
Bring about the multiplicity of the contemporary subjects of international relation behavior ;
" Multilateral Diplomacy " is a form of international cooperation and coordination , conducted by 3 or more sovereign states and / or other international relations actors , through varied means such as convention of international conferences or establishment and participation in international organizations , etc.
International companies , as the important media of world business and behavioral agents of international relations , are the results of economic globalization .
After the cold war , the integration trend of regional economics had changed the world cut apart in Cold War . The regional group had become an important behavioral body in the international relations .
First of all , the chapter has a study on the effect of the rationality on the international actors and international relation theory , as we know , rational choice domain the behavior of the country .
The international environmental dispute settlement mechanism refers to the series of rules , principles , norms and procedures formulated or approved in express or tacit agreement by the actors of international relations .
Regimes can be defined as sets of implicit or explicit principles , norms , rules , and decision-making procedures around which actors expectations converge in a given area of international relations .
Based on ontology , constructivism indicates that nations , as the main actors in the international society , have national identities , which define the interests of the actors , thereby regularizing the behavior .