
  1. 利用或主要利用非国有文物、标本、资料等资产设立的博物馆为非国有博物馆。

    Those museums that are established for making use of or mainly making use of non-state-owned cultural relics , specimen , materials and assets are non-state-owned museums .

  2. 在此基础上,国家文物行政管理部门要编制全国国有馆藏文物总目录。

    On this basis , the Department of administration of cultural relics of the state should compile general catalogs of the state-owned collections of cultural relics nationwide .

  3. 国有不可移动文物的所有权不因其所依附的土地所有权或者使用权的改变而改变。

    Ownership of state-owned unmovable cultural relics shall not be changed as a result of the change of ownership of or use right to the land to which the cultural relics are attached .