
  • 网络Personal Marketing;individual marketing
  1. 对我国寿险公司个人营销制度的思考

    Thinking of the personal marketing system of the life insurance companies of our country

  2. 改革我国寿险个人营销制度的法律研究

    Legal Study on Reforming the Personal Marketing System in Our Country 's Life Insurance Industry

  3. 自1988年成立以来,PA保险公司以寿险为重点,从1994年引进个人营销的机制,打造培养了一支二十万人的营销队伍。

    Since establishment in 1988 , insurance Company A has focused on life insurance .

  4. 在体育界,没有什么比NBA联盟更能迸发活力的了。NBA在上一代球星上就找到了个人营销的卓越模式,并将其推向了全球。

    Nowhere in sports does star power exude more sparkle than in the NBA , which found a formula for marketing individual excellence a generation ago and has ridden it to global success .

  5. 个人营销是知识经济时代营销理论在个体行为的扩展,较之于组织营销既有相同点,也有明显不同的特点。

    Person marketing is the extension of marketing theories in the knowledge era .

  6. 如果你不知道说什么,利用这段时间来做个人营销吧。

    If you don 't know what to say , use the time for a personal sales pitch .

  7. 目前个人营销制度是我国寿险业的主要销售制度。

    The personal marketing system is a main sale system of the life insurance of our country at present .

  8. 引入个人营销机制后,中国的个人寿险市场迅速发展。

    China 's individual life insurance market has achieved a rapid development since the introduction of exclusive agents marketing system .

  9. 提供销售及市场营销培训和咨询服务,善长于个人营销,个人营销培训及电话销售策略。

    Telequest : sales and marketing training and consultancy company specialising in direct marketing , direct sales training and telemarketing strategies .

  10. 在推动寿险业发展的同时,个人营销体制的诸多弊端也逐渐凸现出来。

    While driving the development of life insurance , a great deal of drawbacks of the personal marketing system are getting protruding gradually too .

  11. 文章最后,为了让个人营销制度踏上健康发展的道路,继续发挥对寿险业的积极推动作用,我们提出了对个人营销制度的改革建议。

    In the end , to let the personal marketing system make set foot on the healthy road and continue playing the active role to the life insurance , we have put forward the reform suggestion to the individual marketing system .

  12. 与个人营销体制相比,收展制能突破现行个人营销体制发展瓶颈,有效提高续期收费水平,提升公司的市场开拓力和竞争力。

    Comparing with the individual agent system , the premium collection and repeat-sale system can break through the bottom neck of the agent system and effectively increase the amount of renewal premium collected and improve the insurer 's market penetration and competitiveness .

  13. 但同时我们可以看到我国家具工业的信息化基础比较薄弱,无论在技术上、观念上、操作性上都存在很多误区。个人营销的内容一般涉及形象、理念、能力三个方面。

    But at the same time , we can see that information-based has weak foundation in China , no matter in technically and idea , person who have operate a lot of mistaken idea . Person marketing is about the image , idea , competence .

  14. 个人寿险营销作为人寿保险销售最有效的方法,在全世界已经有超过100年的历史,寿险代理人最高的荣誉组织MDRT(MillionDollarRoundTable)早在1927年就已经成立了。

    In the world it has more than 100 years of history . MDRT ( Million Dollar Round Table ) was established in 1927 for the supreme honor of life insurance agent .

  15. 论完善我国个人寿险营销培训体系

    On Improving China 's Individual Agent Training System Personal Storage

  16. 我国银行个人业务营销策略的探讨

    Study on China 's Bank Marketing Strategies in Personal Services

  17. 并对即将完全实施的数据库营销、俱乐部营销、个人关系营销进行了详实的阐述。

    Further more we discuses the database marketing , club marketing and personal relationship marketing .

  18. 商业银行网上个人业务营销策略探析

    Strategy on Online-banking Private Financial Service

  19. 个人寿险营销机制的引进,推动了我国人寿保险业务的发展,并已成为寿险业营销主渠道。

    Individual agent marketing mechanism of life insurance is an important channel to improve the development of life insurance .

  20. 个人寿险营销发展迅猛,促进了中国个人人身保险市场的形成,但也面临着诸多挑战。

    Though personal life insurance marketing has developed quickly , which has promoted Chinese personal insurance market , it is facing many challenges .

  21. 其次分析了保险代理人制度的历史演变、个人寿险营销激励制度的内涵以及该制度在我国的优势和积极作用。

    Secondly , I introduced the history of insurance agent abroad , the individual development market management in China and analyzed the intention , the advantage and active effect of the system .

  22. 因此,对于寿险个人代理人营销体制的完善,应当以市场为导向,建立持续的长期的营销激励机制,并强化对于市场准入和销售行为的监管。

    Therefore , individual life insurance agent for the improvement of marketing system should be market-oriented and establish sustained long-term marketing incentives , and strengthen market access and sales practices for the regulation .

  23. 另外,本文还引入太平人寿四川分公司代理人流失情况作为实证,并结合太平人寿个人代理人营销制度进行分析。

    In addition , the paper also introduces the Tai Ping Life Insurance Company of Sichuan as a positive agent of wastage , combined with Taiping Life Insurance agent marketing , personal systems analysis .

  24. 二是从中外资公司的营销模式看,外资寿险公司更注重依靠费用相对较低的个人代理人营销方式开展业务,个人营销保费收入所占比重接近90%,远远超过中资寿险公司不到60%的比例。

    Secondly , foreign life insurance companies rely more on the relatively low cost marketing mode of personal agent channel , accounted for 90 percent of its total revenue , than the Chinese-funded life insurance companies where less than 60 % .

  25. 营销体制呈现出多元化,银行保险,网络销售,电话销售,专业代理,经纪公司等营销渠道也取得了较大发展,但是个人代理人营销渠道仍将占据主导地位。

    Showing a diversified marketing system , banking , insurance , Internet sales , phone sales , professional agents , brokers and other marketing channels also made a larger development , but the individual agent marketing channels will continue to occupy the dominant position .

  26. 同时,期待借助对华夏银行个人业务营销的个案研究,对类似的中小股份制商业银行的个人业务营销管理起到一定的启示和参考作用。

    At the same time , look forward to with the aid of the case study of Huaxia Bank personal financial business marketing , of similar small and medium-sized joint-stock commercial bank personal business marketing management play a role of certain enlightenment and reference .

  27. 银行营销属于服务营销的范畴,如何运用现代服务营销的理念,探求有效的银行个人业务营销策略,构建我国银行业的竞争力,成为极具现实意义的话题。

    As a branch of service marketing , it is a theme of great significant as how to apply the modern conception of service marketing to pursue effective marketing strategies in personal bank services as well as to develop its competitive capability in Chinese banking by deploying banking marketing .

  28. 本文共分为引言、我国个人寿险营销的发展、我国个人代理寿险营销模式分析、我国银行代理寿险营销模式分析、我国个人寿险营销改革路径选择、结束语等六个部分。

    This thesis is divided into six parts : preface , the development of personal life insurance marketing , the marketing mode analysis on personal life insurance of personal agency as well as bank agency , the choice of personal life insurance marketing reform path , the ending , etc.

  29. G银行S支行个人理财业务营销策略的案例研究

    The Case Research about S Sub - branch of G Bank 's Personal Finance Product Marketing Strategy

  30. 本文以市交通银行蛇口支行为案例,在对该支行深入调查和研究的基础上,用PEST方法,分析了该支行个人理财业务营销的宏观环境;

    This article based on investigation of the Shekou branch of Bank of Communication , use PEST model to analyzed the personal investments services of the bank 's macro-economical environment ;