
  1. 经济要素流与区域经济可持续发展

    The flow of economic elements and sustainable development of regional economy

  2. 永州市人力资源开发与区域经济可持续发展

    Human Resources Development and Sustainable Development of Regional Economy in Yongzhou

  3. 环境保护与区域经济可持续发展的案例研究

    Case Study on Environmental Protection and Regional Economic Sustainable Development

  4. 创新:资源型区域经济可持续发展的原动力

    Innovation : A Driving Force for Sustainable Development of Resource-based Regional Economy

  5. 区域经济可持续发展的无模型控制

    No - modeling control on regional economic sustainable development

  6. 甘肃区域经济可持续发展构想

    An idea of regional sustainable economic development of Gansu

  7. 区域经济可持续发展目标实施模型研究

    Implement Model Study for Sustained Development of Regional Economy

  8. 资源的保障供给是区域经济可持续发展的基础;

    The supply of resources is the foundation of sustainable development of regional economy .

  9. 区域经济可持续发展主要影响因素

    Research into the Settlement of Major Factors Affecting the Continual Development of Regional Economy

  10. 日益恶化的生态环境已成为影响区域经济可持续发展的制约因素。

    The deteriorating ecological environment has become the constraints of regional economic sustainable growth .

  11. 以水土保持生态建设支撑区域经济可持续发展

    Sustainable development of regional economy based on ecological construction of soil and water conservation

  12. 区域经济可持续发展多目标综合评价模型研究

    A study on the synthetical multi-aim evaluation model of sustainable economics development in a region

  13. 区域经济可持续发展的评价指标体系及评价方法

    The Evaluating Index System and the Method of Evaluation for Sustainable Developing of Regional Economy

  14. 长株潭区域经济可持续发展研究

    Study on the Sustainable Development of Economy System in the Region of Changsha Zhuzhou Xiangtan

  15. 区域经济可持续发展条件下重庆市产业布局研究

    Researching into Chongqing Industrial Distribution on the Condition That the Continuable Development of Area Economy

  16. 从新疆的资源、环境特点看新疆区域经济可持续发展战略

    Discussion on the Sustainable Development Strategy of Xinjiang Zone-economy From the Angle of Resources and Environment Peculiarities

  17. 以城市为主,提出了甘肃省区域经济可持续发展的目标、任务及具体政策和配套措施。

    Furthermore , he puts forth suggestions on target , task , and concrete policies and related measures .

  18. 生态问题已是制约贫困落后地区区域经济可持续发展的主要障碍。

    Eco-problem is the main obstacle which restricts the sustainable development of the regional economy in poor areas .

  19. 绿色流通:区域经济可持续发展的切入点&以湖北孝感市为例

    Green Circulation : the Starting Point of Sustainable Development for Regional Economy : Case from Xiaogan of Hubei

  20. 落实科学发展观与煤矿产权制度改革&关于区域经济可持续发展的思考

    About Reform of the Property Right System of Coal Mines & Reflections on Sustainable Development of Regional Economies

  21. 循环经济与区域经济可持续发展的实证研究&以浙江富阳造纸业为例

    Empirical study of Recycle Economy and Regional Economic Sustainable Development & Example Lifted with the Paper Industry of Fuyang

  22. 为了保持区域经济可持续发展,必须提升区域经济竞争力。

    In order to keep the regional economy 's sustainable development , the regional economy 's competitiveness must be developed .

  23. 西部区域经济可持续发展的关键是要大力发展绿色产业。

    The key to develop economy in the west of China is to devote major efforts to developing green industry .

  24. 城郊型区域经济可持续发展战略探析&以河北省正定县为例

    A strategic study of regional sustainable development of a suburban model & A case study of Zhengding County of Hebei Province

  25. 运用模糊可拓经济控制论原理,提出了区域经济可持续发展目标实施的一种模型。

    Based on the blurred and extensible economic control method principle , the regional economy sustained development implement model is presented .

  26. 南水北调工程是国家资源优化配置以及区域经济可持续发展的大型战略工程。

    The South-to-North Water Transfer Project ( SNWTP ) is the biggest strategic one for the resource optimization and economic development .

  27. 最后,在相关结论的基础上,本文进一步提出区域经济可持续发展的资源位对策。

    Finally , on the basis of related conclusions , RN countermeasures for sustainable development of regional economy have been put forth .

  28. 区域经济可持续发展的差异互补与协同&山东半岛城市群合作与发展的一种思路

    Sustainable development based on difference-complementary and synergy of regional economy & The thinking on cooperation and development of Shandong Peninsula urban agglomerations

  29. 流域山洪灾害成因机制分析与防治对区域经济可持续发展极其重要。

    It is very important for the region sustainable development to study the cause and prevention of mountain Torrent Disaster in the basin .

  30. 第五章为青岛、苏州人力资本对区域经济可持续发展贡献的比较。

    Chapter Five : the comparison of the contribution of human capital to the sustainable development of regional economy between Qingdao and Suzhou .