
  1. 促成了当代国际关系行为体的多元化;给国家间关系带来新的课题;

    Bring about the multiplicity of the contemporary subjects of international relation behavior ;

  2. 多边外交即多个(三个及以上)主权国家或其它国际关系行为体,通过建立并参与国际组织、举行国际会议等方式进行的在各个领域的国际合作与协调。

    " Multilateral Diplomacy " is a form of international cooperation and coordination , conducted by 3 or more sovereign states and / or other international relations actors , through varied means such as convention of international conferences or establishment and participation in international organizations , etc.

  3. 跨国公司作为世界经济的重要载体和国际关系的行为体,是经济全球化所带来的产物。

    International companies , as the important media of world business and behavioral agents of international relations , are the results of economic globalization .

  4. 区域经济一体化趋势改变着冷战时期被分割的世界,区域集团成为国际关系中的重要行为体。

    After the cold war , the integration trend of regional economics had changed the world cut apart in Cold War . The regional group had become an important behavioral body in the international relations .

  5. 首先,本文论证理性要素在国际关系理论和国际关系行为体的行为中发挥着重要的作用,理性选择主导着国家行为。

    First of all , the chapter has a study on the effect of the rationality on the international actors and international relation theory , as we know , rational choice domain the behavior of the country .

  6. 国际环境争端解决机制是指国际关系行为体为协调解决国际环境争端而共同制定或认可的一整套明示或默示的原则、规范、规则以及决策程序等。

    The international environmental dispute settlement mechanism refers to the series of rules , principles , norms and procedures formulated or approved in express or tacit agreement by the actors of international relations .

  7. 国际制度(国际机制)可以被定义为在国际关系领域围绕着行为体的集中预期形成的一系列或隐含或明显的原则、规范、规则和决策程序。

    Regimes can be defined as sets of implicit or explicit principles , norms , rules , and decision-making procedures around which actors expectations converge in a given area of international relations .

  8. 建构主义基于本体论提出国家作为国际社会的主要行为体,具有国家身份,国家身份在国际关系中界定行为体的利益,利益规范着行为。

    Based on ontology , constructivism indicates that nations , as the main actors in the international society , have national identities , which define the interests of the actors , thereby regularizing the behavior .