
  • 网络regional learning
  1. 老工业振兴应将区域学习作为未来经济发展的基础和核心,走区域企业集群创新道路。

    These bases should take regional learning as the core for future economic progress and walk in a clusters innovation way .

  2. 区域创新系统研究的新视角:区域学习和学习型区域

    The New Perspective in Regional Innovation System Study : Regional Learning and Learning Regions

  3. 基于区域学习的企业竞争优势&基于1639家中小企业问卷调查与分析

    A positive study on the upgrading of enterprises competitive edge by learning

  4. 地方网络通道和全球网络通道以及通道之间的全球-地方联结,其作为区域学习创新或区域发展的桥梁和纽带,日益变得更加重要。

    Becoming more and more important are local network channels , global network channels and the global-local nexuses between channels , which act as the bridges and ties of regional innovation and regional development .

  5. 1980年以来,新产业区理论和区域学习、创新理论的形成与发展有力地推动了区域研究视角的转变,特定区域经济集聚和增长在经济地理学和区域科学领域重新成为理论界研究的焦点。

    Since 1980.the creation and development of theory of new industry district and learning , innovation have strongly promoted the change of regional study view . Economical agglomeration and growth of the particular region have become the focus of circles of science in economy geography and regional science .

  6. 区域教师学习与资源中心的教育资源建设

    Tutor in area studys the education resources against the resources hearts and constructs

  7. 基于区域自适应学习的人脸图像超分辨率复原

    Region Adaptive Learning-Based Super Resolution for Human Face Images

  8. 第二部分,从学习的脑区域、学习的突触机制、学习的分子生物学基础和脑学习的原则几个角度介绍了脑科学关于学习的研究;

    The second section focuses on the research progresses of brain science about learning from learning mechanism and learning principle ;

  9. 那些能让神经系统做出最佳反应的模式包括将不同类型的信息的组织在一起,以及使用大脑的不同区域进行学习。

    The patterns those neural sets respond best to involve interweaving different types of information and using different areas of the brain .

  10. 第三部分是关于教师进修学校未来建设的目标选择,提出了把教师进修学校建设成为多功能的区域教师学习与资源中心的构想,并分析了实现这一目标所应具备的条件。

    The third is about the future objective of the teachers ' further education schools , and the essential conditions to achieve the target .

  11. 大珠三角区域的制度学习:动因、过程及前景

    Institutional Learning on the Great Pearl River Delta : Reason , Process and Prospect

  12. 区域间保健学习资料方案

    Interregional Health Learning Materials Programme

  13. 全面建设小康社会与消除贫困之区域观&学习十六大文件体会并以湖南省为例

    Regional Outlook on the Construction of an Overall Well - off Society and the Elimination of Regional Poverty

  14. 即使你在你的班级里面是最好的学生,总是试着去发现你的薄弱区域,继续学习它们。

    Even if you are the best student in your class , always try to find your weak areas and work on them .

  15. 为此,应不断整合、更新教学内容,加强区域人文地理的学习,实行启发式、案例讨论式的教学方法,以提高导游人员的服务技能。

    Therefore , we should integrate and change teaching contents , improve the study on human geography and take heuristic and case-discussing teaching method to increase tour guides'service ability .

  16. 那些意想不到的事情把我们带出了舒适区域,带进了学习区域,而学习区域正是通向不安区域的。

    The unexpected gets us out of the comfort zone and into the learning zone which leads to the panic zone .

  17. 本文的研究重点在于对学习型区域的以企业为核心的区域学习机制进行分析,以及如何建立这种区域学习机制。

    The research focal point of this thesis is to study on the learning mechanism which taking enterprise as the core in learning region , and how to set up this kind of learning mechanism .

  18. 主要介绍在区域创新系统研究中涌现的新视角:区域学习和学习型区域。

    The article introduces the new perspective in RIS research : regional learning and learning region .

  19. 对于运动区域提取,传统技术首先假设摄像机静止,再对运动区域进行学习和跟踪。

    For moving objects extraction , conventional methods suppose the camera is still and then extract the moving objects .

  20. 区域政府在加强政府-产业-大学三者之间的连接和区域学习中扮演催化剂的角色,这种角色最好以政治合法性和经济力量安排。

    Regional government plays a role as the activator in intensifying the relationships and regional learning among government , university and industry . This role should be legal in politics and arranged by the economic forces .

  21. 学习型区域是从区域创新系统理论基础上发展而来的,是区域创新和学习的进一步深化。

    The learning region is developed from regional innovation system , and it is the further promotion of regional innovation and learning .