
  • 网络regional activities;Area Activities
  1. 小朋友,今天你做了什么?&从分享环节切入为区域活动把脉

    What Have You Done Today Child ﹖ & Reflection on Chinese Kindergarten Area Activities

  2. 幼儿园区域活动中教师指导行为的研究

    The Study of the Kindergarteners ' Instructing Behaviors in the Area Activities within a Kindergarten Environment

  3. 这篇最近发表在《儿童发育》期刊上的论文基于现有的一些研究,这些研究发现,遭受虐待的儿童在应对威胁时大脑的特定区域活动会增强。

    The research , published recently in the journal Child Development , builds on existing studies that show heightened activity in certain regions of the brains of children who experience abuse in response to threat cues .

  4. 现今区域活动块体划分方法研究

    Research on the Dividing Method for Present Regional Active Block

  5. 西亚经济社会委员会区域活动信托基金

    Trust Fund for the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia Regional Activities

  6. 右手经常活动会使左脑的功能区域活动强度变弱。

    The left motor area activation intensity is reduced with normal right finger movement .

  7. 基于区域活动轮廓运动目标跟踪方法研究

    Moving Objects Tracking Using Region-based Active Contours

  8. 科学构建幼儿园区域活动

    Scientifically Designing Regional Activities in kindergartens

  9. 区域活动材料观是关于幼儿园区域活动材料的看法与观点。

    Material view is the attitude and viewpoint about materials of zone activity in the kindergarten .

  10. 混龄区域活动中幼儿异龄交往研究

    A Study on Cross - age Children 's Interaction in the Mixed - age Regional Activities

  11. 加强区域活动加勒比讲习班

    Caribbean Workshop Strengthening Regional Activity

  12. 幼儿园科学教育中集体活动和区域活动关系研究

    The Research on the Relationship between the Collective and Regional Activities in the Science Education in Kindergartens

  13. 相比之下,男孩儿在同样的情况下这些大脑区域活动表现的则没有这么活跃。

    By contrast , boys in the same situation show no such increase in activity in these areas .

  14. 中尺度海气相互作用的天气现象如台风、入海气旋等在该区域活动频繁。

    The mesoscale air-sea interaction weather phenomenon such as typhoon , passing cyclone happens frequently on this area .

  15. 区域活动一般被认为是幼儿自发探索、体验探究过程并自主建构学习经验的一种学习活动。

    Regional activities are generally considered to be a major learning approach for children to explore science spontaneously .

  16. 但在进行网络搜索时,仅有网络经验组成员的脑部区域活动大大增强。

    Both groups were asked to do Internet searches and book reading tasks while their brain activity was monitored .

  17. 川西北断块东部区域活动构造体系及其对地震活动的控制作用

    Active tectonic system and its control of seismic activity in the east part of the northwest fault block of Sichuan , China

  18. 杀毒软件能够删除硬盘驱动的电脑病毒。与硬盘驱动的电脑病毒不同,硬件木马在杀毒软件保护范围以外区域活动。

    Unlike hard-drive-based computer viruses which can be disabled by antivirus software , a hardware trojan lives out of reach of such defences .

  19. 以生产上大面积推广应用的水稻主栽品种为样本,分析了东北全区域活动积温与水稻垩白率、垩白面积、垩白度的关系。

    Using the main varieties in the production as samples , the relationship between the active accumulated temperature and chalkiness of rice was analyzed .

  20. 集体活动和区域活动是幼儿园科学教育的两种主要活动形式,具有不同的特点。

    The collective and regional activities are the two main forms in the science education in kindergarten , which have both the advantages and disadvantages .

  21. 包括以大洋开发协会为主导的区域活动以及我国在国际海底区域开发工作中取得的成就。

    IDA led to the ocean , including the regional activities in the international seabed area and the development of Chinese achievements in the work .

  22. 一项测试证明,当人们读到怀疑自由的文章时,他们脑中与自愿行为相关的区域活动会立即降低。

    Electrode readings of activity in brain regions linked to voluntary behavior in a control group ( red ) and people who read a passage discrediting free will ( blue ) .

  23. 下面我就来给大家展示一下,我们所见过的最令人吃惊的,有关这两处区域活动不同的例子,同时也会介绍如何治疗这些不同。

    I 'm going to present you one of the most dramatic examples we 've seen of differences in brain activations in these areas , and how these differences can be remedy .

  24. 在重视培养合作能力的时代,幼儿混龄区域活动作为一种新的区域活动形式,受到世界幼教同行的关注。

    Cooperation ability becomes more and more important in the society , as a new kind of regional activity , regional activity of infant in mix-age has been focused by preschool education in the world .

  25. 本研究紧紧围绕着什么是区域活动,教师是怎样做的,教师该怎样做这样一条思路贯穿始终。

    The study concentrates closely on the central idea which includes the following three ones : what is area activities , in what way the kindergarteners had done , and how should the kindergarteners do ?

  26. 我建议我们先把无关人员限制在南部区域活动

    I suggest we start by confining all non-base personnel to the south side of the complex . By imposing restrictions on the political activities , the authorities concerned is choking the life out of the organization

  27. 但思考或记忆有关社会意义的描述时,则激活了背侧前额叶皮质——它是大脑社交网络的一部分——即使此时传统记忆区域的活动水平较低。

    But thinking about or remembering descriptions in terms of their social meaning activated the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex — part of the brain ‘ s social network — even as traditional memory regions registered low levels of activity .

  28. 杰夫阿伯纳西赢得他的第二次区域旅游活动,至本月底时,他席卷j。

    Jeff Abernathy won his second regional tour event of the month when he swept the J.

  29. 对于区域性活动较多的Agent,通过使用该方法可以有效地缩短路径代理链的长度,大大提高了定位操作的效率,减少定位操作失败的概率。

    The length of the path proxies can be shorten , the efficiency of location can be improved , and the failure of location Mobile Agent can be decreased by using this approach .

  30. LBF模型是一个著名的基于区域的活动轮廓模型。

    LBF model is one of the well-known region-based active contour models .