
  • 网络individualized teaching;individualized instruction;individualized education
  1. 但由于高考的压力,目前高中英语的教学方式单一,忽视了学生的主体性,忽略了学生个性的发展,致使英语教学费时低效,因此改变单一教学方式的个性化教学迫在眉睫。

    Because of the pressure of college entrance examination , the present teaching methods in senior high school ignore the students ' creativity and personality , which lead to the inefficient English teaching . Therefore , the individualized education is imminent .

  2. 师生关系的异化与回归&个性化教学中的师生关系

    Dissimilation and Regression of Teach er-student Relationship Reflected in Individualized Instruction

  3. 但是教学策略在基于web的教学系统中的应用却非常简单,不能满足个性化教学的需要。

    However , the use of instructional strategy in these systems is too limited to meet the need of personalized instruction .

  4. 该系统由J2EE技术支持,在一定程度上实现了个性化教学。

    We realize it under the J2EE technical support . To some extent this system realizes the individualized teaching .

  5. 其中,笔者还将文章所解决的三个重要技术问题(教学平台异构集成、个性化教学和Web服务性能优化)的实现穿插其中,做了更深入实用的讨论。

    Author also mentions how to solve the three import issue including heterogeneous teaching resources integration in platform , personality education and web services optimization . They are discussed deeply in the article .

  6. 本文主要针对现有网络教学系统存在的缺陷,依据现代教育理论,利用现有信息技术,研究Web环境下的具有个性化教学和协作型学习功能的智能网络教学系统模型。

    In this paper we mainly aimed at exist network teaching system 's disfigurement , based on modern teaching theory and utilized existing information technique , we studied intelligent teaching system model which has individual teaching and cooperative learning function in Web environment .

  7. 此系统由J2EE技术为支持,在某种程度上可以实现个性化教学,为越来越多的学习者提供更为智能化、更为方便和更为高效的网络学习环境。

    We realize it under the J2EE technical support . To some extent this network teaching system realizes the individualized teaching and provides more intellectualized , more convenient , highly effective network-learning environment for more and more learners .

  8. 基于WWW的虚拟会计实验平台是远程教育开展会计实验的操作平台,发展虚拟会计实验平台,可以更好的利用网络教育资源,提高教学效率,并提供个性化教学。

    A virtual accountant experiment platform based on WWW is an experiment platform for distance education . Developing the virtual accountant experiment platform can make better use of network education resource , improve instruction 's efficiency and provide individual instruction .

  9. 基于网络的高校个性化教学研究

    A Study on Individualized Approaches to College Teaching by Computer Web

  10. 物理实验个性化教学模式研究与实践

    Research and Practive on Personalized Cultivation Mode of Physical Experiment Teaching

  11. 实验动物外科手术学个性化教学方法初探

    A Tentative Study on Individually Teaching Method for Laboratory Animal Surgery

  12. 中等职业学校语文个性化教学研究

    Research on Personality Teaching of Chinese in Secondary Vocational Schools

  13. 基于索引技术的个性化教学资源库的设计

    The Design of Personalized Teaching Resources Based on Index Technology

  14. 以学习者为中心的个性化教学模式&交际法英语教学再探

    Learned-Centered and Individualized Teaching Model & On the Communicative Approach in EFT

  15. 基于信息理论的个性化教学系统的研究

    The Research on Personalized Educational System Based on Information Theory

  16. 知识表示是实现个性化教学的基础。

    Knowledge expression is the foundation to realize individualized teaching .

  17. 小学美术个性化教学策略研究

    Strategy Study on the Fine Arts Individualizing Teaching in the Elementary School

  18. 机检教学中的个性化教学研究与探讨

    Machine Examines in the Teaching the Personalization Teaching Research and the Discussion

  19. 语文个性化教学策略初探

    A Preliminary Study of the Individualized Teaching Strategies for the Chinese Language

  20. 个性化教学在中学数学课堂教学中的应用与实践研究

    Application and Practical Searching of Individualized Teaching in Middle School Mathematics Teaching

  21. 本文以人本主义、建构主义和自主学习理论为理论依据,对大学英语个性化教学的内涵及其特征进行阐述。

    It explains the connotation and features of College English individualized teaching .

  22. 个性化教学设计可视化建模的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Individualization Teaching Design and Visualization Modeling

  23. 基于多元智能理论的艺术院校个性化教学探索

    The Exploration on Individualized Teaching Based on MI Theory in Art Institute

  24. 听障学生美术个性化教学探讨

    Discussion of Art Individuating Teaching to Deaf - mute Students

  25. 个性化教学设计模型的研究和实现

    Research and Realization of a Personalized Pedagogic Design Model

  26. 谈排球课的学生个性化教学

    Personality teach in g of student in volleyball class

  27. 新课程语文个性化教学实践

    On Personalized Teaching Practice of Language of New Curriculum

  28. 个性化教学系统中认知学生模型的建立

    Establishment of cognition student model in personalized teaching system

  29. 试论古诗文的个性化教学策略

    Individualizing Teaching Tactics of Ancient Style Poems and Articles

  30. 浅论古代文学的个性化教学

    Brief Talk on Individual Teaching of Ancient Literature