
  • 网络Zoning map;Block plan
  1. 最后,利用GIS绘出山西玉米种植区划图。

    Finally , the regionalization map of corn-growing region in Shanxi was drawed by GIS .

  2. 应用CF和Logistic回归模型编制滑坡危险性区划图

    Landslides susceptibility mapped with CF and Logistic regression model

  3. 根据实际采样诊断土壤类型并在GIS界面修正原始土壤分布图,完善了当地的土壤图,并且在制图过程中将研究区行政区划图根据最新情况做了修订。

    The original soil map was amended and perfected in GIS interface based on actual soil type diagnosis . The administrative map was revised according to the latest version and related information .

  4. 基于GIS的滑坡易发性区划图是现有和潜在滑坡风险的有效评估工具,可用于土地利用和基础设施规划以及发展早期预警系统。

    As a valuable tool for assessing current and potential landslide risks , landslide susceptibility mapping based on GIS was used for land-use planning and infrastructures layout , and developing the early-warning systems .

  5. 根据修订后的地震动参数区划图,《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2001)增加了7度半和8度半两个设防烈度区。

    According to the refined ground motion parameter districted-figure , 7.5 and 8.5 regions of earthquake intensity category are added in new seismic design code of China .

  6. 同时,利用此方法体系对目标城市地区的目标断层设定一个M6.5级的地震进行模拟,最后得出地震动响应的初步计算结果和分析结论,并依此给出目标城市地区地震动危害性评价区划图。

    At the same time , use of this method to simulate the target fault in city area , and the degree of this fault is M6.5 . Finally , obtains some computational results and conclusion with this system , and get the hazard zonation map of the city area .

  7. 关于下一代地震区划图编制原则与关键技术的初步探讨

    The Discussion on Principles of Seismic Zonation of the Next Generation

  8. 将预测结果进行聚类,编制了滑坡易发性区划图。

    A landslide susceptibility map was produced by clustering the probabilities .

  9. 自然灾害软风险区划图模式研究

    Study on pattern of soft risk zoning map of natural disasters

  10. 全国区域洪水风险评价与区划图绘制研究

    Research on regional assessment of flood risk and regionalization mapping in China

  11. 地震区划图的不适用范围及其补救措施

    The Inapplicable Scope of the Seismic Zoning Map and the Remedial Measures

  12. 新地震区划图的几个基本问题

    Several Basic Concerns of the New Seismic Intensity Zoning Map

  13. 中国地震烈度区划图(1990)及其说明

    Seismic Intensity Zoning Map of China ( 1990 ) And Its Explanations

  14. 等声速区划图的理论及应用

    Theory and application of constant acoustic wave velocity zone graph

  15. 基于内集-外集模型的自然灾害软风险区划图研究

    Study on Soft Risk Maps of Natural Disasters Based on Interior-outer-set Model

  16. 自然灾害风险区划图的一个潜在发展方向

    Toward a new kind of natural disaster risk zoning map

  17. 将所得预测结果进行适生性分级,制作生态适宜性区划图,并分析不同因子对模型预测结果的影响。

    The predicted result is mapped with a proper classification of suitability .

  18. 我国火山灾害的主要类型及火山灾害区划图编制现状探讨

    The Major Types of Potential Volcanic Hazard of China and Hazard Mapping Technique

  19. 10.编制新的地震区划图;

    10 . The compilation of the 1990 seismic zoning map of China .

  20. 本文研究成果将有助于地震动参数区划图的推广和应用。

    The achievements are helpful to the spreading and applying of the zoning map .

  21. 地震区划图和工程应用

    Seismic Regionalization Map and Its Application to Engineering

  22. 新疆生态保育与重建区划图的设计与编制

    Design and Establishment of the Regionalization Map of Ecological Conservation and Reconstruction in Xinjiang

  23. 中国长期地震区划图简介

    Outline of Long-Term Seismic Zoning Map of China

  24. 对《中国地震烈度区划图(1990)》及江苏省部分的有关认识

    View-points of intensity zoning of Chinese earthquakes ( 1990 ) and its Jiangsu part

  25. 新的国家地震区划图

    New national seismic zoning map of China

  26. 关于1987年中国海域地震烈度区划图的修定

    A correction of the seismic zoning map of sea areas in China and its vicinity

  27. 论述了利用遥感信息和非遥感信息结合,编制生态功能区划图的方法。

    Cartographic method of eco-functional regionalization with RS and other information were discussed in the paper .

  28. 关于在辽宁省执行国家标准《中国地震动参数区划图》的几点看法

    Some views about carring out the seismic ground motion parameter zonation map of China in Liaoning Province

  29. 新的地震区划图是按场点地震危险性分析方法给出的,它所表示的地震危险性只能针对具体的场点,不能完全反映区域的地震危险性特征。

    The zoning map represents the seismic hazard of a specific site , not the regional hazard totally .

  30. 文中还将所得结果与历史地震活动情况以及第三代区划图进行对比研究。

    We also made some comparison study with historical earthquake activity and with the new zoning map of china .