
  • 网络regional test;regional trail;area test;District experiment
  1. 农作物品种区域试验中存在基因型和环境(G×E)交互作用。

    Genotype by environment ( G × E ) interaction effect was an important factor in regional test of crop species .

  2. 利用AMMI模型分析大豆品种区域试验

    Analysis on Regional Test of Soybean Variety by AMMI Model

  3. 用AMMI模型分析作物区域试验中的地点鉴别力

    Analyzing Site Discrimination in Crop Regional Yield Trials by AMMI Model

  4. 应用AMMI模型分析春小麦品种区域试验

    Application of AMMI Model in the Analysis of Spring Wheat Regional Trial Date

  5. AMMI模型在芝麻区域试验中的应用

    Application of AMMI Model in Data Analysis of the Regional Trial of Sesame

  6. AMMI模型在小麦区域试验产量组成性状分析中的应用

    Application of AMMI Model on the Yield Trait Analysis of Wheat Regional Trials

  7. 此外,对南方稻区国家水稻区域试验品种特异性鉴定、DNA指纹库的扩充和鉴定标记数的确定进行了讨论。

    Moreover , the distinctness assay of rice variety in the national regional yield trial of southern China , and the expansion of DNA fingerprint database and the number of SSR markers for a feasible test were discussed .

  8. 南方稻区晚粳品种区域试验的AMMI模型分析

    Combined analysis based on AMMI Model in southern China regional trials with late season japonicas

  9. 运用AMMI模型对2000年河南省芝麻区域试验数据进行分析。结果表明,AMMI模型能具体、直观、灵敏地综合评价芝麻区域试验中参试品种的稳定性。

    The data from Henan sesame cultivars regional trials in 2000 were analyzed by AMMI Model .

  10. 品种区域试验中算术平均值、BLUP和AMMI估值的精度比较

    Comparison of the Predictive Accuracy of Arithmetic Means and BLUPs and AMMI Estimates in Regional Crop Trials

  11. 运用Tai模型对2005年参加福建省春花生新品种区域试验的11个品种的产量稳定性进行了分析。

    In this article , the yield stability of 11 new spring-planting peanut varieties , which attended the regional trials of Fujian province in 2005 , were analysed with Tai model .

  12. 本文用Tai模式和方法分析了南充地区1987年区域试验中六个花生品种的丰产性和稳产性。

    The productivities and yield stabilities of six peanut varieties tested at seven sites in the 1987 's peanut regional test in Nanchong of Sichuan Province were analysed by the Tai G. C.

  13. 作为其中的重要一环,本文介绍了农作物区域试验数据统计分析的网络实现,特别是ASP组件的开发和应用UML(UnifiedMOdelingLanguage)进行组件设计。

    Because statistical analysis for the trial data is an important component of the system , this paper is mainly focused on the development of the statistical functions with ASP components and component design with UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) .

  14. 用05%的NaCl溶液作灌溉水,对2000-2002年江苏省水稻区域试验参试品系和近年引进的部分水稻种质资源进行苗期耐盐性鉴定。

    The salt tolerance at the seedling stage by using 0 5 % NaCl solution were evaluated for rice germplasm which from regional trials of Jiangsu province and other regions in recently years .

  15. 应用AMMI模型,对2008年河南省春棉区域试验9个试验点共13个品种的基因型与环境间的互作进行了探讨。

    The genotype-environment interaction of13 cotton varieties and environment in9 plot sites of He'nan in2008 was analyzed based on AMMI model .

  16. 运用混合线性模型和AMMI模型,对四川小麦新品系两年区域试验的产量进行稳定性分析。

    By using the mixed linear and AMMI models , the yield stabilities of wheat genotypes in2002 's and2003 's Sichuan recommendation trials were analyzed .

  17. 运用AMMI模型,结合双标图对2007年国家中晚熟西北组马铃薯品种区域试验各承试点的平均产量结果进行分析。

    Analysis of average yield result of the nation mid-late in north-west in potato cultivars regional test was made using AMMI model and combined bi-plot in2007 .

