。

    Then , the suggestions of clarifying the responsibilities , improving urban environmental policy making mechanism , and strengthening supervision capacity have been raised to promote sustainable urbanization .

  19. 垃圾管理是城市环境管理的重要组成部分,转运系统设备的合理化配置研究的意义不仅在于实现城市垃圾处理系统的整合,更重要的在于为城市管理者提供科学决策。

    MSW management is an important part of urban environmental management . The research not only integrates urban MSW treatment system , but also provides science decision-making for urban manager .

  20. 结果表明,西安市环境经济协调发展的整体水平较低,城市环境管理工作的绩效很不稳定,需要得到加强和改进。

    Results showed that the coordination level between environment and economy in Xi'an is relatively low and the performance of environment management is unstable , which need further be reinforced and improved .

  21. 现行的城市环境管理形式随着经济社会的大踏步发展和城市化进程迅速加快,已不能应对新形势的需要,形成阻碍管理效能进一步提升的局面。

    The current urban environmental management form along with the economic and social development and urbanization process in big strides rapidly accelerate , already cannot cope with the demands of the new situation , form the obstacles to further enhance the management efficiency of the situation .

  22. 基于GIS构建数字城市地质环境管理平台

    Building management platform of digital city geological environment on GIS

  23. 应用客户端/服务器结构,采用三层模式建立了一套服务于城市电磁环境管理部门的分布式电磁环境数据库系统(DDBMS)。

    Built a distributed database management system ( DDBMS ) of electromagnetic environment to serve the manage department of urban environment . The system employed a Client / Server structure and a three-layer mode .

  24. 加强城市环境风险管理,促进和谐社会建设

    Strengthening Risk Management of City Environment , Promoting Construction of Harmonious Society

  25. 近代上海城市环境卫生管理初探

    A Primary Study on the City Sanitation in Modern Shanghai

  26. 城市环境信息管理系统建设实践

    Practice on Establishing Environmental Information Management System in Urban

  27. 城市环境卫生管理是近代上海城市管理近代化的重要标志之一。

    The city sanitation is a symbol of city management of modern Shanghai .

  28. 建立长春市城市环境信息管理系统。

    Building up environment information managing system of Changchun .

  29. 浅析排水许可制度在城市水环境管理中的作用

    Analyze the Role in Permit System of Drainage in Managing Urban Environment of Water

  30. 城市生态环境管理中的伦理问题研究

    Study on Ethics Problem in Urban Eco-environment Management