
  • 网络scientific values
  1. 试论科学价值观与青年人才的素质培养

    Scientific values and the quality cultivation of young talents

  2. 教学中应当将知识融入自然、融入社会,培养自然辩证法基本观点,开展创造性思维的培养,重视科学价值观的培养。

    Teaching knowledge should integrate into the nature , and society integration , train dialectics of nature basic viewpoints , train creative thinking and pay attention to scientific values .

  3. 关于传统科学价值观下美术心理学研究取向的反思

    A Reflection of the Research Orientation of Arts Psychology in Traditional Science Value

  4. 在当代中国,能够承担引领重任的科学价值观,必然是社会主义核心价值观。

    In modern China , socialist core values must lead contemporary college students to develop healthily .

  5. 大学生科学价值观的缺位是造成大学校园暴力事件频发的主要原因;确立以马克思主义为指导的科学价值观是解决校园暴力问题的根本途径。

    Lack of scientific value concept is the main cause the leads to the outbreak of campus violence while scientific value concept guided by Marxism is the fundamental way to solve the problem of campus violence .

  6. 在新教改的课堂上,学生不仅仅是习得知识,更重要的是,学习掌握获取知识的方法,学生科学价值观的培养。新改革注重学生的全面发展。

    The new education reform classroom , the students not just to acquire knowledge , more important things to master the method of access to knowledge , emphasizing the cultivation of students ' values , special attention to the overall development of students .

  7. 注意科学文化价值观在农村的导向作用;

    Pay attention to the guide effect in the countryside of values of science and culture ;

  8. 通过把握其建构的主要原则,能帮助我们更好的、更具体的了解科学消费价值观。

    Through grasping the main principle of its construction , can help us better , more detailed understanding of scientific consumption value .

  9. 编辑自身文化个性的修炼与完善,包括锤炼科学的价值观、树立全面的效益观,培养正确的创新观等内容。

    Finally , editors improve their own cultural qualities in shaping and cultivating views toward value , benefit , innovation and so on .

  10. 论现代科学技术价值观中人的主体性原则&关于科学技术是双刃剑的哲学思考

    On Man as the Subject in the Values of Modern Science and Technology & Philosophical Reflections on Science and Technology as a Double-Edged Sword

  11. 在当今消费社会中,我们应该摒弃休闲消费主义,确立科学休闲价值观,促进人的全面发展。

    In mass consumption society , we should abandon leisure consumerism and establish the scientific leisure values in order to promote human full-scale development .

  12. 通过在语文教学中有意识地挖掘情感教育的内容,着重培养学生健康的情感,正确的人生态度和科学的价值观。

    In language teaching by consciously tap emotional education , which focus on the emotional health of students , the right attitude towards life and scientific values .

  13. 知识价值观是一种全新的科学的价值观,它正确地反映了人们对知识的态度、看法以及运用知识指导实践的能力;

    The value of knowledge is an entirely new and scientific concept , which reflects people 's attitude toward knowledge and their ability of using knowledge for guiding their practice .

  14. 在引导我们子女树立科学核心价值观的过程中,应充分汲取《弟子规》中的思想精华,发挥传统文化的强大感召力。

    In the process to establish the scientific core values to guide our children should learn from the ideological essence of the " Rules " to play the powerful appeal of the traditional culture .

  15. 通过几个教学案例阐述了紧扣化学教材教学的同时,再加入一些创新性的教学理念对于激发学生学习化学的兴趣、培养科学的价值观等尤为重要。

    Case described by several closely linked to chemistry teaching materials , teaching , and then adding some innovative ideas for stimulating interest in chemistry , to develop scientific values , and so is particularly important .

  16. 因此,要利用两课教学,通过多种方式引导和教育大学生树立科学的价值观,从而把他们培养成为合格的人才。

    Therefore we must utilize the teaching of Two - courses , inducing and instructing college students to establish scientific outlook on values in multiple ways , to train them to be qualified person of ability .

  17. 对此,应加大消费经济理论的研究、宣传力度,用科学的价值观、消费观指导消费并通过制度约束个人消费行为价值化倾向。

    We should strengthen study of the theory of consumption economy in order to guide the consumption with scientific value and consumption , especially restrain the value inclination of consumers ′ personal behavior through a certain system .

  18. 其次,在操作上,必须制定明确的价值观教育目标,坚持正确的价值观教育内容,选择正确的价值观教育原则和科学的价值观教育方法,优化价值观教育环境;

    Secondly , we must , in practice , clarify the objects of the axiology education , take proper educational contents , choose right educational principles and scientific methods , and optimize the environment for the young college teachers ' axiology education ;

  19. 社会经济的发展和对外开放对青年的素质提出了更高的要求,科学的价值观对提高青年人才素质有着十分重要的意义,所以必须重视青年价值观教育。

    The development of society and economy and opening to the outside world sets a higher demand on youth 's quality . And establishing scientific values is one of key factors in the improvement of young talents'quality . Hence , great importance should be attached to youth 's values education .

  20. 合理渗透STS教育理念,培养学生正确的科学态度人生价值观;落实综合实践活动课,加强学生科学知识的综合运用能力。

    Penetrate the STS education idea reasonably and cultivate students ' correct scientific attitude and life values ; Implement comprehensive practical activities to strengthen students ' scientific knowledge and comprehensive utilization ability .

  21. 明式家具的科学性与价值观研究

    Study on Scientificity and Values about Chinese Ming Style Furniture

  22. 科学的社会价值观问题研究

    An Approach to the Problems about the Scientific Viewpoint of Social Value

  23. 哲学教学中应引导学生树立科学的人生价值观

    University Students Induced to Establish the Scientific Values of Life in Philosophy Teaching

  24. 今日我要讨论科学和人类价值观之间的关系

    I 'm going to speak today about the relationship between science and human values .

  25. 奥巴马称,前任政府在健全的科学与伦理价值观之间做出了错误选择。

    Mr Obama said the former administration had forced a " false choice between sound science and moral values " .

  26. 因此,必须帮助他们树立正确的、科学的核心价值观,确定积极的、实际的价值取向。

    Therefore , to help them to establish correct and scientific core values , and determine the positive and practical value .

  27. 我想告诉大家,把科学和人类价值观做分隔是一种人为假象

    So , I 'm going to argue that this is an illusion that the separation between science and human values is an illusion

  28. 科学文化的价值观是建立在理性基础上的真理观、效率观和批判精神的统一。

    The values of science culture is the unity of truth outlook , efficiency outlook and critical spirit built on the rational foundation .

  29. 在研究过程中可以看到,在数学情境&问题教学下,学生在认知方面获得发展,也逐步建立起了科学的数学价值观。

    In the course of the study , we can see that students ' cognitive development was leavened dough . Gradually establish a scientific mathematical values .

  30. 我们必须正视现实,寻找可行的途径和方法,帮助大学生树立科学的人生价值观。

    We should face the reality and look for practical methods and approaches to help college students set up a scientific outlook on life and values .