
  • 网络Scientific Economics;The Economics of Science;NEW ECONOMICS OF SCIENCE
  1. 应该重视科学经济学的研究

    Emphasis should be Placed on the study of Science Economics

  2. 真正的科学经济学必需有助于揭示不同历史时期的经济发展动力。要懂得些中国历史,这是中国发展的一个精神动力。

    Truly scientific economics can merely help to reveal the driving forces of economic development through different historical periods . Our people should study Chinese history ; It will inspire us to develop the country .

  3. 本文运用系统科学、经济学以及生态学的基本理论,借鉴昂谱(RMP)分析的理论,利用国际成功案例的经验分析,对神农架生物圈保护区旅游产品开发构想及旅游开发支持系统进行系统性研究。

    This essay , with basic theories in system science , economics and ecology , and with reference to RMP analysis theory and successful international case analysis , carries out systematic study on tourist products development and tourism development support system in Shennongjia biosphere preserve .

  4. 论近代自然科学对经济学形成的影响

    How modern natural science affects the formation of economics

  5. 马克思主义政治经济学是一个内容丰富的科学的经济学体系。

    Political economics of Marxism is a scientific economic system with rich contents .

  6. 范围涵盖政治科学,经济学,社会学,人类学,心理学,还有更多。

    This not only includes political science but economics sociology anthropology psychology among others .

  7. 作为经验科学的经济学

    Economics as Science of Experience

  8. 科学的经济学必须在科学的政治学可以逻辑地系统化之前发展。

    A science of economics must be developed before a science of politics can be logically formulated .

  9. 在现代自然科学与经济学最新成果的基础上,提出了一个新有限理性概念。

    Based on the foundation of new achievements in nature science , it put forward a new bounded rationality .

  10. 经济学是一门科学,经济学的研究对象包括很多,也可以把法学问题作为经济学的研究客体。

    As well known , economics is a science which embraces many objects and legal issues can also be included in .

  11. 设计科学的经济学实验,是想采用实验方法进行研究的经济学家所必须面对的首要问题。

    The design of economics experiments is the primary problem that economists who want to conduct an experimental investigation will confront with .

  12. 我们可以在工程、环境科学和经济学的领域提供最先进的服务,同时考虑到环境和社会问题。

    We provide state-of-the-art services within the fields of engineering , environmental science and economics with due consideration for the environment and society .

  13. 本文采取规范和实证的方法相结合,既有科学的经济学分析,又结合实际给出了合乎实际要求的政策建议。

    This paper applies normative and empirical method , combining the scientific analysis of economics with the policy recommendations of the actual requirements .

  14. 但是,通常,在管理科学和经济学中的聚集现象的模式是和个人决策的微观实证知识不相一致的。

    Yet for the most part models of aggregate phenomena in management science and economics are not consistent with such micro-empirical knowledge of individual decision-making .

  15. 伴随混沌理论的不断完善,混沌在科学、经济学、工程乃至哲学研究领域里的应用得到了广泛发展。

    With the continuous improvement of the chaotic theory , chaos has had wide development on the scientific , economic , engineering and philosophical realms .

  16. 本文综合了管理科学、经济学、运筹学等交叉学科的理论与方法,研究了货架竞争与供应链协调问题、两条供应链的竞争及供应链竞争下的链内协调问题。

    This dissertation studies shelf-space competition and supply chain coordination , the competition behavior between two supply chains and coordination strategy design under supply chain competition .

  17. 研究学者们吸取了来自工程学、科学、经济学和社会科学领域的专家意见,并提出,塑料的使用需要尊春“循环经济”。

    The academics draw expertise from engineering , science , economics and social science , said there needs to be a ' circular economy ' for plastic usage .

  18. 最后,历史是多门学科的基础,包括政治科学,经济学和国际关系,这三个领域都是我感兴趣的。

    Finally , it lays a solid foundation for several disciplines , including political science , economics , and international relations , three fields of great interest to me .

