
  1. 世界科学活动中心特点的历史回顾

    The Characteristics of the World Center of Science

  2. 英国在17世纪成为世界科学活动中心。

    In the 17th century , Great Britain became the centre of the world scientific activities .

  3. 积极向上的学习氛围和开放的社会环境促进世界科学活动中心的产生。

    Aspiring learning atmosphere and open social environment advance the rise of a world center of science .

  4. 17世纪下半叶,英国成为继意大利之后的第二个世界科学活动中心。

    In the 2nd half of the 17th century , England became the second world-wide scientific activity center after Italy .

  5. 美国是国际干旱区研究的科学活动中心,国际产出力指标居前的机构绝大多数出自美国;

    USA is the international scientific activity center of arid land research . The majority institutes with higher scientific output index are from USA.

  6. 然而,18世纪以后,英国失去了世界科学活动中心的地位,这一地位先后被法国、德国和美国所取代。

    However , after the 18th century , Great Britain lost its position as the centre of the world scientific activities and was replaced by France , Germany and the United States .

  7. 文章通过对世界科学活动中心与社会环境各种因素的互动关系进行分析,得出以下基本结论:在世界科学活动中心形成的过程中,制度创新发挥了重要的作用;

    The paper concludes , through analysis of the interactive relationship among the various social factors in forming a world center of science , institutional innovation plays an important role in the formation of world center of science .

  8. 只有这些事件的意义超越了国度,处于人类社会和人类文明发展的主流,并且成为整个人类近现代史的里程碑,才成为发生这些事件的国家进入科学活动中心的前导。

    Only if such event finds itself in mother current of the human civilization , and is a milestone in modern history , and its social significance goes beyond nation in which it occurs it becomes a prelude of coming into a center of scientific activity .

  9. 近代科学发展的历史告诉我们,存在着科学活动中心转移的规律。

    Modern science history indicates that there is transference of world science centre .