  18. 该品系在2a的国家西北旱地春小麦区域试验中,平均折合产量2716.88kg/hm2,比对照品种定西35增产6.39%;

    During 2 years country regional test of northwest dry land spring wheat , its average yield is 2 716.88 kg / hm ~ 2 , and more than the contrast Dingxi 35 6.39 % .

  19. 为了解AMMI模型在小麦区域试验产量组成性状分析中的应用效果,利用AMMI模型对2002年四川省小麦区域试验资料进行了分析。

    To detect the performance of yield traits in wheat regional trials , the data collected from Sichuan wheat regional trials in 2002 were analyzed by AMMI model .

  20. 实例分析表明AMMI模型是品种区域试验结果分析更为有效的方法。

    One set of data generated from south China Rice regional trial in 1996 is used an example to show effectiveness of AMMI model in analyzing region trial data .

  21. 用HSC法分析了1995~1996年度全国黄淮南片小麦联合区域试验9个参试品种的高产稳产性,并与几种常用的统计分析法进行了比较,并进行了有关参数间的相关分析。

    The high and stable yield ability of 9 varieties , attending wheat regional experiment of Southern Huang huai River Valley in 1995 ~ 1996 , was evaluated with the method of HSC and other statistical methods .

  22. 采用高稳系数法(HSC),结合变异系数和稳定性参数,对2001&2002年度山东省高肥小麦新品种(系)区域试验的l3个品种(系),进行了高产稳产性综合评价。

    Using the high stability coefficient , coefficient of variation and stability parameter judged productivity and stability of 13 new varieties of the 2001-2002 's higher soil fertility group in wheat variety area test of Shandong .

  23. 采用灰色关联度分析法和DTOPSIS法分别对烤烟区域试验中各参试品种进行了多性状的综合评判。

    By using the grey correlation analysis , there were no significant differences among the varieties , while by DTOPSIS , the differe .

  24. 本文采用EberhartRussell模式和方法,分析了冀中北地区19861987年度区域试验中8个小麦品种的丰产性与稳产性。

    In this paper , the auther analysed the productivity and yield stability of eight winter wheat varieties in the 1986 & 1987 Middle North Hebei Wheat Regional Trial by Using Eberhart-RUssells model and method .

  25. 在区域试验和生产试验中产量分别为8845774363kgHM2,分别比对照“敖杂1”增产919%和1694%。

    The grain yield of the new hybrid was 8 845.7 kg / hm ~ 2 and 7 436.3 kg / hm ~ 2 respectively , 9.19 % and 16.94 % higher than that of the control in regional yield trial and production yield trial respectively .

  26. 为了比较不同试验点在区域试验中鉴别力的大小,提出了AMMI模型中地点得分向量长度的衡量方法,并与传统联合线性回归模型中的斜率进行了比较。

    To compare the discrimination of different sites in regional trials , the length of score vector in AMMI model was used as indicator for site discrimination and comparison was made between AMMI model and joint linear regression model .

  27. 香优1号于1997年通过四川省优质杂交稻区域试验;川香28B作为优质种质用于保持系米质改良的育种计划之中。

    Passed hybrid rice reginal trail in Sichuan in 1997 . Chuan xiang 28B as superior quality germplasm was adopted in the programme of grain properties improvement of maintainer lines in hybrid rice .

  28. 在田间试验和前人研究的基础上,以比较成熟的CERES-WHEAT模型为研究工具,以我国的主要作物小麦为研究材料,探讨了作物模型在区域试验和良种评价方面的潜在应用。

    Based on the field trial and ancestor 's research and with winter wheat as study material and CERES-WHEAT model as study tool , the potential application of crop simulation model in new wheat cultivars extension was studied in this research .

  29. 以误差变异系数(CEV)和相对最小显著差数(RLSDα)为参数,分析了江苏省水稻品种区域试验1983~1992年中粳组和1999~2003年(缺2001年)迟熟中粳组的试验精度。

    The precision of rice regional trials was analyzed by using coefficient of error variation ( CEV ) and relative least significant difference ( RLSD_ α) based on the data of medium japonica in 1983-1992 and late medium japonica in 1999-2003 ( excluding data in 2001 ) in Jiangsu province .

  30. 利用非线性规划进行作物品种区域试验方案的优化

    Optimizing the Experimental Design of Regional Crop Trial by Nonlinear Program