  19. 非线性算子不动点理论作为现代管理科学与经济学理论研究的重要工具,在经济管理领域的均衡问题中得以广泛的应用。

    The fixed point theory of nonlinear operators is applied widely in equilibrium problems of economic management fields as an important tool of the modern management science and economics theoretical research .

  20. 而历史课在人文主义的价值取向方面,具有数学、物理等自然科学及经济学等其他社会学科所不能替代的独特的功能。

    Besides , compared with the natural course like math and physics and the social courses like economics etc. , history course has its unique function in the value orientation of humanism .

  21. 时间序列分析在数学、物理、化学、生物、医学、信息科学、经济学等领域的研究中起了非常重要的作用。

    Nowadays , the application of time series analysis has already become very important in many fields , including mathematics , physics , chemistry , biology , medicine , information science and economics .

  22. 文章论述了作为文理交错的环境科学与经济学的关系,同时就法学、政治学、文学、伦理学等人文学科与环境科学的关系也作了简要的论述。

    The relations between environmental sciences ( as an interlock of arts and sciences ) and environmental economics , and as well as politics , laws , arts , ethics and the humanities were discussed .

  23. 路径依赖自从自然科学引入经济学范畴以来,被广泛用于分析各种经济现象、研究各种经济问题,成为经济学的重要理论之一。

    The Theory of Path Dependence has been widely adopted to analyze various economic phenomena and economic problems since it was introduced into economics from natural science . Now it has become one of the important theories in economics .

  24. 虚拟水概念结合了农业科学和经济学的思想,强调水作为绝大多数商品生产所必需的资源要素,最终大多数以虚拟水的形式凝聚在产品中。

    The concept of virtual water combine with agricultural science and economics idea , emphasizing water as a commodity most of the resources necessary for the production elements , and ultimately most of the condensed form of virtual water in the product .

  25. 微分方程这门学科自建立以来,就成为人们刻画事物运动变化规律的重要认知工具,被广泛应用于生态学、环境科学、经济学、电力工程和自动控制等领域。

    Differential equations are important cognition tools to represent the low of the nature , since they were established . They are widely used in the fields of Ecology , Environmental science , Economics , Electrical power Engineering , Automation and so on .

  26. 本文结合国家高新技术产业开发区的实际情况,按照管理科学与经济学的基本原理,参考技术经济评价的相关理论和方法,提出了创业期高新技术企业竞争力评价指标体系。

    Based on the principle of management science , economics and technical economy evaluating theory and methodology , this article advances an evaluation system on competitive capability of startup stage high and new technology enterprises according to the situation of national development zones .

  27. 在编制非法定规划时,规划师的思维方法、工程技术方法应用的深度、社会科学和经济学方法应用的广度等皆与法定规划的侧重面不同,具有自身的特点。

    When making non-statutory planning , planners should vary the depth in application of their thinking methods and engineering methods as well as the width of their social scientific methods and economics methods , which are different from the statutory method in their specific emphasis with their own features .

  28. 电子商务是由多学科交叉融合而形成的,注重将信息技术、管理科学、经济学等知识有机融为一体,从信息技术的角度理解交易过程,从经营、管理的角度认识信息技术的价值。

    Third , we pay great attention to incorporate other subjects such as information technology , management science , economics for the reason that E-commerce consists of many subjects , to comprehend trade process from information technology perspective and to comprehend the value of it from running and management perspective .

  29. 幸运的是,社会科学和行为经济学或许能为我们做到这一点。

    Fortunately for the planet , social science and behavioural economics may be able to do that for us .

  30. Jaynes提出的最大熵原理作为一种普遍的推理方法,受到各个学科越来越多的关注,已被广泛应用于物理学、生态学、通信科学、社会经济学,及其它相关学科。

    The principle of maximum entropy proposed by Jaynes as a general reasoning methods , attracting more and more attention , have been widely applied to physics , ecology , and communication science , social economics , and other related disciplines .